Grants Awarded by Texas Global for Faculty Research, International Travel, Events, Publications
- Jul 14, 2022
- Global Engagement and Strategy
- Ellen Stader
Eighteen faculty members and five organizations have received global engagement grants as part of Texas Global’s Spring 2022 funding cycle at The University of Texas at Austin. Totaling nearly $154,000, the grants are designated to assist faculty in developing transnational initiatives and publications, and to help academic units present internationally focused events.
Texas Global has awarded $591,963 to date in grant funding to recipients across 15 colleges and schools, offering a range of research, teaching and project awards to aid faculty in pursuing collaborations around the world. The Texas Global Funding Opportunities page offers complete information on financial support available to faculty members whose work will advance the university’s mission of global engagement.
Publication Fund
A new funding opportunity that supports UT Austin tenured and tenure-track faculty in the publication process, the Texas Global Publication Fund defrays publication costs for original works written in a language other than English. Eligible works include scholarly monographs, novels, poetry anthologies, exhibition catalogues, textbooks, and edited collections. Applicants may request funding of up to $10,000 for the publication of their proposed work.
With this year’s inaugural cohort of recipients, the Publication Fund encourages the development and dissemination of linguistically diverse knowledge to a global audience, broadening the UT Austin community’s exposure to international politics and histories, languages, literature, global arts and culture.
Christopher Long
Martin S. Kermacy Centennial Professorship; Distinguished Teaching Professor, School of Architecture
“The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture,” published by Kant Books, Czechia
Robin D. Moore
History of Music Chair, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
“Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba,” published by Trilce Ediciones, Mexico
Gabriela Polit
Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
“Contar Historias. Escritura creativa en el aula,” published by Tower Books, an imprint of The University of Texas Press, United States
Faculty Research Seed Grant
Launched in November 2020, Texas Global’s Faculty Research Seed Grants provide financial support across all disciplines to UT Austin faculty and the international counterparts with whom they collaborate on research to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The initiative develops new and strengthens existing partnerships between UT Austin and higher education institutions and organizations around the world.
Applicants may request seed funds of up to $10,000 for a research proposal with a peer collaborator at an existing or potential partnering institution or organization. Successful proposals generally address one or more of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and can include sponsoring guest speakers or public lectures, organizing symposia or facilitating other research activities.
Since the inception of the program, Texas Global has awarded 31 Faculty Research Seed Grants to UT Austin faculty members representing 11 colleges and schools across campus.
Eugenio Yatsuda Arima
Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts
“The Guacamole Effect: Environmental Consequences of Trade Liberalization in Jalisco, Mexico”
Raissa Fabregas Robles Gil
Assistant Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
“Integrating Scientific Evidence into the Public Sphere: Evidence from Mexico”
Victoria Marone
Assistant Professor, Economics, College of Liberal Arts
“Exploring the Role of Private Healthcare Markets within a Universal Healthcare System”
Ashley Matheny
Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geological Sciences
“From Land to Sea: An Assessment of Pollution Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems in Jamaica”
Sandro Sessarego
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
“Documenting the Afro-Hispanic Language Varieties of Mexico”
Ming Zhang
Professor, Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture
“The U.S.-China Collaborative Research on Megaregion Sustainability”
Global Career Launch
An innovative global internship framework, the Global Career Launch (GCL) initiative allows faculty to lead undergraduate and graduate students in high-impact work and research experiences abroad. Faculty with a new or established relationship at a university, research center, corporation or other industry partner abroad serve as program directors, leading and supporting cohorts of up to 10 students as they intern or conduct research abroad.
The GCL award comes with a stipend and travel grant for faculty recipients, and each student selected for the internship receives a scholarship to defray the costs of interning abroad.
David Eaton
Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
“Israel: On Equity, Diversity, Inclusion”
Devin Walker
Director of Global Leadership and Social Impact, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement
“Sweatt in Senegal Internship Program”
Faculty Travel Planning Grant
UT Austin faculty members who are working toward establishing connections abroad to satisfy eligibility requirements for Texas Global funding opportunities can benefit from Faculty Travel Planning Grants. Applicants may request up to $2,500 in travel funds to support the development of their proposals.
These grants afford faculty the unique opportunity to explore possibilities, develop connections and seek potential initiatives within their international networks in order to produce high-quality Texas Global funding proposals.
Vertica Bhardwaj
Associate Professor of Instruction, Textiles and Apparel, College of Natural Sciences
“Exploring Current State and Future Potential of Sustainable Practices in Global Apparel Supply Chain”
Aileen Bumphus
Assistant Professor of Practice, Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
Suchitra Gururaj
Assistant Vice President for Community Engagement and Economic Development; Lecturer, Plan II, College of Liberal Arts
“An Investigation of Future Global Leadership Opportunities for Students Engaged in Servant Leadership of Underserved Communities in Costa Rica”
Stephen E. Courter
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Management, McCombs School of Business
“Virtual Turnaround Course”
Edgar Gómez-Cruz
Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Associate Professor, School of Information
“Decolonizing Algorithmic Research: The Case of Latin America”
Elma Ines Lorenzo-Blanco
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
“Establishing Collaborations with Dr. Linda Juang at the University of Potsdam in Germany to Examine Adjustment Among Immigrant Youth and Families in Germany and the United States”
Stacey K. Sowards
Mark L. Knapp Professorship; Professor, Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
“Communicating Women’s Diasporic Islamic Identities in Indonesia and Beyond”
Internationalization Event Fund
The Internationalization Event Fund supports academic units that sponsor high-impact, globally oriented events involving multiple colleges and schools to reach broad and diverse audiences of 200 or more attendees. Texas Global accepts proposals of up to $10,000 for interdisciplinary events that promote internationalization on campus.
Department of Classics, College of Liberal Arts
Digital Humanities Beyond Modern English Conference
Department of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts
The 14th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology
School of Nursing
International Indigenous Nursing Research Summit
Value Institute for Health and Care, Dell Medical School
Redefining Health Care Summit, Barcelona 2022
UT Polish Club
“Russia’s War on Ukraine and Its Global Impact” lecture with Lech Wałęsa, former Polish president and Nobel Peace Prize winner
Application deadlines are in early October 2022 for the next funding cycle of the grants mentioned above, with the exception of the Internationalization Event Fund, for which proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis. For specific deadlines and further information on all the grants Texas Global offers to faculty members and campus organizations, visit the Texas Global Funding Opportunities page.