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Texas Global Awards Faculty Grants for Publication, Research, Internships, Travel, Events

  • Jan 12, 2023
  • Education Abroad
  • Ellen Stader

Honoring its commitment to augment connections between the Forty Acres and partners around the world, Texas Global awarded grants in December 2022 to 12 faculty members and two departments at The University of Texas at Austin, providing support for multiple efforts in global engagement. The grants, totaling nearly $82,000, help faculty develop transnational initiatives and assist academic units in coordinating events with an international focus.  

A total of $682,700 in research, teaching and project funding has been awarded to recipients across 16 colleges and schools to date. The Texas Global Funding Opportunities page offers complete information on grants available to faculty members whose work advances the university’s mission of global engagement.   

Publication Fund  

The Texas Global Publication Fund encourages the development and dissemination of linguistically diverse knowledge to a global audience, broadening the UT Austin community’s exposure to international politics and histories, languages, literature, global arts and culture.  

Paola Canova 

Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts, LLILAS 
“Frontier Intimacies: Ayoreo Women and the Sexual Economy of the Paraguayan Chaco,” to be published in Spanish by Editorial Biblos, Argentina 

Faculty Research Seed Grant   

Texas Global’s Faculty Research Seed Grants support faculty with peer collaborators at institutions abroad to conduct research that addresses global challenges. The initiative develops new and strengthens existing partnerships between UT Austin and higher education institutions and organizations around the world.   

M. Bayani Cardenas 

Professor, Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences 
“Unseen belowground connection between land and sea and its impacts on water quality and ecosystem health of coral reefs around volcanic islands of the Philippines” 
In partnership with Ateneo de Manila University and Silliman University, Philippines 

Ji Ma 

Assistant Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs 
“The Evolution of Charity Regulation Regime in China” 
In partnership with Beijing Normal University, China 

Hsin-Chih (Tim) Yeh 

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering 
“Bioinspired nanomaterials for viral sensing” 
In partnership with National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

Global Virtual Exchange 

The Texas Global Virtual Exchange initiative supports faculty in co-creating Collaborative Online International Learning courses with peers at universities around the world. Through the program’s fostering of meaningful, sustainable and accessible international experiences, UT Austin students and those at partnering institutions deepen their understanding of the subject matter and gain global perspectives while engaging in project-based learning. 

Stephanie Grasso 

Assistant Professor, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication 
“Preparing Speech-Language Pathology Students to Work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Individuals” 
In partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico 

Marina Peterson 

Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts 
“Elemental Anthropology” 
In partnership with Humboldt University, Germany 

Mina Kim 

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Korean Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts 
“Developing learning strategies by designing a global virtual exchange: First-Year Korean I and Second-Year Korean II” 
In partnership with Charles University, Czechia; University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom; and University of Vienna, Austria 

Global Career Launch  

The innovative internship framework of Global Career Launch allows faculty to lead undergraduate and graduate students in high-impact work and research experiences abroad. Faculty with a new or established relationship at a university, research center, corporation or other industry partner abroad serve as program directors, who lead and support cohorts of up to 10 students each in interning or conducting research abroad.  

David Eaton   

Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs  
“Mexico: Trans-Boundary Environmental Issues”   
In partnership with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality  

Jessica Ciarla   

Professor, Textiles and Apparel, College of Natural Sciences 
“Upcycled Product Design Via Waste Materials” 
In partnership with ReFactory, United Kingdom 

Faculty Travel Planning Grant   

Faculty Travel Planning Grants afford faculty a unique opportunity to develop connections and seek potential initiatives within their international networks in the interest of ultimately producing high-quality Texas Global funding proposals. 

Riyad Alhomsi 

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Middle Eastern Studies, College of Liberal Arts 
“First Faculty-led Study Abroad Program in Jordan” 

Lauren Michele Gaydosh 

Assistant Professor, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts  
“Health in Midlife in the UK and USA: Comparison of Two Nationally Representative Cohorts” 

Dhiraj Murthy 

Professor, Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication 
“Improving Our Understanding of Misinformation and Disinformation in India” 

Internationalization Event Fund  

The Internationalization Event Fund supports academic units sponsoring high-impact globally oriented events in which multiple colleges and schools reach broad and diverse audiences of 200 or more attendees.  

Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts 

“Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil” 

Texas Performing Arts, College of Fine Arts 

“Vuyani Dance Theatre: Embracing Global Perspectives Through the Arts” 

The next deadline for grant applications is February 27, 2023, for all of the awards mentioned above, with the exception of the Internationalization Event Fund, for which proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis. For further information on grants Texas Global offers to faculty members and campus organizations, visit the Texas Global Funding Opportunities page.