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Students Abroad

Explore Abroad

The world is interconnected, and the job market is global. You need to cross boundaries to broaden your knowledge. Explore opportunities to learn, research, intern, and serve around the world.


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My time in Ghana has transformed my perspective on life. It made me realize that I’m in a larger equation of what’s happening in the world whether I like it or not, and I have a part to play in making the world a better place. Rebecca Chen, 2018 President’s Award for Global Learning, Ghana
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Living in Japan was an extremely eye-opening experience. So many doors will open when you get out of your comfort zone. Alondra Albarran, B.A. ’18, JET Program English teacher
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I had always wanted to volunteer abroad, and I found about Peace Corps at the Global Professional Training program for East and Southeast Asia. I would have never imagined that I could build such strong relationships on the other side of the world in such a short period of time. Miguel Robles, B.S. ’18, Peace Corps Volunteer in Indonesia
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Being in a new place allowed me to meet so many different people that I wouldn’t have been able to meet in the U.S. It was hard moving to a new place across the world by myself, but I grew so much as a person. Avi Minocha, B.S. '20, interned in Singapore
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I wanted to do something where I was interacting with people and I can see the impact that my work had on the world. Stepping into someone else's shoes is always going to be the best way to see something from a different viewpoint. Cameron Goff, B.S. ’19, interned in Barcelona, Spain

Featured Programs

Peace Corps Prep

Earn a certificate to strengthen your application to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer, attend graduate school or pursue a new profession. Peace Corps Prep recognizes your coursework and extracurricular service while honing your skills in foreign languages, intercultural competence, leadership and sector-specific subjects.


Immerse yourself in a new community outside the U.S. as you research, teach English or attend graduate school through this prestigious and competitive grant open to graduating seniors, graduate students and early career professionals.

Global Risk and Safety

If you’re going abroad on a UT program, to conduct research or for a conference, we provide safety resources to assist you on your official university travel.

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