Research and Creative Activity

United Kingdom
United Kingdom Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in United Kingdom
Abigail Aiken
Public Affairs
Abigail R.A. Aiken's research interests are focused on reproductive health and span several disciplines, combining backgrounds in biomedical science, demography, public health, and public policy.
Maruthi Akella
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Maruthi Akella’s research encompasses control theoretic investigations and experimental validation of engineered dynamical systems, including autonomous space vehicles and mobile robots, flow-control systems for high-speed and hypersonic vehicles, miniature robots navigating inside GPS denied environments, uncertainty quantification, and cooperative control and collaborative sensing problems in swarm robots.
Deji Akinwande
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Deji Akinwande's research focuses on 2D materials and nanotechnology, pioneering device innovations from lab towards applications. This manifests as translational nanotechnology from materials to devices to circuits, blurring the boundaries between chemistry, electronics, physics, materials science and mechanics.
Bedour Alagraa
African and African Diaspora Studies
Bedour Alagraa is broadly interested in Black radical genealogies in political theory, history/ies of political concepts, Caribbean thought, African anti-colonial thought, and Black Marxism(s). She has also studied and written extensively on the works of Jamaican writer Sylvia Wynter.
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Donnie Ray Albert
Music Performance
Donnie Ray Albert is a regular guest of opera companies and symphony orchestras globally.
Kamran Ali
Anthropology, Asian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies
Kamran Ali's research centers on issues of health, gender, and urban issues in Egypt, and on ethnicity, class politics, urban space, cinema, sexuality and popular culture in Pakistan.
Stephen Anderson
Stephen Anderson is a quantitative researcher who studies management and policy questions at the intersection of marketing and development economics. His research program focuses on stimulating more inclusive, equitable growth in disadvantaged communities through marketing and entrepreneurship.
Owen Anderson
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Francisca Aroso
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Francisca Aroso is an expert at digital fabrication, including 3D printing and computerized numeric control, computational design, digital simulations and visualizations.
Simon Atkinson
Simon Atkinson works on the design of sustainable city communities in cities within the U.S. and abroad.
Kyaw Aung
Kyaw Aung’s mission is to deliver the best possible patient-centered multidisciplinary care to patients with gastrointestinal cancers and to find new therapies for patients with pancreatic cancer. His laboratory research focuses on understanding pancreatic cancer biology to develop novel personalized treatment strategies for patients with pancreatic cancer.
Kiril Avramov
Slavic and Eurasian Studies, Government, Public Affairs
Kiril Avramov is a scholar of non-western political warfare, particularly focusing on Soviet and Russian propaganda, influence and psychological operations.
Samy Ayoub
Middle Eastern Studies, Law
Samy Ayoub specializes in Islamic law, modern Middle East law, and law and religion in contemporary Muslim societies. He focuses on issues concerning law, its interaction with religion, and the role of religion in contemporary legal and socio-political systems within a global comparative perspective.
Vaibhav Bahadur
Mechanical Engineering
Vaibhav Bahadur’s research covers the topics of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermal management and surface science with applications in energy, water, and environmental protection.
Samuel Baker
English, British, Irish and Empire Studies, European Studies, Plan II Honors
Samuel Baker's research interests include British Romantic poetry; historical fiction, science fiction, and the gothic novel; media studies, informatics, causal inference, the environmental humanities, and the cultural analysis of the built environment now becoming known as infrastructure studies.
Lynn Baker
Lynn Baker's scholarly interests include mass tort litigation, "mega-settlements," professional responsibility (especially issues involving "aggregate" litigation and group settlements), attorneys' fees, and state and local government law. She is often called upon to serve as a consultant in mass tort settlements and as an expert on issues of complex legal ethics, settlement fund allocations, and attorneys' fees.
Edoardo Baldini
Edoardo Baldini's research interest is the study of emergent phenomena in quantum materials. His research group develops sensitive spectroscopic techniques to uncover new quantum phases of matter in and out of equilibrium. They also engineer tailored laser pulses in a wide spectral range to control materials properties on ultrashort timescales and achieve exotic functionalities for future quantum technology.
Janine Barchas
Janine Barchas' interests include 18th-century literature and culture, digital humanities, the British novel, book history, textual studies, and Jane Austen.
Jonathan Bard
Mechanical Engineering
Jonathan Bard is an expert on bilevel programming and postal operations. His research focuses on the development of efficient algorithms for problems related to airline operations, vehicle routing, and machine scheduling; the design and analysis of manufacturing systems; the use of decomposition techniques to solve large-scale hierarchical planning problems; and multi-criteria decision making applied to socio-economic systems.
J.K. Barrett
English, British, Irish and Empire Studies
J.K. Barret investigates Renaissance literary constructions of the future, the complex relations between futurity and narrative, and the emergence of novel accounts of Englishness that turn on looking to the future rather than the past in the works of Spenser, Sidney, Shakespeare and Milton.
Phillip Barrish
Phillip Barrish's research explores fictional representations of health-care systems in the United States from the 19th- and 20th-centuries.
Thomas Bay
Plan II Honors Program
Thomas Bay is an author and syndicated columnist, professor, developmental aid advocate, radio commentator, retired reserve soldier, war game designer, consultant in organizational planning and training simulations.
Ethel Bayer-Santos
Molecular Biosciences
Ethel Bayer-Santos' lab is focused on micro-biological conflicts and the weapons used by bacteria to target competitors. The group uses Salmonella and a specialized contractile nanoweapon called T6SS to understand how enteric pathogens overcome colonization resistance imposed by members of the microbiota and establish an infection.
David Beaver
Linguistics, Philosophy
David Beaver's research and teaching concerns linguistic meaning, an area traditionally subdivided into two subfields, semantics and pragmatics. He also has interests in temporal and event semantics, in the automatic extraction of psychological and social features in text and dialogue, and in broader philosophical, psychological and computational themes from cognitive science.
John Beavers
John Beavers' research areas are formal syntax and semantics, lexical semantics, and linguistic typology. He is primarily interested the nature of word meanings, including how word meanings are decomposed into more basic semantic primitives, how these primitives are interpreted truth conditionally, and how a word’s meaning correlates with and ultimately determines its grammatical behavior.
Deborah Beck
Deborah Beck's research interests include formulas and oral aesthetics in early Greek poetry, cognitive theories of reading and image processing, speech and speech representation in Homeric epic, and representations of art and interpretation in Augustan Latin poetry.
David Ben-Zvi
David Ben-Zvi's research interest focuses on the interface between representation theory, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics.
Michael Benedikt
Michael Benedikt is a professor of architecture and teaches design studio and architectural theory. His interests include architectural design, theory, and urbanism.
Magdalena Bennett
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Magdalena Bennett's research interests relate to developing and improving statistical methods for causal inference in observational and experimental studies. She also focuses on relevant policy questions in education, such as socioeconomic segregation and school choice.
Betsy Berry
Betsy Berry’s research and writing interests are in creative writing, British modernism, and American literature. She has also published critical essays on Jean Rhys, John Graves, and Beverly Lowry.
Lance Bertelsen
Lance Bertelsen's research centers on 18th-century literature and popular culture in Britain, America, and the Pacific. He also has research interests in World War II; he is revisiting the Italian campaign.
Venkataraman Bhaskar
Venkataraman Bhaskar's research interests include dynamic games and contracts, economics of marriage and family, industrial organization, and development economics.
Daniel Birkholz
Daniel Birkholz's work looks at Middle English, Anglo-Norman and Viking literature with an emphasis on geography, travel writing, and the history of cartography. In addition, he is also interested in digital humanities.
Donald Blankenship
Institute for Geophysics
Donald Blankenship investigates dynamics of large ice sheets and subglacial geology, using both airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques, including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction, and potential fields methods. Much of his research is focused on understanding the West Antarctic rift system (including the flanking Transantarctic Mountains) and the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Mary Blockley
Mary Blockley's research interests include Old English language and literature, the history of the English language, medieval manuscripts, and Germanic philology.
Philip Bobbitt
Philip Bobbitt's interests include constitutional law, international security, and the history of strategy.
Mary Bock
Journalism and Media, Communication Studies, Gender and Media Studies
Mary Angela Bock is a former journalist turned academic with an interest in the sociology of photographic practice, the rhetorical relationship between words and images, and the connection between media and social justice.
Roger Bonnecaze
Chemical Engineering
Roger Bonnecaze focuses on the discovery and understanding of fundamental phenomena in the behavior of complex fluid and materials processing flows and applying this knowledge to modeling, design and use of industrial and natural processes.
Pascale Bos
Germanic Studies
Pascale Bos' research focuses on Holocaust and Genocide Studies with a special emphasis on gender and memory, sexual violence and war, and the after effects of trauma and wartime violence. Bos is also interested in the study of autobiography as well as modern Dutch and Jewish literature & culture.
Laura Bright
Advertising & Public Relations
Laura Bright's research focuses on social media addiction and fatigue, big data and analytics, personalized advertising and digital privacy.
Danelle Briscoe
Danelle Briscoe has lectured, researched, and written extensively on the topic of Building Information Modeling for architectural and urban design.
Volker Bromm
Volker Bromm's research interests include the formation of the first stars and quasars, high-redshift supernovae and metal enrichment, supermassive black hole formation, gamma-ray bursts, reionization of the intergalactic medium, present-day star formation, and computational astrophysics.
Gregory Brooks
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Gregory Brooks' technical and teaching interests lie in contemporary architectural engineering design, advanced architectural geometry, 3D computer design and analysis tools, and sustainable design strategies related to building form, materials and facade technology.
Douglas Bruster
Douglas Bruster is an American literary critic and a scholar of Shakespeare. His research centers on Shakespeare and his contemporaries, drama, and literary history.
Erika Bsumek
Erika Bsumek's written work has focused on Native American history, environmental history/studies, the history of the built environment, and the history of the U.S. Westresearch explores the social and environmental history of the area surrounding Glen Canyon on the Utah/Arizona border from the 1840s to the present.
Mark Budolfson
Geography and the Environment, Philosophy
Mark Budolfson integrates data and methods from multi-disciplines including population-level bioethics, public health, welfare economics, and empirical sciences. This work often involves quantitative policy analyses that represent socioeconomic and health inequalities, weigh competing values and objectives for society, and assess synergies and tradeoffs between goals related to health, equity, and sustainable development.
Joshua Busby
Public Affairs
Joshua Busby is the author of numerous studies on climate change, national security, and energy policy that have been published by peer-reviewed academic outlets and various think tanks.
Noël Busch-Armendariz
Social Work, Health Social Work, Human Rights and Justice
Noël Busch-Armendariz's research, teaching, and praxis focus on violent crime, human rights, social justice policy, international social work education, restoration, and peacemaking. Busch-Armendariz has worked collaboratively with others for 30 years who believe everyone deserves to live peacefully and prosperously.
Elena Cáceres
Elena Cáceres is a theoretical physicist working in string theory and gravity. She has worked in different aspects of gauge/gravity duality, supergravity solutions and holography. Her work is focused on the relationship between quantum information theory, gravity, and spacetime.
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra's research demonstrates the deep formative role of "Latin America" to the colonial history of the U.S. and to the history of "Western" modernity as a whole, not just slavery, globalization, and capitalism but also science, abolitionism, and democracy.
Mia Carter
English, South Asia Institute
Mia Carter specializes in Modern to Contemporary British Literature, Global Modernism, British Cultural Studies, post-colonial and ethnic studies, and European and World Cinema.
Caitlin Casey
Caitlin Casey's research interests include galaxy formation and evolution across cosmic time, dust and gas observations, formation of galaxy clusters.
Elizabeth Catlos
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Elizabeth Catlos focuses on developing and applying petrochemical and geochemical techniques to the study of lithosphere dynamics and models for heat, mass, and fluid flow along major fault systems. She is interested in applying new approaches in mineral equilibria to estimate environmental conditions during dynamic recrystallization. She specializes in accessory mineral geochronology and developing techniques for isotopic microanalysis.
Kate Catterall
Design, Information
Kate Catterall’s research focuses on the ethical dilemmas faced by designers as the consequences of the design act and the broader role of the designer in culture are reassessed. Through experimental interventions she frames design as a central form of cultural production and a practice that reaches well beyond commercial application; exploring the potential of designed artifacts as tools capable of transforming actions, lifestyles and opinions.
Stephanie Cawthon
Educational Psychology, Special Education, National Disability Center for Student Success, Drama for Schools
Stephanie Cawthon's specializes in disabled experiences in high school, college, and in the workplace. Her expertise lies not only in access strategies in the classroom, but also in collaborative, disabled-centered models for research and professional development. Stephanie sits on many boards to provide expertise on best practices related to disability research, measurement, accessibility, policies, and community engagement.
Edward Chambers
Art and Art History
Edward Chambers has been involved in organizing and curating a considerable number of artists' exhibitions. In addition to his exhibition work, he has written extensively about the work of artists in the United Kingdom and other countries, including Australia, Jamaica and the U.S.
Frances Champange
Frances Champange's research interests included gene-environment interplay, developmental trajectories, epigenetic inheritance, and social neuroscience.
Chih-Hao Chang
Mechanical Engineering
Chih-Hao Chang's research focuses on nanomanufacturing and the design and fabrication of 2D/3D multifunctional nanostructures with novel physical properties. His research group have demonstrated engineered nanostructures such as self-cleaning anti-glare glass, light-weight ultra-stiff nanolattice material with near-unity refractive index, stretchable transparent conductors, and responsive materials with dynamic iridescence.
Michael Charlesworth
Art and Art History, South Asia Institute
Michael Charlesworth is an authority 19th-century European art, particularly on the topics of landscape and the history of gardens, photography until 1918, and landscape drawing and painting. He has also written extensively on the works of Derek Jarman, film-maker, painter and writer.
Indrani Chatterjee
History, Asian Studies
Indrani Chatterjee's research focuses on intellectual and economic histories of the Indian subcontinent. She is interested in the ways in which wealth travelled between and within monastic lineages in the past. Chatterjee has worked on the ways in which monastic governmentality was forgotten in Indian historiography by the early decades of the 20th-century, and has revisited the costs of such forgetting to women's wealth in eastern India.
Pramit Chaudhuri
Pramit Chaudhuri specializes in the Latin poetry of the early Roman empire set within a broader study of classical and early modern epic and tragedy.
Jonathan Chen
Textiles and Apparel, Texas Materials Institute
Jonathan Chen's research focuses are on development of bio-functional micron/nano cellulose fiber for apparel and medical textiles, production and evaluation of biobased nonwoven composites for automotive interiors, fabrication and characterization of activated carbon fiber and conductive fabrics for protective garments, water/air filtration, bio- and chemical-decontamination, noise absorption/insulation, energy storage, and wearable sensing.
Zengjian Jeffrey Chen
Molecular Biosciences, Integrative Biology
Zengjian Jeffrey Chen's research aims to elucidate genetic and epigenetic mechanisms for polyploidy and heterosis and their impact on crop domestication and improvement. Chen is known for his pioneering work on defining genomic and epigenetic changes in plant hybrids and polyploids with an emphasis on linking gene expression variation with phenotypic traits using Arabidopsis, cotton and corn as experimental systems.
George Christian
George Christian specializes in the 19th-century English novel. He has published numerous articles on Victorian novels by Carlyle, Dickens, Trollope, Hardy, and Gissing. Other research interests include: the relationship of law and literature in the 19th-century English novel and the history of Scotland during the French Revolution.
Jessica Ciarla
Textiles and Apparel, Human Ecology
Jessica Ciarla's research focuses on the function of textiles and apparel in the fashion industry.
Eric Colleary
Theatre and Dance
Eric Colleary specializes in American and British theater from the 17th- to the 21st-century , dramaturgy, queer performance, LGBT archives, and American food history.
Stephen Courter
Stephen Courter's areas of interest include corporate diversification, mergers, acquisitions & divestitures, and venture capital.
Alan Covey
Alan Covey's research addresses the development and organization of ancient empires, with particular focus on the Incas of Andean South America. He conducts archaeological surveys and excavations to collect data on the rise and fall of the Incas, and works extensively in archives in Peru and Europe to construct a richer understanding of the impact of early modern European expansion in the Andean world.
Leah Crocetto
Music Performance
Leah Crocetto is a grammy award winning, internationally acclaimed soprano. She has performed many great opera works in opera houses across the world.
Robert Crosnoe
Sociology, Psychology, Population Research Center
Robert Crosnoe's main research areas are human development, education, family, and health; specifically, the connections among children's, adolescents', and young adults' health, social development, and educational trajectories and how these connections contribute to societal inequalities (e.g., social class, immigration).
Elizabeth Cullingford
Elizabeth Cullingford's works spans Irish literature, politics, and culture; modern poetry; women's studies; drama and film; Shakespeare; and the relation between high and popular culture. She takes on an interdisciplinary feminist/environmentalist approach to analyzing literary depictions of the only child in the contexts provided by religion, folklore, history, demography, and sociology.
Daniele Cuneo
Asian Studies
Daniele Cuneo's research interests include Sanskrit intellectual and literary cultures, with a particular focus on poetry and aesthetics, although he branches out into epistemology, linguistic philosophy, debates among Brahmins, Buddhists and Jains, and conversation between traditions and (post-)modernity. Further research topics are the history of Indian Philosophy as a whole, the classical juridical tradition and the tantric studies.
James Curley
James Curley’s research focuses on the neurobiological basis of social behavior in groups, as well as the long-term plastic changes in the brain and peripheral physiology that occur as a consequence of social status.
Todd Curtis
Todd Curtis' research interests broadly lie in the history of ancient Greek medicine and its reception. His particular expertise pertains to the interrelationship between scientific knowledge, genre, and rhetoric in the Galenic Corpus. Other strands of his research involve the role of therapeutic exercise in ancient Greek medicine, the psyche-soma relationship in late Christian thought, and the use of myth in ancient scientific literature.
Kevin Dalby
Kevin Dalby's research areas include biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, chemical biology, drug discovery & diagnostics, and enzymology. The Dalby laboratory is developing a small molecule screening program to identify strategies and lead compounds to address the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as future coronavirus outbreaks.
Ian Dalziel
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Ian Dalziel's research is focused on understanding global tectonic processes and to mapping out the geography of ancient times on a dynamic Earth. His 60 years of field experience have been devoted to work in the British Caledonides, the Canadian Shield, the Andes, and Antarctica.
Paul Damien
Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Statistics and Data Sciences
Paul Damien researchres Bayesian methods, knowledge management, option pricing, and risk management in industries such energy, financial services, and pharmaceuticals.
Ulrich Dangel
Ulrich Dangel’s research focuses on the use of wood in construction, its influence on building culture and craft, and how it contributes to the advancement of sustainable practices at the scale of local and global economies. Due to his expertise in the field, he has established an ongoing dialogue with architects, engineers, foresters, material scientists, and professional organizations around the world.
Jeanette Davidson
Social Work
Jeanette Davidson has published extensively in the areas of African and African American Studies, and on race and competency in social work practice and education, and ethical issues related to managed care. Additionally, she is an experienced social work consultant and trainer. Davidson was born and raised in Scotland. She is the author of Black Lives in Scotland: Telling Our Stories, to be published by Edinburgh University Press.
Penelope Davies
Art and Art History
Penelope Davies specializes in the architectural history of ancient Rome. She has published numerous articles and essays in scholarly publications about Roman art and architecture.
Katherine Dawson
Journalism and Media
Katherine Dawson's work focuses on broadcast news writing, radio reporting, and television production.
Michele Deitch
Public Affairs, Law
Michele Deitch specializes in independent oversight of correctional facilities, prison and jail conditions, managing youth in custody and juveniles in the adult criminal justice system.
Lina del Castillo
Lina del Castillo's research focuses on the intersections between 19th-century republicanism, scientific thinking, the public sphere, and visual culture. Her books have highlighted how an array of 19th-century Spanish Americans marshaled in new ways of understanding the past, and examined how a transnational and transatlantic cosmopolitan community came to invent, print, embrace, and finally disown a continental Colombian vision.
JR DeShazo
Public Affairs
JR DeShazo is a scholar focusing on clean technology policies, policy design to enhance environmental equity, methods for valuing changes in environmental quality, and the performance of public agencies.
Josh Dever
Josh Dever works in the philosophy of language and philosophical logic, applying these fields to problems throughout areas of philosophy. His publications include work on the principle of compositionality in formal semantics and its consequences and work on the consequences of direct reference theories. His interests include semantics, logic, and philosophical applications of conditionals, and foundational issues in the nature of semantic values.
Rasha Diab
English, Middle Eastern Studies, Rhetoric and Writing
Rasha Diab's research interests include rhetorical theory, history and criticism, focusing on on reconciliation and peacemaking, particularly related to Arab-Islamic reconciliation. Her research and teaching interests also include comparative and cross-cultural rhetoric, transnational rhetoric, composition studies and pedagogy, critical discourse analysis, and translingual writing.
Kenneth Diller
Biomedical Engineering
Ken Diller’s research focuses on heat and temperature-related processes in living tissues and how they may be applied in the design of therapeutic devices. His areas of inquiry include the use of temperature manipulation to enhance healing of injured soft tissues, the development of more effective devices for lowering body core temperature in patients with organ ischemia, and creation a thermal microenvironment to improve the ability to sleep.
Andrew Dillon
Information, Psychology, Information, Risk and Operations Management
Andrew Dillon studies humans and the emerging information infrastructure, with the goal of shaping information space to serve humans better. His work engages design, human behavior, and social justice.
Edwin Dorn
Public Affairs
Edwin Dorn teaches defense policy and courses about the relationship between race and immigration policy.
Lucien Douglas
Theatre and Dance
Lucien Douglas' areas of expertise include acting, directing, and voice acting. He has performed both on Broadway and Off-Broadway as well as at various regional theaters. He has had roles in television, film, and extensively in voice-acting and has also directed approximately 50 productions.
Julia Driver
Julia Driver works in normative ethics, moral psychology, and metaethics.
Audrey Duarte
Audrey Duarte’s research interests include cognitive aging and neuroscience of aging in racially/ethnically diverse populations along with depression in late adulthood. She has a particular interest in psychosocial factors like race-related stress, depression, and acculturation that influence memory and underlying brain function in diverse populations.
María Luisa Echavarría
Spanish & Portuguese
María Luisa Echavarría's research focuses on international business, language and culture, heritage language learners, and Spanish for healthcare providers.
Peter Eichhubl
Bureau of Economic Geology
Peter Eichhubl's research combines the fields of fault and fracture mechanics and low-temperature geochemistry addressing deformation mechanisms of the upper crust, structural control of mass and heat transfer in sedimentary basins, effects of chemical mass transfer on the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of fractures and faults, and the chemical interaction between fluids and minerals.
Nicolas Espinoza
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Nicolas Espinoza’s research interests include mechanics and physics of natural porous solids, methane recovery from microporous organic rocks, methane hydrate-bearing sediments, and geological carbon sequestration. His methodology combines laboratory techniques and advanced imaging tools to understand and model diverse geomaterials for petroleum engineering applications.
David Nicolas Espinoza
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
David Espinoza’s research interests include mechanics and physics of natural porous solids, methane recovery from microporous organic rocks, methane hydrate-bearing sediments, and geological carbon sequestration. His methodology combines laboratory techniques and advanced imaging tools to understand and model diverse geomaterials for petroleum engineering applications.
Stefano Eusepi
Stefano Eusepi's research interests include macroeconomic topics, including monetary policy, expectations formation, and business cycle fluctuations.
Nerea Feliz
Nerea Feliz's research encompasses scholarly and creative activities that are linked forming a cohesive body of work with a sustained focus on public interiority. Situated at the intersection of architecture, interior design and interior urbanism, her work explores interior design's role as a mediator between people, the public spaces occupied, and pressing cultural and political questions.
Linda Ferreira-Buckley
English, Rhetoric and Writing
Linda Ferreira-Buckley's research focuses on rhetorical education (e.g., speech, writing, ethics) of Barbara Jordan, Houston's Fifth Ward, and African Americans in the South. Ferreira-Buckley is also interested in history of rhetoric, especially 18th- and 19th-century rhetoric, and evaluating writing and reading in secondary and college education.
Richard Fitzpatrick
Richard Fitzpatrick's research interests include magnetohydrodynamic and hydrodynamic stability, driven magnetic reconnectio, and momentum injection into fluids/plasmas via external perturbations.
Sergey Fomel
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Sergey Fomel's research interests include computational and exploration geophysics, seismic imaging, wave propagation, seismic data analysis, inverse problems, and geophysical estimation.
Norma Fowler
Integrative Biology
Norma Fowler's research interests include the dynamics and regulation of plant populations, the competitive and facilitative interactions between plants and their consequences for community structure and for species distributions across their landscape, and the effects of herbivory and fire on plant population dynamics, plant-plant interactions, community structure, and landscape-scale distributions.
James Gabrillo
Musicology & Ethnomusicology
James Gabrillo is a pop music researcher of global culture industries and digital technologies. His work examines the aesthetics and networks of musical multimedia in contemporary Manila.
Helen Gaebler
Helen Gaebler's work focuses primarily on criminal legal system reform, with particular interests in parole and reentry.
Irene Gamba
Mathematics, Oden Institute
Irene Gamba's research group focuses on modeling of non-linear, coupled systems arising in the physical and biological sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Using classical and statistical analysis, the group addresses model formulation, interpretation, approximation, and assessment along with multiple dimensional spatial and temporal scales, direct and inverse problems, and accurate and efficient approximation algorithms.
Patricia M. García
English, Mexican American and Latina/o Studies
Patricia Garcia's research interests include Renaissance literature, gender and literature, and cultural studies.
Bertram Gawronski
Bertram Gawronski’s research aims to understand social judgments and social behavior by identifying their underlying mental processes. His interests include moral judgment and decision-making, attitude formation and change, and effects of misinformation. In addition to these major themes, he is interested in basic questions of psychological measurement and meta-theoretical issues in the construction and evaluation of psychological theories.
Wilson Geisler
Wilson Geisler's academic interests span a number of topics in vision and visual perception. His research is concerned with perceptual grouping and interpolation, depth estimation, visual search, natural scene statistics, and the neurophysiology of primary visual cortex.
George Georgiou
Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biosciences, Medicine
George Georgiou's research is focused on the discovery and development of protein therapeutics and on the analysis of adaptive immune responses.
Feliciano Giustino
Feliciano Giustino's research group is interested in electronic structure theory, high-performance computing, and the atomic-scale design of advanced materials using quantum mechanics. The research sits at the intersection of computational condensed matter theory and materials science.
Tamie Glass
Tamie Glass' teaching and research focus on designing for human behavior, advocating for human-centered and the importance of space. Her professional practice extends from creating high-end hospitality and retail environments throughout the European Union and Asia to wellness, corporate, and residential spaces in the U.S.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima
Psychology, Medicine, Pharmacy
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Vernita Gordon
Vernita Gordon's research areas include experimental biological physics, multicellular systems, and the role of physics and spacial structure in developmental and evolutionary systems.
Robbe Goris
Robbe Goris’ research seeks to uncover the neural basis of visual capabilities, using behavioral experiments, computational theory, and electrophysiology to study representation and computation in the primate visual system. Project interests include the neural representation of sensory uncertainty, and on the relation between natural image statistics and cascaded computation in the visual cortex.
Samuel Gosling
Psychology, American Studies
Samuel Gosling’s main areas of research are connections between people and the physical spaces in which they live, personality in nonhuman animals, and new methods for obtaining data useful for research in the social sciences.
Terrance Green
Educational Leadership and Policy, African and African Diaspora Studies
Terrance Green's research examines the relationship between educational leadership, schools, and neighborhood-communities, focusing on racial and educational equity. His work centers on three areas: the role of leaders in equity-focused school-family-community partnerships, the intersection of school reform and equitable community development, and institutional change approaches to racial and educational equity in school districts and schools.
Sherri Greenberg
Public Affairs
Sherri Greenberg's teaching and research interests include technology policy, urban and state issues, public engagement, housing, transportation, health care, public finance and campaigns and elections.
Benjamin Gregg
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
Alan Groves
Alan Groves's research interest is in assessing heart function and growth using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. Groves is passionate about applying ultrasound technologies to improve care, and he has implemented targeted neonatal echocardiography and point-of-care ultrasound techniques in multiple institutions, with a focus on adherence to agreed protocols and robust quality assurance.
Sumit Guha
History, Asian Studies
Sumit Guha is a historian with many international and interdisciplinary interests, including the history of health and disease in Britain and South Asia.
Lauren Gulbas
Social Work, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Lauren Gulbas is a medical anthropologist, social work researcher, and staunch advocate for the recognition and integration of qualitative research methods in studies of mental health disparities. In her research, she bridges the gap between quantitative and qualitative approaches, emphasizing the importance of rich narrative data in complementing quantitative findings.
Sean Gurd
Sean Gurd's research interests primarily include the areas of ancient theatre (especially tragedy), ancient music, and any part of intellectual culture that interfaced with the concept of art (or techne). He has a secondary but related interest in 20th-century avant-gardes, particularly in the Americas.
Robert Hankinson
Robjert Hankinson is a classical philosophy scholar with a special interest in ancient medicine and philosophy of science.
Kathryn Paige Harden
Kathryn Paige Harden’s research areas include genetic influences on complex human behavior, including child cognitive development, academic achievement, risk-taking, mental health, sexual activity, and childbearing. Her research uses twin studies and big genetic datasets to understand why people’s lives turn out differently.
Julie Hardwick
Julie Hardwick researches and writes on the intersection of legal, economic, social and family/gender history in early modern France.
Michael Harney
Spanish & Portuguese
Michael Harney's research focuses on medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, comparative literature, literary theory, cultural theory, and film studies.
Keith Hawkins
Keith Hawkins' research interest is in using multi-object spectroscopic surveys to better understand the chemo-dynamic properties of the Milky Way. His expertise is in high- to low-resolution spectroscopy and stellar chemical abundance patterns.
Raymond Hawkins
Raymond Hawkins' clinical research interests are in individual differences in behavior, development, and personality, including developing new measures for determining psychotherapy outcome.
Mary Hayhoe
Mary Hayhoe's research focuses on understanding the demands placed on vision and motor systems by natural behavior and the nature of the representations that are required for visually guided tasks.
Patrick Heimbach
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Patrick Heimbach is a computational oceanographer, climate scientist, and hobby glaciologist. His main research interest is understanding the general circulation of the ocean, the dynamics of the marine (and marine-terminating) cryosphere, and their role in the global climate system.
Dean Hendrickson
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Dean Hendrickson's research focuses on the evolution, conservation and ecology of freshwater ecosystems, particularly those of North American deserts and generally with emphasis on fishes and Mexico.
Geraldine Heng
Geraldine Heng’s research focuses on literary, cultural, and social encounters between worlds, and webs of exchange and negotiation between communities and cultures, particularly when transacted through issues of gender, race, sexuality, class, and religion. Heng is especially interested in medieval Europe’s discoveries and rediscoveries of Asia and Africa.
Marc Hesse
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Marc Hesse is a computational geoscientist interested in multi-phase geosystems and geological fluid dynamics. He works on problems in both earth and planetary sciences a is currently most interested in planetary habitability and the search for life in the solar system.
Kathleen Higgins
Kathleen Higgins's main areas of research are continental philosophy, philosophy of the emotions, aesthetics, and philosophy of music.
Annie Hill
Rhetoric and Writing, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, African and African Diaspora Studies, LGBTQ Studies
Annie Hill's research focuses on political discourse, state power, and sexual violence primarily in the United States and United Kingdom.
Gary Hill
Gary Hill's research interests include observational cosmology, radio galaxies and quasars, and astronomical instrumentation.
Lars Hinrichs
Lars Hinrichs is a linguist interested in varieties of English. He studied the use of English and Creole in online communication by Jamaicans and has also researched syntactic differences between British and American written English from a statistical perspective.
Neville Hoad
Neville Hoad's research focuses on Victorian feminism, psychoanalysis (particularly Freud and Klein), contemporary feminist theory in French and English, lesbian and gay studies, queer theory, international human rights law pertaining to sexual orientations, and sexuality and gender issues in Southern Africa. His writings have focused on the literary and cultural representations of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Wayne Hoyer
Wayne Hoyer's research interests include consumer information processing and decision making, customer relationship management and new product development, and advertising information processing (including miscomprehension, humor, and brand personality).
Alex Huang
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alex Huang is an expert of power semiconductor devices, power electronics, smart grid and renewable energy system.
Simon Humphrey
Simon Humphrey's research involves organometallic chemistry, focusing on nanoparticles as catalysts; phosphine coordination materials for gas storage, separation, and catalysis; noble metal nanoparticles; and composite catalyst materials.
Bruce Hunt
Bruce Hunt's work focuses on the history of physics in 19th-century Britain, particularly the life and work of James Clerk Maxwell. He also has strong interests in the history of electrical technologies, of nuclear weapons, and of evolutionary theory.
Warren Hunt
Computer Science
Warren Hunt's research involves the use of formal mathematics to write specifications for computer hardware and software and to use proof techniques to determine properties of such specifications. Hunt is also interested in computer architecture, low-power computing, garbage collection, and parallel computing. Hunt actively works on modeling rapid, single-flux, quantum computing logic.
Tanya Hutter
Mechanical Engineering
Tanya Hutter's research interests lie in the fields of emerging molecular sensing technologies, nanomaterials, microfabrication and nanophotonics with applications in environmental and industrial sensing, homeland security and medical diagnostics.
Tanya Hutter
Mechanical Engineering
Tanya Hutter's research interests lie in the fields of emerging molecular sensing technologies, nanomaterials, microfabrication and nanophotonics with applications in environmental and industrial sensing, homeland security and medical diagnostics.
Omar Iqbal
Omar Iqbal specializes in pediatric neurosurgery with a special interest in pediatric spine and epilepsy. His research interest is in the growing pediatric spine and developing growth-modulating technologies and approaches that allow surgeons to avoid fusion in a prepubescent spine.
Prakash Jayakumar
Surgery and Perioperative Care
Prakash Jayakumar is charged with accelerating health systems research, digital health innovations, and policy and practice innovations at the Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care. His work involves the utilization of patient generated health data, real time tracking technology, and artificial intelligence for enabling decision support, shared decision making, care redesign, and performance measurement.
Junfeng Jiao
Junfeng Jiao focuses on smart city/urban informatics and understanding cities through AI and big data. Jiao has investigated 311 calls' spatial distribution, Uber's price surge, Airbnb's spatial clustering, E-scooters' origins, destinations, and routings, and bike sharing system planning. He coined term transit deserts and explored how urban environments affect people's access to grocery stores, transit facilities, and bicycle infrastructures.
Shardha Jogee
Shardha Jogee's research seeks to address central questions on the evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic epoch, mass, and environment. These include how galaxies grow their stars, black holes, and dark matter halos across cosmic time and vastly different environments, the role played by theoretically predicted growth modes, and how galaxy clusters, some of the largest bound structures in the Universe, form.
Theresa Jones
Theresa Jones’s research focuses on the plasticity of neural structure and synaptic connectivity in adult animals following brain damage and during skill learning. Additional research focuses on motor skill learning-induced plasticity of motor cortex and cerebellum and on the intercoordination of glial, vascular and neuronal plasticity.
Peniel Joseph
Public Affairs, History
Peniel Joseph’s research focus is at the intersection of civil rights, race, and democracy and has published numerous books and articles on African American History, most recently The Sword and the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. which was named by Time Magazine as one of the “Must Read Books of 2020.”
Jerry Junkin
Music Conducting
Jerry Junkin is an enthusiastic advocate of public-school music education, having conducted All-State bands and festivals in 48 states and on five continents. Junkin spends his summers in residence at the Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan and appearing at music festivals around the world.
Octavio Kano-Galván
Advertising & Public Relations
Octavio Kano-Galván's work focuses on developing and implementing responsive and interactive multimedia designs and advertising campaigns that include print media, art direction, photography, 3D motion graphics, and social media.
Zunlong Ke
Molecular Biosciences
Zunlong Ke's research aims to understand viral structure and function by dissecting key macromolecular complexes upon host-pathogen interactions. His lab uses cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography for high-resolution structure determination of macromolecules. Ultimately, the lab aims to uncover molecular insights into cancer-causing viral diseases, providing a basis for antiviral therapy and vaccine development.
Elizabeth Keating
Elizabeth Keating is a linguistic anthropologist who studies culture and communication. Her research focuses on cultural aspects of communication, cross cultural communication, and narrative. Her research projects include investigations into power sharing, hierarchy, visual language, inter-generational narrative, and the role of technology in language practices. Her books include Words Matter: Communicating Effectively in the New Global Office.
Farkhad Khudyev
Music Conducting
Farkhad Khudyev is an international award-winning conductor and has worked with orchestras around the world.
Sarfraz Khurshid
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sarfraz Khurshid's research interests include automated software engineering, in particular: software testing; static and dynamic checking of code conformance; repair of structurally complex data; model checking; formal specification languages; parallel and incremental algorithms for software analysis.
Joe Kileel
Joe Kileel's research includes mathematics of data science, tensor decomposition, applied algebraic geometry, computational imaging, cryo-electron microscopy, and computer vision.
Daniel Koehler
Daniel Koehler's research focuses on the urban implications of distributive technologies, which are being designed by means of sets, data, interfaces and their architecture.
Robert Koons
Robert Koons specializes in philosophical logic and in the application of logic to long-standing philosophical problems, including metaphysics, philosophy of mind, political philosophy, and philosophy of religion. He is working on an Aristotelian interpretation of quantum theory and on arguments for classical theism.
Brian Korgel
Chemical Engineering, Energy Institute
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
David Kornhaber
English, French and Italian, Comparative Literature, Theatre and Dance
David Kornhaber's research areas include modern and contemporary drama, intersections of theatre and philosophy, critical theory, and modernism and the avant-garde.
Michael Krische
Michael Krische's research lies at the interface of enantioselective catalysis, natural product total synthesis and chemical biology. His laboratory has developed a broad, new family of stereo- and site-selective C-C couplings that merge the characteristics of catalytic hydrogenation and carbonyl addition.
Robbie Kubala
Robbie Kubala works mainly in the philosophy of the arts and aesthetic practices, and those areas of value theory and practical philosophy that help people to make sense of them. He has written on aesthetic reasons and obligations, the relation between valuing and believing valuable, literary interpretation, and the themes of love and desire in the novels of Marcel Proust.
Krishna Kumar
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Krishna Kumar's computational geomechanics research group develops open source numerical tools and methods to solve complex geomechanics problems, such as multi-scale modeling of natural hazards, landslides, earthquakes, debris flows, etc.
Stelios Kyriakides
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Stelios Kyriakides' major technical interests are in the mechanics of solids, structures and materials, with an emphasis on instability at both the macro (structural) and micro (material) levels.
Pablo Laguna
Pablo Laguna is a computational astrophysicist, investigating astrophysical phenomena involving binary systems with black holes and/or neutron stars. Laguna's computational studies are contributing to a new astronomy based on gravitational wave observations.
Elon Lang
Elon Lang is interested in the intersection between the study of manuscripts and book production and the study of medieval reading and performance practices.
David Leal
Government, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
David Leal's primary academic interest is Latino politics, and his work explores the political and policy implications of demographic change. He studies questions involving Latino electoral behavior and public opinion; the politics of migration and borders; the role of religion in politics; the military and society; and British politics and U.S.-U.K. relations.
Harvey Lederman
Harvey Lederman is a scholar of contemporary philosophy and the history of philosophy. He has written on common knowledge, incomplete preferences, and the philosophy of the great Ming dynasty philosopher, Wang Yangming.
Cristine Legare
Cristine Legare's research examines the interplay of the universal human mind and the variations of culture to study cognitive and cultural evolution. Her research takes on an interdisciplinary approach drawing from from cognitive, cultural, developmental, educational, and evolutionary psychology as well as cognitive and evolutionary anthropology and philosophy.
William Lewis
Music Performance
William Lewis enjoys a highly regarded reputation as a tenor whose versatility spans the operatic repertoire from Mozart to Schoenberg. He has performed one hundred thirty major operatic roles in ten languages around the world.
Jung-Fu Lin
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Jung-Fu Lin's research focuses on understanding the nature of the Earth and planetary interiors as well as material sciences through direct examination of the properties of materials under high-pressure and high/low-temperature conditions. His research group often by conducts high pressure experiments using high-pressure diamond anvil cell techniques combined with in-house and synchrotron-based facilities.
Beili Liu
Art and Art History
Beili Liu is a visual artist who creates material-and-process driven, site-responsive installations. Liu’s sculptural environments resonate with the experience of migration and cultural memory and negotiate personal, cultural, and environmental concerns.
Mark Longaker
Rhetoric and Writing
Mark Longaker teaches classes on writing, rhetorical analysis, and the history of rhetoric along with classes about the connections among Enlightenment philosophy, Marxism, and rhetorical theory. He has published scholarly essays and a couple of books on the history of rhetoric, focusing on the 17th, 18th, and 19th-centuries in Western Europe, Great Britain, and America.
Bradley Love
Bradley Love’s research centers around human learning and decision making. His work involves behavioral experiments and formal modeling approaches.
Allen MacDuffie
Allen MacDuffie researches and writes on Victorian and Darwinian environmental literature and criticism.
Carol MacKay
Carol MacKay's research interests focuses on fiction written in the Victorian era and women's autobiographies.
Vijay Mahajan
Vijay Mahajan's areas of expertise include marketing strategy, product diffusion, research methodology and the Global South.
Kyle Mahowald
Kyle Mahowald is a computational psycholinguist with interests in computation, cognition, quantitative methods and natural language processing.
Winifred Mak
Winifred Mak's research focuses on infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and premature ovarian insufficiency. In addition to seeing patients with reproductive endocrine disorders and infertility, she has a special interest in recurrent pregnancy loss and premature ovarian failure.
Eric Mallin
Eric Mallin specializes in Shakespeare, cinema, and the nexus of sexuality and religion in the English Renaissance and beyond. Other research interests include 16th- and 17th-century English drama, queer theory, and new historicism.
Filippo Mangolini
Mechanical Engineering
Filippo Mangolini's overarching research goal is to develop a physically-based understanding of the structural transformations and chemical reactions occurring on material surfaces and at solid/solid, solid/liquid interfaces under extreme environments and conditions far from equilibrium.
Mohammed Maniruzzaman
Mohammed Maniruzzaman’s lab focuses on pharmaceutical process engineering, continuous manufacturing, and 3D printing of medicines. Additional projects focus on 3D bioprinting of scaffolds and smart medical implants as well as ultra-portable drug delivery devices.
Lance Manuel
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Lance Manuel's research is related to uncertainty quantification associated with the safety of civil engineering, energy-generation and ocean systems. His work is being used to improve the design of wind turbines for complex inflow turbulence conditions and in enhanced the long-term reliability of deepwater floating structures. His work is also examining climate impacts on infrastructure systems and related hazard, risk, and resilience studies.
Richard Markovits
Richard Markovits teaches and writes in the areas of antitrust, law and economics, constitutional law and jurisprudence.
Stephen Marshall
American Studies, African and African Diaspora Studies
Stephen Marshall's research interests include ancient and modern political theory, history of political thought, 20th-century political and social thought, African American political thought, political evil, democratic theory, and race and social justice.
Rowan Martindale
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Rowan Martindale is interested in marine paleoecology and the geobiology of carbon cycle perturbation events (e.g. mass extinctions, ocean anoxic events, and ocean acidification events in deep time). Martindale’s research also includes carbonate sedimentology and the paleontology/paleobiology of reef builders (e.g corals and sponges).
Andreas Matouschek
Molecular Biosciences
Andreas Matouschek's research involves describing the biochemical mechanism of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System in a physiologically relevant context. Matouschek translates the insights gained into the mechanism into strategies to interfere in the UPS experimentally and eventually therapeutically.
Despoina Mavridou
Molecular Biosciences
Despoina Mavridou's research focuses on the biology of Gram-negative bacteria and more specifically in processes that occur in the extra-cytoplasmic environment.
Valerie McGuire
French and Italian
Valerie McGuire's research and teaching interests center on the transnational, colonial, and postcolonial processes that have defined modern Italian culture, both within the peninsula and among its collectivities abroad.
Eugenio Miravete
Eugenio Miravete's research interests include industrial organization and applied microeconomics with a particular interest to the estimation of models of taxation, regulation, price discrimination, and innovation in oligopolistic industries.
Srikanta Mishra
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Srikanta Mishra's research focuses on peripheral auditory mechanics, hearing development, efferent system and otoacoustic emissions.
Pawel Misztal
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Pawel Mitsztal's laboratory group is leading novel air quality measurements outdoors, indoors, and from individual sources. The group is interested in quantified understanding of the factors affecting human health. The specific research questions include sources and sink apportionments, fate and exposure risk of volatile organic compounds.
Ahmed Azfar Moin
Religious Studies, History
Ahmed Moin studies the history of the pre-modern Islamic world from comparative perspectives with a focus on concepts and practices of sovereignty. One of his projects focuses on ritual violence and kingship in late medieval and early modern world. Moin teaches courses on religious transformations in the early modern Islamic world, rituals and practice of sovereignty in Islam, and theory and method in the study of religion.
Manikum Moodley
Manikum Moodley specializes in pediatric multiple sclerosis and neuro-immunological diseases, neurofibromatosis, autonomic disorders and neonatal neurology.
Lisa Moore
English, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Comparative Literature
Lisa L. Moore researches gender and sexuality in literature and art history, with particular attention to literary forms such as the novel and the sonnet, and visual culture such as garden history and botanical illustration. A specialist in the 18th-century, she also writes about feminism and queer theory, and poetry and poetics. She also publishes poetry and creative non-fiction.
Philip Morrison
Philip Morrison is a mathematical and theoretical physicist, who studies basic nonlinear plasma dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-freedom systems, computational algorithms that preserve geometric structure, and fluid mechanics.
Dana Hadar Moshkovitz Aaronson
Computer Science
Dana Moshkovitz has a broad interest in theoretical computer science, with a focus on probabilistically checkable proofs, pseudo-randomness, coding theory, and algorithms.
Linda Mullenix
Linda Mullenix specializes in civil litigation, civil procedure, class actions, federal courts, and mass tort litigation.
Richard Murphy
Richard Murphy is an economist who uses applied micro-econometric methods to improve understanding of the process of education and educational systems. In particularly, he examines how characteristics of a student's family magnify or diminish the impact of K-12 school policies, such as the ban on mobile phones in the classroom.
Dhiraj Murthy
Journalism and Media, Sociology
Dhiraj Murthy's research explores social media, digital research methods, race/ethnicity, qualitative/mixed methods, big data quantitative analysis, and virtual organizations.
Zoltan Nagy
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Zoltan Nagy's research interests are in smart buildings and cities, renewable energy systems, control systems for zero emission building operation, machine learning and artificial intelligence for the built environment, complex fenestration systems, and the influence of building occupants on energy performance.
Vagheesh Narasimhan
Integrative Biology, Statistics and Data Sciences
Vagheesh Narasimhan’s research group develops methods to make sense of complex datasets generated in the fields of human genetics and medical imaging with the goal of leveraging these new methodologies to understand the genetic basis of disease as well as to address questions related to human evolution. A major focus is on the use of ancient human DNA to understand the evolution of complex and medically relevant traits.
Rasa Navasaityte
Rasa Navasaityte is an architect, researcher and the co-founder of the design practise lab-eds. She is an expert on research by design, architecture composition, and the implications of computation on housing and the city’s ecologies.
Anton Nel
Music Performance
Anton Nel is a pianist and continues to tour internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician and teacher. He has performed with some of the world's finest instrumentalists at festivals on four continents.
Martha Newman
History, Religious Studies
Martha Newman is a scholar of medieval European history who explores the ways religious practices and ideas intersect with social change. Her research focuses on Christian monasticism, especially monastic miracle collections, monastic attitudes toward women and the poor, and religious conceptions of labor.
Evdokia Nikolova
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Evdokia Nikolova is interested in risk analysis from an algorithmic perspective arising in stochastic optimization, networks, economics and complex systems.
Dev Niyogi
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Dev Niyogi's research contributes to understanding and developing solutions for climate extremes, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and developing synthesis studies, and capacity building activities internationally.
Linda Noble
Psychology, Medicine
Linda Noble’s research focuses on translational research in the field of neurotrauma. This research relies on cellular, molecular, and behavioral tools to identify key mechanisms underlying early cell injury that impair recovery processes in preclinical models of neurotrauma.
Guido Olivieri
Musicology & Ethnomusicology
Guido Olivieri's research is focused on the developments of string sonata in the 18th-century, investigating aspects of performance practice, musical patronage, and reconstructing the cultural relationships between Naples and other European capitals. His research - conducted mainly on unknown archival sources and overlooked repertory - has significantly contributed to the revival of interest on Neapolitan instrumental music and musicians.
Robert Olwell
Robert Olwell's research and teaching interests are focused on the 18th-century British-Atlantic World and the early American South. Particular subjects of interest are slavery, abolition, the American Revolution, and the British-American Empire.
Zachariah Page
Zachariah Page's research group employs materials chemistry to bring new capabilities to interdisciplinary pursuits including 3D printing, tissue engineering, organic electronics, and impact damping. The group is actively working to harness efficient visible and near infrared photocatalysts, bioinspired hydrogels, stretchable semiconductors, and tough elastomers.
Jonathan Partridge
Molecular Biosciences
Jonathan Partridge's research focuses on better understanding mechanisms of bacterial motility, specifically how bacteria sense their environment, and remodel their motility accordingly. Partridge's research also includes the study of the nitric-oxide sensitive transcriptional regulator NsrR.
Keryn Pasch
Kinesiology and Health Education
Keryn Pasch's research program focuses on the influence of marketing of unhealthy products such as tobacco, alcohol, food and beverages on youth and young adult risk behaviors as well as the factors that may alter the influence of marketing. Her research also focuses on how risk behaviors, including substance use, obesity-related behaviors, sleep, and caffeine consumption, may co-occur among youth and young adults.
Raj Patel
Public Affairs, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Raj Patel is a research professor who studies the world food system and alternatives to it. He has testified about hunger and food sovereignty, and has written about food systems, economics, philosophy, politics, international development, and public health.
Steven Pedigo
Public Affairs
Steven Pedigo is an expert in urban economic development, regional cooperation and placemaking. Pedigo has developed strategies for more than 50 cities and regions in the United States and other countries.
Nicholas Peppas
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine
Nikolaos Peppas' research blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate next-generation systems and devices, including bio-microelectromechanical systems with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality and longevity.
Robert Peroni
Robert Peroni specializes in corporate tax, federal income taxation, international tax, natural resource taxation, and professional responsibility/legal ethics. He is an expert in international taxation and in energy taxation.
Timothy Perutz
Timothy Perutz's research interests include symplectic topology and low-dimensional topology (especially 4-manifolds).
Tina Peterson
Computer Science
Tina Peterson's research interests include media literacy, scientific literacy, and ethics in technology & engineering.
Marina Peterson
Marina Peterson's work attends to elemental forces and shifting modalities of matter, with an emphasis on sound and urbanism. She explores diverse and innovative ways of encountering and presenting the ethnographic through writing, sound, and image. Most of her research is in and of Los Angeles.
Jonathan Pillow
Jonathan Pillow’s research interests lie at the intersection of computational neuroscience, machine learning, and human visual perception. His lab employs a variety of theoretical tools, in conjunction with psychophysical experiments, to study how neural populations represent and process information.
Samantha Pinto
English, African and African Diaspora Studies
Samantha Pinto's research explores the discourses of race, gender, and human rights along with science in the African American and African Diaspora culture.
John Pipkin
English, Creative Writing
John Pipkin is a creative writer of historical fiction. He also works on creative nonfiction, poetry, literary theory, and new historicism. Some areas of interest include British Romanticism, Marxism and climate fiction.
Francisco Polidoro
Francisco Polidoro's research interests include knowledge management, social networks, strategic alliances, strategic management, technology and innovation management, and venture capital.
Aaron Pratt
English, Harry Ransom Center
Aaron Pratt works on early modern literature and the history of the book.
Jonathan Pratter
Jonathan Pratter teaches Advanced Legal Research and International & Foreign Law.
Ian Proops
Ian Proops studies and writes on Kant's theoretical philosophy, especially, The Critique of Pure Reason, and on the history of analytic philosophy , focusing on the works of Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein).
Jorge Prozzi
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Jorge Prozzi and his research team have ongoing experimental research on testing and behavior of road building materials, such as the design and rehabilitation of pavements, asphalt technology, accelerated pavement testing, and pavement management systems. His research involves mechanistic and empirical design and applications of probability and statistics to pavement engineering problems.
Adam Pyrek
Adam Pyrek is an architect whose work has given him the ability to address the requirements of today’s ever more challenging projects in regards to performance, form, and public scrutiny.
Ellen Rathje
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Ellen Rathje's research is focused on evaluating seismic hazards related to earthquake ground shaking and earthquake-induced ground failure due to slope failures and liquefaction. Rathje's group uses a wide range of approaches and tools, including computational simulation, statistical analysis, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Richard Reddick
Educational Leadership and Policy, African and African Diaspora Studies, Undergraduate College, Plan II Honors Program
Richard Reddick conducts ethnographic research on the experiences of faculty of color in predominantly White university settings, mentoring relationships in higher education, Black families in American society, and work-family balance in junior faculty fathers.
Cory Reed
Spanish & Portuguese
Cory Reed's research focuses on early modern theatrical performance, including the representation of identity in 16th- and 17th-century literature, literary and cultural responses to the emergence of scientific discourse in early modern Spain, and cognitive cultural studies. His teaching includes studying historical moments of cultural contact in Spain, Mexico, and the American southwest.
Lauretta Reeves
Lauretta Reeves' research focuses on mathematical problem solving & use of analogies in problem solving, reasoning, and cognitive development (especially lexical acquisition, and children's early counting & mathematical development).
Pedro Reyes
Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Psychology, Public Affairs
Pedro Reyes is passionate about teaching and research on student success. He is an expert on higher education organization, leadership, and management. His research is focused on the intersection of policy and leadership that facilitate student success, including culturally and linguistically diverse, and often marginalized students, such as urban students, language learners, migrant students, and border students, among others.
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza writes on Oscar Wilde, theatre, the gothic, detective stories, and literary theory. She teaches strategic thinking, team building, and diversity/inclusivity through literature and the fine arts and works actively in eight world languages.
Thorsten Ries
Germanic Studies
Thorsten Ries is a specialist in German literature from the 18th- to the 21st-century. His primary research focus is the foreign language curriculum in the context of digital humanities, (digital) scholarly editing, born-digital archives and digital forensics.
Ehud Ronn
Ehud Ronn's research and teaching interests focus on the valuation of energy commodity-contingent securities.
Connie Rosati
Connie Rosati's research interests lie principally in the foundations of ethics and in jurisprudential questions about constitutional interpretation and the objectivity of law.
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky's research interests include machine learning and data mining methods for data-driven intelligence and decision making. Her work addresses the challenges that arise when data-driven learning is used to inform decisions.
Michael Sadler
Economics, Finance
Michael Sadler's research includes the current status of the U.S. and global economy, financial markets analysis, macroeconomics, macroeconomic policy, monetary economics, and growth theory.
Lorenzo Sadun
Lorenzo Sadun's research spans a number of areas: the topology and dynamics of aperiodic tilings, focusing on how the topology of tiling spaces is related to geometric and combinatorial properties of individual tilings; statistical mechanics and phase structure of ensembles of large, dense random graphs; mathematical questions related to Covid-19 modeling; and mathematical questions in neurobiology, especially how "grid cells" work.
Mark Sainsbury
Mark Sainsbury works principally in philosophy of language. He has written on paradoxes, logical forms, fiction and fictionalism, intentionality and intensional idioms, and on vagueness.
Sherine Salib
Sherine Salib works in both inpatient and outpatient settings, where she teaches residents and medical students. Her publications include articles describing innovative educational endeavors, workshops, and curricula.
Amy Kristen Sanders
Journalism and Media
Amy Kristen Sanders' research focuses on the intersection of law and new technology as it relates to media freedom. Specifically, she focuses on international and comparative media law and policy issues, including media freedom, internet governance, social media and digital literacy.
Samantha Santacruz
Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Samantha Santacruz focuses on the engineering advancement of neuroprosthetics and their therapeutic application to a growing range of neurological disorders. The lab investigates neuroscientific questions related to understanding how neural patterns or states are learned, as well as how to manipulate these processes.
Alexandra Clarà Saracho
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Alexandra Clarà Saracho's research interests are bio-mediated soil processes and sustainable geotechnical engineering practices. Her group combines investigations of microbial processes involved in the formation of calcium carbonate, with the characterisation and physical modeling of bio-geotechnical systems, to further understanding of the relationship between mineral microstructure and the engineering response of carbonate-cemented soils.
Sahotra Sarkar
Philosophy, Integrative Biology
Sahotra Sarkar is a specialist in the history and philosophy of science; he has particular interests in both philosophy of biology and physics. His research focuses on systematic biodiversity conservation and restoration planning, in particular, the design of conservation area networks.
Elizabeth Scala
Elizabeth Scala works at the intersection of medieval and post-medieval studies. She is broadly interested in the ways medieval texts survive as materials objects in the modern world, seeking to understand the ways such texts become disguised and altered in new forms and media. In addition, her work has also taken a contemporary turn, looking at the literary significance of Taylor Swift's songwriting.
Nancy Schiesari
Nancy Schiesari's expertise includes production, narrative filmmaking, documentary filmmaking, cinematography, and producing.
David Schnyer
David Schnyer's research is focused on the cognitive neuroscience of mental processes, particularly, the neural structures and computational algorithms that contribute to non-declarative memory, associative memory, metamemory and attention/cognitive control.
Miriam Schoenfield
Miriam Schoenfield's research involves using formal tools from probability theory to address questions about how to rationally form or revise opinions in response to information. She is particularly interested in the extent to which learning facts about society's beliefs' causal history poses a skeptical challenge.
Seth Schwartz
Kinesiology and Health Education
Seth Schwartz's research interests are identity, acculturation, cultural stress, crisis migration, adolescent development, family functioning, substance abuse, mental health, and well-being.
Ana Schwartz
Ana Schwartz has expertise in the literature of the Americas prior to 1900, poetry and poetics, literary and cultural theory, particularly Foucauldian criticism.
Carolyn Seepersad
Mechanical Engineering
Carolyn Seepersad’s research involves the development of methods and computational tools for engineering design and additive manufacturing. Her research interests include simulation-based design of complex systems and materials, design for additive manufacturing, innovation, and environmentally conscious design of products and energy systems.
Eyal Seidemann
Psychology, Neuroscience
Eyal Seidemann studies the cortical mechanisms that mediate visual perception and visually guided behavior. The central goal of his research is to understand how perceptual decisions and motor plans are represented and processed in the primate cerebral cortex.
Sarah Seulki Oh
Sarah Seulki Oh's expertise includes production, producing, narrative film making, documentary film making, television, and screenwriting.
Zhenghui Sha
Mechanical Engineering
Zhenghui Sha’s research focuses on system science and design science as well as the intersection between these two areas. His goal is to build the decision-centric science foundation for complex systems engineering and design. Such a foundation will facilitate the integration within complex systems and amplify the data-driven power in engineering design and design research.
Kiran Shokar
Kiran Shokar's research interests include interventions in cancer prevention and control, shared decision-making, and community-based research to address cancer health disparities among vulnerable, poor and underserved populations. She has developed innovative population health approaches to bridge the divide between the community, the health care delivery system and public health.
Nahid Siamdoust
Liberal Arts
Nahid Siamdoust's interests include Middle Eastern cultural production and politics, Iranian national and transnational culture and media, and social media and disinformation.
Vasiliki Skreta
Vasiliki Skreta is a microeconomic theorist working primarily on mechanism design.
Zeynep Somer-Topcu
Government, European Studies, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
Zeyneb Somer-Topcu's research and teaching interests include party politics, voter behavior and perceptions, election results, and representation. She examines how parties' position-taking strategies and their election campaign strategies affect voters' perceptions of party policies. Her focus is on Western Europe, though her research often extends to other advanced industrial democracies.
Roy Sorensen
Roy Sorensen is interested in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of language. He was published widely with over 200 articles on topics ranging from the aesthetics of mirror imagery to the metaphysics of shadows.
Cristina Soriano
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Cristina Soriano’s research focuses on the analysis of dynamics of circulation of information, social networks, political mobilization, and public sphere in the Spanish Caribbean during the Age of Revolutions.
David Sosa
Philosophy, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
David Sosa's research interests include epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language.
SV Sreenivasan
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
S.V. Sreenivasan is a nanotechnologist with an interest in creating high throughput nanofabrication techniques that enable scalable nanotech applications in electronics, displays, and healthcare.
Peter Stone
Computer Science
Peter Stone's research focuses on artificial intelligence with the goal to create autonomous agents that can learn to interact with other agents in a wide range of environments. His research contributions are in the areas of machine learning, autonomous agents and multiagent systems, and robotics. Application domains include robot soccer, autonomous bidding agents, smart traffic management, general-purpose service robots, and autonomous vehicles.
Sharon Strover
Radio-Television-Film, Journalism and Media
Sharon Strover's research examines local and statewide networks and broadband services, such as the relationship between economic outcomes and investments in digital media programs in higher education and with social media. She also investigates the digital divide in terms of rural broadband and telecommunications infrastructure deployment related to economic development in these regions. She also works on issues with artificial intelligence.
Michael Sturley
Michael Sturley's expertise is in maritime law (admiralty) and Supreme Court practice. Additionally, he specializes in property and commercial law.
Jeremi Suri
Public Affairs, History
Jeremi Suri's research interests include the formation and spread of nation-states, the emergence of modern international relations, the connections between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.
William Swann
Psychology, Management
William Swann's research examines the relationship between social-cognitive processes and relationships, including both dyadic and group relationships. Much of his research explores the nature and consequences of identity fusion, which occurs when group members experience a sense of union with a group.
Huseyin Tanriverdi
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Huseyin Tanriverdi's research interests include corporate diversification mergers acquisitions and divestitures, information systems, and knowledge management.
Peter Thomas
Marine Science
Peter Thomas' research focuses on endocrine control of reproduction in fishes and other vertebrates, rapid steroid hormone actions through novel steroid membrane receptors, applications of endocrinology in fish culture, and effects of environmental factors such as hypoxia and pollutants on reproductive endocrine function.
Kevin Thomas
African and African Diaspora Studies, Sociology
Kevin Thomas' research focuses on international migration, global health, racial and ethnic inequality, children and families, as well as development and social change in Africa.
William Tierney
William Tierney is internationally recognized for his research in biomedical informatics, health services and clinical database epidemiology. He also served as the founding director of informatics and research for the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH), a 30-year collaboration of more than 20 North American universities with universities in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Katharine Tillman
Katharine Tillman’s research explores how we acquire abstract concepts that go beyond what we can directly perceive in the world. She is particularly interested in how young children think about time, and how language and other forms of cultural learning shape time concepts during cognitive development.
Puay Toh
Puay Toh studies technology strategy, focusing on issues of competition and innovation, value appropriation within ecosystems, standard setting, research & development organization, resource allocation and other technology-related strategies.
Elliot Tucker-Drob
Elliot Tucker-Drob’s research addresses the questions of how and why different people progress along different life trajectories. His research on infant, child, and adolescent development primarily focuses on how social and educational experiences combine with genetic variation to impact cognitive development, and mental health over time.
Jeffrey Tulis
Government, Law, Communication Studies
Jeffrey Tulis's interests bridge the fields of political theory and American politics, including more specifically, American political development, constitutional theory, political philosophy and the American presidency.
Michael Tye
Michael Tye is a scholar of philosophy with special interests in consciousness, animal minds, perception, concepts, mental imagery, and vagueness.
Mauricio Viroli
Maurizio Viroli's works examine the history of political thought, looking at the relationship between religion and politics, classical republicanism vs. neo-republicanism, political communication, and citizenship and civic education.
Stephen Walker
Mathematics, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences
Stephen Walker's research is predominately in Bayesian methods, including nonparametric, asymptotics, computational and methodological and foundational. Other areas of interest include hypothesis testing, inequalities, matrix, and linear algebra.
Huiliang Wang
Biomedical Engineering
Huiliang Wang’s research focuses on the development of new tools to modulate and record neural activity from targeted neuronal populations using minimally-invasive methods. Wang’s goal is to develop clinical neural interfacing therapies with the power and specificity afforded by optogenetics methods, using materials and electronic devices that are clinically translatable.
Di Wang
Di Wang works on international poltiical economy particularly with a focus on sovereign wealth funds and foreign direct divestments.
Jamie Warner
Mechanical Engineering
Jamie Warner's research focuses on the next generation of nanostructured materials with unique properties that will impact electronic, opto-electronic, and energy applications. The core foundation of his research is on the atomic level structure and dynamics of nanomaterials realized through state-of-the-art aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy.
Jay Westbrook
Jay Westbrook's specialties are in international business litigation, bankruptcy, and secured credit.
Alexandra Wettlaufer
French and Italian
Alexandra Wettlaufer focuses on 19th-century literature, visual arts, culture, and gender studies. She seeks to understand the ways in which 19th-century artistic identity, reading, gender, and the novel were constructed in a dialectic conversation between France and Britain.
Marianne Wheeldon
Music Theory
Marianne Wheeldon's research includes the music of Claude Debussy and its posthumous reception, the analysis of 20th-century French music, and interdisciplinary topics in music analysis, cultural history, and sociology of culture.
Sinead Williamson
Statistics and Data Sciences
Sinead Williamson's main research focus is the development of nonparametric Bayesian methods for machine learning applications. In particular, Williamson is interested in constructing distributions over correlated measures and complex structures, in order to model structured data sets or data with spatio-temporal dependence.
Christopher Wlezien
Christopher Wlezien's research looks at the "thermostatic" model of public opinion and policy and examines the dynamic relationships between preferences for spending and budgetary policy in various domains. Other research considers the broader relationship between news and the public. He also investigates the evolution of voter preferences expressed in pre-election polls over the course of an election cycle.
Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski
English, Comparative Literature, South Asia Institute
Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski is an early modernist and literary theorist who specializes in the history of subjectivity. Her research focuses on the life and writings of Michel Foucault during the late sixties, and on his highly influential theories of power/knowledge, bringing the study of group identity from the early modern world to the post-modern.
Helena Woodard
English, African and African Diaspora Studies
Helena Woodard's research interests include 18th-century British Literature, ethnic and third world literature, American literature, critical race theory, and women, gender and literature.
Samuel Woolley
Journalism and Media, Information
Samuel Woolley’s research is focused on how emergent technologies are used in and around global political communication. His work on computational propaganda—the use of social media in attempts to manipulate public opinion—has revealed the ways in which a wide variety of political groups in the United States and abroad.
Jacqueline Woolley
Jacqueline Wooley’s research addresses two basic aspects of children's cognitive development: their beliefs about the nature of reality, and their understanding of mental states and processes. The goal of her research is to investigate how children make reality status judgments when they encounter novel information.
Blerta Xhemalce
Molecular Biosciences
Blerta Xhemalce's research focus is to unravel how gene expression is regulated by epigenetic modifications of chromatin and RNAs. The ultimate goal of her lab is to discover novel enzymes, writers, or erasers of such modifications that are potential targets for therapeutic drugs that could alleviate human diseases including cancer.
Veronica Yan
Educational Psychology, Psychology
Veronica Yan studies the cognitive underpinnings of learning and instruction (memory & metacognition), integrated with social-psychological processes (motivation & mindset), in direct applications to classroom practices, online instruction, and self-regulated learning.
Guihua Yu
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Guihua Yu's researches design and synthesis of functional nano-architectured materials, like organic and hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials, understanding of their chemical and physical properties, and development of large-scale assembly and integration methodologies to enable important applications in energy, environment and sustainability, e.g. fast-charging batteries, electrocatalysis, solar water purification, critical mineral recovery.
Chen Yu
Chen Yu’s research interests include development and learning, language acquisition, perception and action, visual attention, social interaction, computer vision, and machine learning.
Harold Zakon
Neuroscience, Integrative Biology
Harold Zakon's research revolves around the function, regulation, and evolution of voltage-dependent ion channels. Zakon's main focus has been to study the regulation of sodium and potassium channels by hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and by phosphorylation.
Thaleia Zariphopoulou
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Thaleia Zariphopoulou's research interests include financial mathematics, stochastic optimization, and quantitative finance.
Yunlan Zhang
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Yunlan Zhang's research aims to create mechanical metamaterials and advanced structures with innovative properties that can be used to upgrade existing structures, as well as create new structures that are more resilient to extreme demands.
Wuyang Zhao
Wuyang Zhao's research explores the roles of short-sellers and financial analysts in capital markets. His current teaching interests focus primarily on financial statement analysis.
Yuke Zhu
Computer Science
Yuke Zhu's research goal is to build intelligent algorithms for robots and embodied agents that reason about and interact with the real world. His research lies at the intersection of robotics, computer vision, and machine learning with a focus on developing methods and mechanisms of perception and control to achieve general-purpose robot autonomy.
- City University London
- London Business School
- London School of Economics & Political Science
- Oxford Brookes University
- Queen Mary, University of London
- Royal College of Art
- Swansea University
- University College London
- University of Bath
- University of Bristol
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Exeter
- University of Glasgow
- University of Nottingham
- University of Sheffield
- University of Sussex
- Warwick Business School
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