Texas Global Faculty Research Seed Grants
The Faculty Research Seed Grant contributes to Texas Global’s mission of developing a global mindset on campus with a focus on faculty researchers. This program provides funding and resources to support transnational research and outreach, cultivating international partnerships with higher education institutions, governments, nongovernmental organizations and global corporations across industries.
At a Glance
UT Austin Faculty
Up to $10,000
March 23, 2025
Application Information
Texas Global Faculty Research Seed Grants support faculty with peer collaborators at institutions abroad to conduct research that addresses global challenges, addressing one or more of the UN Sustainability Goals. Applicants may request seed funding of up to $10,000 to propose a new research project with a peer collaborator at an international institution. Research projects should serve to strengthen UT Austin’s partnerships with leading institutions around the world.
The following universities may match funds for proposals that include faculty from their respective institutions and/or departments. Collaborators from these institutions should consult their university administrators for details:
- Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
- Hanyang University (South Korea) (Data Science department only)
- National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan) (Fall cycle only)
- National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
- Paris Sciences et Lettres (France)
- Tec de Monterrey (Mexico)
Texas Global awards Faculty Research Seed Grants on a semiannual basis, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester.
Grant Period
For Spring 2025 applications: June 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026.
Application Deadline
Proposals are due March 23, 2025 at 11:59 pm CST and must be submitted via InfoReady.
For more information, contact us at txglobal-grants@austin.utexas.edu.
Research Seed Grant Faculty
Texas Global has awarded 52 research seed grants to faculty for research projects in 26 countries since it was launched in 2020.
- 2024 Fall
Juan Guan
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy
“An Integrated Microfluidics Imaging Platform for Massively Parallel Droplet-Based mRNA Vaccine Formulation”
In partnership with National Taiwan University, TaiwanHsin-Chih (Tim) Yeh
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Novel sensors based on fluorogenic aptamers and whole-cell microorganisms”
In partnership with the National Taiwan Normal University, TaiwanRowan Martindale
Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
“A multidisciplinary study of the Middle Jurassic coral reef recovery in Morocco following severe coral extinction and reef collapse”
In partnership with Université de Lorraine, France
Junfeng Jiao
Associate Professor, School of Architecture
“Energy poverty maps displayed on digital twins to enhance the resilience of cities”
In partnership with Tecnólogico de Monterrey, MexicoJun-Whan Lee
Assistant Professor, Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Resilience in the Blue Economy: Hurricane Impacts on Coastal Tourism in the U.S. and Mexico”
In partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico- 2024 Spring
Sergio Castellanos
Assistant Professor, Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Nearshoring and Sustainable Manufacturing: Techno-Economic Analysis and its Impact in the United States and Mexico”
In partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, MexicoJonathan Yan Chen
Professor, Division of Textiles and Apparel, School of Human Ecology
“Improving Circularity and Functionality of Fashion Products Through a UTTEC Partnership”
In partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, MexicoKelly Gettig
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School
“Exploring the Burden of Traumatic Brain Injury in Young Children in Northern Tanzania”
In partnership with Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, TanzaniaKenneth Greene
Associate Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
“Political Polarization and the Health of Mexico's Democracy”
In partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, MexicoManish Kumar
Professor, Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Flexible, Ultrathin Laser-induced Carbon Gas Separation Membranes”
In partnership with Ben Gurion University, IsraelAaron Sandel
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
“Friend and Foe: Predicting Primate Behavior to Improve Human and Wildlife Coexistence”
In partnership with Makerere University, Uganda- 2023 Fall
Shanti Nulu
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, Dell Medical School
“Optimizing Deep Learning Approaches for Enhanced Detection of Rheumatic Heart Disease from Portable Echocardiograms”
In partnership with Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, KenyaAllison Seeger
Research Associate, Chemical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Characterization of the plasma and cellular antibody repertoires during canine L. infantum infection”
In partnership with Ahamdu Bello University, NigeriaHannah Williamson
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
“Examining the relative importance of social relationships and socioeconomic status for health and well-being: A cross-national study”
In partnership with Universidad de Granada, Spain- 2023 Spring
Xiaofen Hamilton
Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
“Regular Fitness Self-testing on Improving Health-related Fitness and Physical Activity Behaviors of American and Chinese College Students Using Wearables”
In partnership with South China University of Technology and Huaquiao University, ChinaBenjamin Ibarra-Sevilla
Associate Professor, School of Architecture
“Guidelines of Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Heritage Buildings with Cutting-Edge Repairing Technologies and Methods.”
In partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MexicoMary Jo Kirisits
Professor, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Investigating the impact of free-living amoebae and their bacterial endosymbionts on drinking water opportunistic pathogens”
In partnership with University of Poitiers, FranceYan Leng
Assistant Professor, Information, Risk, and Operations Management, McCombs School of Business
“Mapping Market Structure Evolution for Disadvantaged Businesses: An Application to a Brazilian Omnichannel Retailer”
In partnership with Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil- 2022 Fall
M. Bayani Cardenas
Professor, Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
"Unseen belowground connection between land and sea and its impacts on water quality and ecosystem health of coral reefs around volcanic islands of the Philippines”
In partnership with Ateneo de Manila University and Silliman University, PhilippinesJi Ma
Assistant Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs
“The Evolution of Charity Regulation Regime in China”
In partnership with Beijing Normal University, ChinaHsin-Chih (Tim) Yeh
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
“Bioinspired nanomaterials for viral sensing”
In partnership with National Taiwan University, Taiwan- 2022 Spring
Eugenio Yatsuda Arima
Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts
"The Guacamole Effect: Environmental Consequences of Trade Liberalization in Jalisco, Mexico"
In partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), MexicoRaissa Fabregas Robles Gil
Assistant Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
"Integrating Scientific Evidence into the Public Sphere: Evidence from Mexico"
In partnership with Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), MexicoVictoria Marone
Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
"Exploring the Role of Private Healthcare Markets within a Universal Healthcare System"
In partnership with Statistics Norway, NorwayAshley Matheny
Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geological Sciences
"From Land to Sea: An Assessment of Pollution Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems in Jamaica"
In partnership with The University of the West Indies, JamaicaSandro Sessarego
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
"Documenting the Afro-Hispanic Language Varieties of Mexico"
In partnership with Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, MexicoMing Zhang
Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture
"The U.S.-China Collaborative Research on Megaregion Sustainability"
In partnership with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China- 2021 Fall
Zhengrong Cui
Professor, College of Pharmacy
"Innovative Bimetallic-Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded with a Repurposed Tetracycline for Periodontal Disease Therapy"
In partnership with University of Porto, PortugalDavid Edward DeMatthews
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy College of Education
Ricardo Ainslie
MK Hage Centennial Professor, Educational Psychology, College of Education
"Examining Effective and Sustainable Community-Based Approaches to Improving Educational Outcomes in Marginalized Communities in Mexico: A Collaboration between Enseña por Mexico and the University of Texas at Austin"
In partnership with Enseña por Mexico, MexicoBenjamin D. Leibowicz
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
"Low Demand Levers for Climate Mitigation: Amplification Through Economic Upstream Effects and Spillovers"
In partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, AustriaYang Li
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
"Testing the Domestic Violence Enhanced Prenatal Care in China"
In partnership with Shandong University, ChinaKen-Hou Lin
Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
"Employment Mobility and the Segmentation of French Labor Market"
In partnership with Sciences Po, FranceRobin Moore
Professor, Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
"Collaborative Ethnomusicology and Digital Humanities of the Americas: Research, Transmission, and Pedagogies"
In partnership with University of Guadalajara, MexicoScott Myers
Professor, Lingustics, College of Liberal Arts
"Acoustic Correlates of Focus in Luganda"
In partnership with Makerere University, UgandaKevin Thomas
Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies, College of Liberal Arts
"Collaborative Research on Knowledge, Perceptions, and Access to Vaccines for Children Living in Slum Communities in Freetown, Sierra Leone"
In partnership with University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone- 2021 Spring
Anthony Di Fiore
Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
"Next-Generation Tropical Ecology: Leveraging Emerging Technologies to Study Biodiversity in a Hyperdiverse Forest Ecosystem"
In partnership with Universidad San Francisco de Quito, EcuadorDavid Nicolas Espinoza
Associate Professor, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
"CO2 Migration through Complex Plumbing Systems in Sedimentary Basins"
In partnership with University of Oxford, United KingdomStephanie Grasso
Assistant Professor, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
"Patterns of Language Recovery in Mexican-Origin Spanish Speakers with Aphasia"
In partnership with Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, MexicoJunfeng Jiao
Associate Professor, School of Architecture
"Developing Smart Energy Neighborhoods in Seoul for Energy Efficiency and Resiliency"
In partnership with Seoul National University, South KoreaFernando Llanos
Assistant Professor, Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
"Documenting Neuroplasticity in Native Speakers of Endangered Languages in Latin America"
In partnership with Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, MexicoFilippo Mangolini
Assistant Professor, J. Mike Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
"Engineering Lubricious Interfaces for Enhancing Sustainable Development"
In partnership with University of Coimbra, PortugalMohammed Maniruzzaman
Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy
"3D Printed Medicines for Patient-Specific Treatment of COVID-19"
In partnership with Imperial College London, United KingdomMarina Peterson
Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
"Elements for a Sustainable Future"
In partnership with Humboldt University, Germany and University of Glasgow, United Kingdom- 2020 Fall
Kamran Ali
Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
"Housing and the Urban Poor in Cairo, Egypt"
In partnership with American University in Cairo, EgyptKaren Engle
Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair, School of Law
Neville Hoad
Associate Professor, English, College of Liberal Arts
"The Future of Work in an Age of Pandemic: The Case of South Africa"
In partnership with University of Cape Town, South AfricaStephanie Grasso
Assistant Professor, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
Maya Henry
Associate Professor, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
"Rehabilitating Communication in Bilingual Speakers with Language-Prominent Dementia"
In partnership with Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute, SpainTanya Hutter
Assistant Professor, J. Mike Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
"Tunable Ionization-Based Multi-Gas Detector Platform for Environmental, Medical and Industrial Applications"
In partnership with the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, PortugalJoel Johnson
Associate Professor, Geological Sciences, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences
"Assessing Floods Risks and Controls on Channel Morphology in Earth’s Most Arid Environment: Atacama Desert, Chile"
In partnership with Aix-Marseille University, France and Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, ChileCristine Legare
Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
"Cultural Variation in Adults’ Beliefs About Conformity in Children"
In partnership with University of Queensland, AustraliaJohn Ronald Lowe
Joseph Blades Centennial Memorial Professor, School of Nursing
"Talking-Yarning Circles to Explore the Educational and Research Inequities Among Indigenous Nurses in Australia"
In partnership with University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaSonia Seeman
Associate Professor, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
"Supporting Music Education at Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan"
In partnership with the National Academy of Performing Arts, PakistanJasper Smits
Professor, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
"The Mechanisms of Large-Group Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Sensitivity: An International Collaboration"
In partnership with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel