woman holds electric tool in her hand and hunches over a table

Research Abroad

UT Austin supports student engagement in research activities. Our mission is to expand the opportunities afforded to UT Austin students by helping them identify and confirm placements in research activities with our partners abroad.

Sample Research Placements

  • France: Human Rights and Refugee topics (IFE Paris)
  • Mexico: Financial Markets (ITESM)
  • Denmark: Engineering, Science (Aarhus University)
  • Ireland: Neuroscience (University College Dublin, Arcadia STEM)
  • Singapore: Chemistry (National University of Singapore)


There are several options to support your time abroad. A research placement could be facilitated in several ways, as part of:

  • a reciprocal exchange program.
  • an affiliated / third party provider program.
  • a UT conference course.
  • a UGS 310, 320K or 320L course.
  • an independently arranged program with no credit.

How to Get Started

  1. Identify Research Area

    Identify your research area of interest and world region (Europe, Asia, Middle East, etc).

  2. Meet With a Program Coordinator

    Make an appointment with an Education Abroad Program Coordinator in Texas Global most aligned with your world region of interest.

  3. Research Facilities

    With the guidance of your Program Coordinator, research universities, labs, partner opportunities.

  4. Meet With Your Academic Advisor

    Meet with your Academic Advisor to determine if you need credit for your research.

  5. Plan Your Finances

    Make a financial plan.