Financial Aid and Loans

You can apply your financial aid award towards any approved education abroad program. Award packages are adjusted to reflect the costs of the program, so students can go anywhere and be fully covered.

Pell Grants

Students receiving a federal Pell Grant will be able to take these funds abroad for a fall or spring semester. Additionally, students should expect to receive some Pell Grant funds if they elect to study abroad in the summer.

Loans for Education Abroad

Education Abroad is an investment in your future. Many students have to take out loans to go to school in Austin, and similarly, many students choose to take out loans to support a semester or summer abroad. Students are encouraged to discuss loan options with their Education Abroad Program Coordinator.

Loan Types

Things to Think About

  • Do you have someone who can co-sign a loan for you?
  • Do you know what kinds of loans and how much you have already? Go to CASH and find out.

Disbursement Timeline


Education Abroad scholarships offered by UT departments are generally released to the student immediately after the award notification via email. The one exception is May Term scholarships which are generally awarded in December but not disbursed until late January. Students should contact the scholarship administrator if they have questions about the scholarship payment timeline.

Loans & Grants

Funds from the State of Texas and the U.S. Federal Government are disbursed to the student based on federal regulations. The charts below will assist you in knowing when you can expect to receive these funds.

May Term Programs 

May Term programs are part of the Spring semester. If accepted to a May Term Abroad program, Education Abroad will submit a program budget to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid who will repackage your aid and may reissue your Financial Aid Notification. Federal and institutional loans and grants will disburse to students at the same time as Spring aid.

Departmental scholarships decisions should be made and students should be notified by mid-November. These will release in the Spring.

Affiliated Programs - Aid Alert

Students participating in Affiliated Studies programs will not be able to receive their Texas Grant, UT Tuition Grant, Be-On-Time Loan or Top 10% Scholarship while abroad. All of these funds require a student to maintain enrollment in a tuition-based registration category. Students in Affiliated Studies do not pay UT Tuition, they pay a $600 administrative fee to maintain enrollment. Students in faculty-led programs that are part UT tuition and part Affiliated Studies may be able to receive pro-rated amounts of these aid programs.

Summer Session 2 - Aid Alert

Students participating in faculty-led or faculty-led affiliated hybrid programs for summer session 2 are required to pay their full amount of tuition and if applicable affiliated studies fee of $600 or take out a UT Austin Tuition Loan by the fourth class day of Summer Session I. Students cannot simply defer their tuition to financial aid. For more information contact your Program Coordinator.

Other Important Links and Resources