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UT-Specific Resources
Texas Global monitors and compiles information from a wide array of resources, including the U.S. Department of State, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, to help travelers prepare for international study, research and business. We have also curated a range of resources specifically prepared for UT Austin students, faculty and staff.
UT Austin Resources
Emergency Action Plan
Important emergency numbers including On Call International and your emergency contacts. Keep this with you at all times while abroad.
International Travel Checklist
A handy checklist of things to do before going abroad.
Self-Care Worksheet
Maintaining your mental health and well-being while abroad is important. We encourage everyone to fill out this worksheet before departure.
Emergency Preparedness Handout
Important tips on how to handle an emergency while abroad, with a step-by-step emergency action plan.
UT Austin Emergency Contact List
Contact information for important UT Austin resources such as UTPD, Student Outreach and Support, and Texas Global.
My Health Abroad Handout
A handout with guidance on making a plan for managing your health abroad.
International Crisis Hotlines
A list of American mental health resources that can be utilized outside of the U.S. and a list of country-specific emergency numbers, mental health hotlines and websites.
Emergency & Support Resource Guide
A handout explaining the campus and community resources available to university students and employees.
University Health Services
Travel health information, immunizations, counseling, and useful links.
UT Austin Disability and Access (D&A)
Information and resources for students with disabilities.
Study Abroad Access and Accommodations
Helpful information for study abroad students prepared by UT Austin Disability and Access.
24-Hour CMHC Crisis Line and Resources
Confidential resources and phone numbers to call in times of crisis.
Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL)
Resource for speaking with trained staff if you have concerns about the behavior of any member of the UT Austin community.
Timely Care
Information on how to access the virtual mental health and well-being platform for currently enrolled UT Austin students. Please note: the app must be downloaded prior to departure from the U.S.
International Emergency Card
Wallet-sized card with contact information for UT's overseas emergency assistance provider, On Call International.
Travel Management Services
Airfare, upgrades, rental cars, travel authorization especially for UT Austin students and employees.
Data Encryption Policies
Protect your information, sensitive research materials and other university data while in countries with different privacy rules or from theft.
UT Austin Export Control
The export of certain data, technologies, software and hardware is regulated and controlled by federal law for national security, foreign policy and competitive trade reasons.
If you are traveling abroad with any equipment owned by UT Austin, you must complete the TMP License Exemption form and carry a copy with you while traveling. Please note: this form does not require approval by UT Austin; it is self-effectuating upon your completion and signature of the document.
UT Austin Information Security Office
International Travel Guidelines for information security, such as laptop encryption and risks to sensitive data.
Passport Services: Texas Global
An authorized U.S. passport acceptance facility offering appointment-based services to the public Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–3 p.m.
Travel Reimbursements / Foreign Travel Authorizations
Process reimbursement forms and procedural information.