Financial Information for New Students

Students planning to attend UT in F-1 or J-1 visa status must request a Form I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019 (J-1) to facilitate the student visa application process. To obtain a Form I-20/DS-2019, students must show proof of funding for their degree program. 

  • Students requesting F-1 status must provide proof of funding to cover the estimated expenses for their first academic year of study.
    • Proof of funding must include all of the F-1 student's school and living expenses.
    • Proof of funding must include living expenses for any accompanying F-2 dependents.
  • Students requesting J-1 status must provide proof of funding to cover the estimated expenses for the full length of their program of study.
    • Proof of funding must include all of the J-1 student's school and living expenses.
    • Proof of funding must include living expenses for any accompanying J-2 dependents.
    • At least 50% of the J-1 degree-seeker's funding must come from institutional or government sponsorship (this requirement does not apply to J-1 exchange students).

There is no deadline for students to submit proof of funding, however the Form I-20/DS-2019 cannot be issued until proof of funding has been received. 

Funding Support Documentation Guidelines

Proof of funding must be electronically uploaded and submitted via the Admissions Checklist in myIO. Upon admission to UT, students will receive a welcome email from Texas Global with instructions on completing the Admissions Checklist.

Documents submitted via mail, email, or fax will not be accepted. 

Things to consider when uploading your proof of funding:

  • Must be in English. If unable to provide proof of funding in English, you must include a separate signed translation.
  • Must contain your name. If you will submit proof of funding other than your own, you will also need to upload a Statement of Financial Support signed by your financial supporter (e.g. parent, guardian, etc.).
  • Must be current. Proof of funding older than 6 months will not be accepted.
  • Must be liquid. Funds that cannot be drawn upon and/or converted into cash without penalty will not be accepted (e.g. Mutual funds cannot be accepted). 
  • Must not exceed 10 pages.

Proof of Funding

Commonly Accepted Proof of Funding Sources:

Bank Statement

Statement(s) must include:

  • Official bank name and address
  • Name of account holder
    • If account holder is not the student, you will also need to upload a Statement of Financial Support signed by your financial supporter (e.g. parent, guardian, etc.).
  • Date of issuance
  • Type of account (e.g. checking/savings/certificate of deposit)
  • Total available account balance

Note: Bank transactions histories are not required.

Bank Certificate

Certificate(s) /Letters(s) should be on official bank letterhead and include:

  • Official bank name and address
  • Name of account holder
  • Date of issuance
  • Type of account (e.g. checking/savings/certificate of deposit)
  • Available balance and/or statement that a minimum of X amount is available to fund the student’s studies while in the U.S.
  • Name and signature of bank official
Assistantship/Fellowship from UT Austin

Enter the full name and email address of the UT staff member who may confirm your award details. This person will receive an email with directions on how to log into myIO and enter your award details (e.g. amount, semester(s) awarded, etc.). 

Government/Company/Organization Sponsor

The sponsorship letter (also known as a Financial Guarantee or Terms of Appointment) must be on official letterhead and include:

  • Full name of student
  • Name and email address of the sponsor billing contact (only needed if third-party billing is required)
  • Dates of sponsorship
  • Tuition cap, if any. If the sponsor will only partially cover tuition and fees, the amount covered needs to be explicitly stated.
  • Description of covered fees (e.g. health insurance, general student fees, late fees, etc.)
  • Sponsor signature

If your primary funding is from a government/company/organization, you may be classified as a sponsored student at UT. For more information regarding specialized billing and services for sponsored students, please visit Sponsored Student Services. 

Note: A bank loan is not considered sponsorship.

Student Loan Approval Letter

Loan approval letter must include:

  • Official bank name and address
  • Name of student
  • Date of issuance
  • Type of loan
  • Loan amount

Note: Letter must clearly explain how the money may be used (e.g. toward tuition, living expenses, etc.  

Letter of Financial Support

If source of funding will be provided by an individual (e.g. relative or friend) other than the student, a letter of financial support must also be submitted. The letter must include the bank account holder’s full name, relationship to the student, amount and duration of support, account holder’s original signature, and date letter was signed. View a financial support letter template here.

Not Accepted as Proof of Funding:

  • Auto/Home Deeds
  • Crypto currency
  • Lines of Credit
  • Mutual Funds
  • Parent/Sponsor Paycheck/Stub
  • Term Life Insurance Policies
  • U.S./Foreign Stocks
  • U.S./Foreign Tax Returns

2025-26 Estimated Cost of Attendance

Please note that if you have accompanying dependents (spouse & children under the age of 21) your estimated cost of attendance will be higher than the base cost of attendance listed below to reflect the additional living expenses for your dependents.

Accompanying Dependents

  • Spouse: Additional $10,900
  • Child: Additional $5,400 per child

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $49,862
  • Resident: $15,884

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $70,362
  • Resident: $36,384

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $23,437
  • Resident: $14,314

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $43,937
  • Resident: $34,814
Master of Business Administration

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $67,161
  • Resident: $60,963

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $87,661
  • Resident: $81,463
Master in Professional Accounting

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $53,038
  • Resident: $32,764

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $73,538
  • Resident: $53,264
MFA in Studio Art

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $32,143
  • Resident: $18,677

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $52,643
  • Resident: $39,177
School of Law (LLM)

Tuition & Fees (2 semesters)

  • Non-Resident: $55,086
  • Resident: $38,414

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $75,586
  • Resident: $58,914
School of Law (JD)

Tuition & Fees

  • Non-Resident: $62,918
  • Resident: $43,682

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $83,418
  • Resident: $64,182
Reciprocal Exchange Student

Living Expenses

  • 1 Semester: $8,335
  • 1 Academic Year: $16,670
  • Summer Term: $5,000

*Summer enrollment is only available to specific exchange partners.

College of Pharmacy

Tuition & Fees

  • Non-Resident: $57,323
  • Resident: $27,317

Living Expenses (12 months)

  • Non-Resident: $20,500
  • Resident: $20,500


  • Non-Resident: $77,823
  • Resident: $47,817
Option III/Executive Programs

Executive Programs have a different tuition structure than other degree programs at the University. Please refer to the costs below regarding how much funding will be required for I-20/DS-2019 issuance.

  • The calculation includes tuition for your program plus additional ISSS fees (such as health insurance and the ISSS Support Services fee).
  • The calculation is based on one year of expenses. If your program duration is for more than 12 months, you should expect to pay more than the estimated amount.
  • The calculation does not include summer ISSS or health insurance fees.
  • You will need to add estimated annual living costs of $20,500 to the tuition amounts.

Once you have identified your costs, you can provide financial documentation equaling that amount in myIO.

McCombs School of Business

 Tuition & FeesLiving Expenses (12 months)Total
Master of Science in Finance, Business Analytics, Marketing, or Information Technology and Management
Master of Science in Finance, Business Analytics, Marketing, or Information Technology and Management
Master of Science in Technology Commercialization
(Resident & Non-resident)

College of Liberal Arts

 Tuition & FeesLiving Expenses (12 months)Total
Master of Arts in Economics
Master of Arts in Economics
Master of Arts in Human Dimensions of Organizations
(Resident & Non-resident)

Cockrell School of Engineering

 Tuition & FeesLiving Expenses (12 months)Total
Master of Science in Engineering Management
(Resident and Non-resident)

College of Fine Arts

 Tuition & FeesLiving Expenses (12 months)Total
Master of Arts in Design Focused on Health (Resident & Non-resident)$50,111$20,500$70,611