International Podcast Interviews Leaders of FILUNI Conference
- Aug 28, 2023
- Global Engagement and Strategy
- Ellen Stader
A new episode from the international Spanish-language podcast on women writers, Hablemos, Escritoras, illuminates the objectives and efforts of the leaders and contributors to the upcoming Feria Internacional del Libro de las Universitarias y los Universitarios 2023, or FILUNI.
This multinational event opens Aug. 29 and runs through Sept. 3 on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City, one of the premier universities in Latin America. This year’s attendance at the conference is expected to reach more than 35,000 participants from 10 countries. UT Austin is the first university from the United States invited to participate as guest of honor.
Podcast founder Adriana Pacheco — also a Ph.D. alumna from The University of Texas at Austin, research fellow at the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and member of UT’s International Board of Advisors — sat down with FILUNI leaders after a recent kickoff press conference at UNAM.
Discussing their partnership in the history-making international academic conference were Sonia Feigenbaum, Ph.D., UT Austin’s senior vice provost for global engagement and chief international officer; Socorro Venegas, Ph.D., professor, writer and UNAM director of publications; and Rosa Beltrán, Ph.D., professor, writer and UNAM director of culture.
The largest international delegation in UT Austin’s history — more than 130 faculty members, graduate students, performers, staffers, campus leaders and alumni — will travel to Mexico City to meet with peers and present more than 50 roundtable discussions, research symposia, live podcasts, musical performances, film screenings and exhibitions. The University of Texas Press will showcase 600 of its titles for sale at the fair’s on-site bookstore.
Articulating the unifying power of FILUNI, Hablemos, Escritoras Episode No. 453 brought together Feigenbaum, Venegas and Beltrán, all writers themselves as well as academic leaders, with Pacheco, who will present at conference panel discussions on writing, as well as record other live conversations for the podcast on-site at Radio UNAM.
Hablemos, Escritoras is the first Spanish-language podcast and encyclopedia featuring women writers from Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and the U.S. Launched in 2018 to overwhelming response, the podcast has upgraded into a multinational platform including a website and encyclopedia of writers, editors, publishers and translators; a library of book titles and reviews; a blog and newsletter; and an online bookstore with hundreds of titles.