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Drugs and Alcohol
Prescription Medication
There are different laws in each country governing certain prescription medications. Sometimes substances that are legal in the United States can be illegal and/or inaccessible abroad. Check with On Call International to verify whether your prescription is permitted in the destination country and if it is accessible locally, should you need a refill. If not, consult with your physician.
Alcohol & Drug Use
Drug use is not advised at any time and can have serious health and legal implications. The U.S. Embassy will not assist you if are arrested because of illegal substances.
Alcohol consumption and alcohol content can vary from country to country. In some locations, the consumption of alcohol is not permitted at all. Some areas may not permit women to drink in public. Some regions may have restrictions on alcohol consumption during religious holidays.
Make yourself aware of the cultural norms when it comes to alcohol consumption. Ask yourself a few questions:
- Do people have just one pint with dinner or out with friends?
- Is it the norm to become intoxicated while in public settings?
- How is public consumption viewed in your host country?
- Are there laws restricting public intoxication?
- For more information about alcohol abroad, please see the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking.
If consuming alcohol, do so responsibly:
- Consider that drinks abroad may have much higher alcohol content than expected. Monitor how one drink affects you before ordering another.
- Have a designated driver and/or a friend who will remain sober for the evening.
- Drinks should never be left unattended. Cover your drink using your hand if walking through a crowd.
- Never leave friends who are intoxicated to find their own way home.