group of smiling students standing

Dates and Costs for ELP and AEP

Program costs and dates outlined below are applicable to the English Language Program and Academic English Program only. For other programs' dates and costs, please refer to their respective program-specific page.


Tuition covers all of the following services and amenities:

  • Placement testing
  • UT libraries
  • UT computer labs and email
  • UT application information
  • Immigration advising
  • Discounts on test preparation classes
  • Orientation program
  • Social activities and trips
  • PALS conversation partner program
  • Learner Management System (LMS) for classes


Session / DatesProgram WeeksAEP / ELP IntensiveELP Each CourseElective Courses

Summer I 2025

May 19 - July 28 (Holidays May 26, June 19 and July 4)


Summer II 2025***

June 20 - July 28 (Holiday July 4)

5$1855     -----     -----

Fall 2025

August 18 - December 8 (Holidays September 1 and November 24-28)


Fall I 2025

August 18 - October 10 (Holiday September 1)


Spring 2026

January 5 - April 27 (Holidays January 19 and March 16-20)


Spring I 2026

January 5 - February 27 (Holiday January 19)



*Discounted tuition for UT affiliates

**Discounted tuition for AEP/ELP intensive students

***5-week session for AEP only; this is an intensive session designed for graduate and undergraduate students admitted to a degree program at UT or another U.S. university for the upcoming fall semester. Classes in Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing meet Monday - Friday, 9:00am-1:00pm.


Typical Expenses by Program Term

If you are applying to study with us, you should plan for additional expenses including insurance, lodging, books and supplies. Below are estimated expenses based on program term.

TermTuitionHealth insurance*Room and BoardBooks and SuppliesTotal
15 weeks
8 weeks
Summer I
10 weeks
Summer II
5 weeks

All sponsored students (WAMS, Bolashak, Turkish Ministry, SACM, Embassy of Kuwait, ADNOC, SABIC, KAUST, CBIE, etc) are subject to required University fees ($800), which include health center access and additional services. Note that all full-time students sponsored by SACM must take at least one elective course to meet SACM's course load requirements of 20 hours per week. Learn more about sponsored student services.

*Health insurance through The University of Texas is required of all students on F-1/F-2 or J-1/J-2 visas, unless they provide proof of a private policy that meets or exceeds university requirements. See our current waiver form for requirements.

Refund Policy

A full refund is available only prior to the first day of class. All refunds after classes have begun are pro-rated. Details will be provided during registration. SEVIS fees, express mail charges, and tuition deposits are non-refundable and are applicable only to the first semester applied for.

Policy on Late Students

The last day to register late is the Wednesday of registration week. After that Wednesday, new students will be allowed to enroll only as space permits. If our classes are full, we will facilitate transfers to other intensive English programs.