
If you or someone in your family has veterans benefits you may be able to use those financial resources to support your time abroad. We are committed to doing all we can to help you make that determination and have a successful experience abroad.

GI Bill

There are specific requirements an education abroad student must meet to use GI Bill benefits to offset expenses.

  • Students must be enrolled in courses that will apply to their degree program. These courses must be certified by a certifying official with the school. In general, faculty-led programs and some affiliate programs will meet this requirement; most exchange programs and other affiliates will not.
  • The program at the “host” school in the foreign country must be approved.
  • The school where you are studying abroad must be a VA approved school.

The VA has additional rules surrounding what specific education abroad expenses it will pay, the percentage of expenses it will pay, etc. Please visit the VA website/page for more detailed information.

Read the Post 9/11 Study Abroad Fact Sheet

GI Bill Next Steps

  1. Determine if you are eligible to use GI Bill benefits to offset program expenses.
  2. Contact Student Veteran Services to inform them of your intent to study abroad and review the resources provided.
  3. Discuss the eligibility of your benefits for the program(s) you have selected with your Education Abroad Program Coordinator.

Hazelwood Exemption

Students who qualify under the Hazelwood Act are exempted from paying tuition and required fees, provided such students are enrolled in state-funded courses (reciprocal exchange or faculty-led courses). Courses that do not qualify for the Hazelwood exemption include but are not limited to affiliated studies, University Extension, and executive education (option III) graduate programs. The exemption is based on the hours you are enrolled in, and not the amount of the tuition itself.

Hazelwood Next Steps

  1. Review Information

    Review the information provided by the UT Office of the Registrar.

  2. Complete Application

    Complete an application for exemption.

  3. Inform Your Program Coordinator

    Inform your Education Abroad Program Coordinator of your intent to use this benefit towards your program abroad.

Gilman-McCain Scholarship

The Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides awards of $5,000 for child dependents of active duty service members to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs. We encourage students to apply.

Affiliate Programs for Veterans