Mosque of Divinity in Dakar, Senegal

Faculty Grants from Texas Global Awarded Across Six Colleges and Schools

  • Feb 6, 2025
  • Education Abroad
  • Ellen Stader

Texas Global supports faculty at The University of Texas at Austin by providing funding for international research, teaching, publishing, and event collaborations that advance the University’s efforts in global engagement. During the Fall 2024 funding cycle, Texas Global awarded $80,500 to 11 faculty members across 6 colleges and schools. 

To date, faculty across 17 colleges and schools have received a total of more than $1.7 million in awards for global engagement initiatives. The Texas Global Funding Opportunities page offers complete information on the many grants and forms of financial support available.   

Faculty Research Seed Grant 

Texas Global’s Faculty Research Seed Grant provides financial support across all disciplines to UT Austin faculty and the international counterparts with whom they work and research to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.   

The grant helps develop new partnerships and strengthen existing collaborations between UT Austin and higher education institutions and organizations around the world. Texas Global awards Faculty Research Seed Grants on a semiannual basis: once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. 

Fall 2024 Recipients:

Juan Guan 

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy 
“An Integrated Microfluidics Imaging Platform for Massively Parallel Droplet-Based mRNA Vaccine Formulation” 
In partnership with National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

Junfeng Jiao 

Associate Professor, School of Architecture 
“Energy poverty maps displayed on digital twins to enhance the resilience of cities” 
In partnership with Tecnólogico de Monterrey, Mexico 

Jun-Whan Lee 

Assistant Professor, Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering 
“Resilience in the Blue Economy: Hurricane Impacts on Coastal Tourism in the U.S. and Mexico” 
In partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico 

Rowan Martindale 

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences 
“A multidisciplinary study of the Middle Jurassic coral reef recovery in Morocco following severe coral extinction and reef collapse” 
In partnership with Université de Lorraine, France 

Hsin-Chih (Tim) Yeh 

Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering 
“Novel sensors based on fluorogenic aptamers and whole-cell microorganisms” 
In partnership with the National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan 

Global Virtual Exchange 

The Global Virtual Exchange (GVE) initiative contributes to the University’s mission of integrating global perspectives and innovative teaching practices into the curriculum. GVE funds support faculty members in co-creating Collaborative Online International Learning courses with peers at universities around the world.   

The courses foster meaningful, sustainable and accessible international experiences for UT Austin students and those at partnering institutions, deepening students’ understanding of subject matter and expanding their global perspectives while they engage in project-based learning.

Fall 2024 Recipients:

Amy Wright 

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Dimensions of Organizations, College of Liberal Arts 
“Exploring Organizational Experiences of Gender in the U.S. and Finland through Global Virtual Exchange” 
In partnership with the University of Turku, Finland 

Faculty Travel Planning Grant 

Texas Global’s Faculty Travel Planning Grants can benefit UT Austin faculty members working to establish connections abroad to satisfy eligibility requirements for Texas Global funding opportunities. These grants afford faculty members the unique opportunity to explore possibilities, develop connections and seek potential initiatives within their international networks in order to produce other high-quality Texas Global funding proposals.  

Fall 2024 Recipients:

Larry Andre 

Ambassador (Ret.), Professor of Practice, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs 
“Global Career Launch: Senegal” 
In partnership with Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal 

Sarah Angulo 

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts 
“Positive Psychology May Term in Copenhagen, Denmark” 
In partnership with Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS), Copenhagen, Denmark 

Adrien Smith 

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Germanic Studies, College of Liberal Arts 
“Mapping Out May Term in Berlin and Prague” 
In partnership with Humboldt University, Germany, and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic  

Campus Internationalization Event Fund  

The Campus Internationalization Event Fund is designed to strengthen global engagement on the Forty Acres. Texas Global accepts proposals for up to $10,000 from academic units sponsoring high-impact, globally oriented events that involve multiple UT colleges and schools to reach broad audiences of at least 100 attendees.  

The fund is open to colleges, schools and academic units that report to the executive vice president and provost. Examples of eligible events include academic conferences, symposia, lectures, musical performances, art exhibitions or other interactive events that promote internationalization. Events must be on campus and cross-institutional, involving multiple UT Austin colleges, schools, and/or units. Virtual events are not eligible. 

Fall 2024 Recipients:

Dell Medical School 

Department of Population Health, AMPATH Global Gathering 

College of Liberal Arts 
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs

Central Asia Policy Symposium