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Mexico Summer 2022 group photo

Education Abroad

Global learning is an essential part of your experience at UT and crucial to your career success. You want to go somewhere. We help get you there.

Get Started

Explore your options, think about your goals, talk to your advisor and get ready to change the world.

Find a Program

Choose from over 400 programs in 100 countries to fit your academic, professional and personal goals.

Funding Resources

Discover scholarships, financial aid and low-cost programs and learn about the real cost of education abroad; it’s more affordable than you think.

Learn. Explore. Succeed.

Going abroad is a fun, exciting and memorable experience. It also has a lasting impact on your career, preparing you to communicate effectively, think critically, and translate your ideas into action.

Education Abroad Impact

4,600+ Longhorns study, intern and research abroad every year
No. 3 highest education abroad participation in the U.S.
$1.8+ million available in scholarships annually
85 percent of UT alumni rank their experience abroad as the top contributor to their success
Student Abroad
I’m significantly more open-minded. No matter where you are around the world, you run into other people with the same goals that we have: to survive, to succeed, to become educated, to raise families and pass their values down. Life is too short. There is so much of the world to see outside of our little bubble of friends and the city we live in. Adil Danawala, B.S. '18 Chemical Engineering , studied abroad in Singapore

Global Risk and Safety

We monitor worldwide travel conditions and provide health and safety support.


Education Abroad Blog

Check out what Longhorns are doing around the world. Read their stories and explore their adventures as they photograph and reflect on their lives beyond the Forty Acres.

Education Abroad Stories

  • Logo
  • NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for Campus Internationalization.
  • 2017-18 Gilman Scholarship Top Producer badge.