Food and Drink


  • Traveler's diarrhea and other intestinal infections can affect any traveler. 
  • While it may be tempting, pass on the street food (especially if there is no line for the vendor - this tells you that locals know not to eat there).
  • Boil, cook, and/or peel foods purchased. 
  • Only eat raw vegetables if they were washed well with clean, hot water.
  • Always wash your hands with soap before eating, or use hand sanitizer. 
  • If you have a food allergy, always ask the cook or person prepping the food if it contains any of your allergens – especially if you are allergic to peanuts, pine nuts, certain spices, and shellfish.


  • Drink bottled water. Check the bottle for signs of tampering before drinking, including under the label, the lid, and the bottom of the bottle. 
  • Clean bottles or cans before opening and if they are stored in ice. 
  • Do not use ice in drinks, as ice may not have been made with clean drinking water. 
  • Use safe water for brushing teeth and cleaning fruits and vegetables. 
  • Don’t drink water from rivers or open wells, unless using an iodine resin water purifier. 
  • For more information on portable water filters, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website

Nutrition Tips

  • It is important to maintain healthy nutrition while traveling. Unhealthy choices can lead to health problems and decreased energy. 
  • Eat breakfast every day.
  • Choose healthy options and foods you are more accustomed to eating. 
  • Try to limit the indulgence in high calorie/sweet foods to once a day. 
  • If you are going to be museum-hopping or sightseeing for long periods at a time, pack a bag with extra water and healthy snacks.