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Learn about UT Austin and undergraduate and graduate admissions.
The University of Texas at Austin is the No. 1 public university in Texas, a Tier-1 research institution and among the best universities in the world. There is no better choice than Texas.
Learn about UT Austin and undergraduate and graduate admissions.
Find housing options, campus resources and countless reasons why Austin is a great place to call home.
Dedicated advisors in Texas Global understand the international student experience and provide support throughout your time at UT.
Improve your English or prepare for university admission and studying in the United States through our English Language Center.
Texas Career Engagement connects students with the many resources available at UT to discover career options and prepare for advanced-degree programs.
By graduating from UT Austin, you become part of a vibrant network of 530,000 alumni living around the world.
Make new friends, discover the beauty of Texas and participate in exciting events outside of class.