Deji Akinwande's research focuses on 2D materials and nanotechnology, pioneering device innovations from lab towards applications. This manifests as translational nanotechnology from materials to devices to circuits, blurring the boundaries between chemistry, electronics, physics, materials science and mechanics.
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Sung-Sheng Chang's research focuses on Chinese literature and film, particularly works originating from Taiwan. She has written on literary culture and contemporary literature of Taiwan.
Ray Chen’s research focuses on four subjects: nano-photonic passive and active devices for bio- and EM-wave sensing and interconnect applications; thin film guided-wave optional interconnection, computing and packaging for laser beam routing and steering; true time delay wide band phased array antenna; and 3D printed micro-electronics and photonics.
Hsiang Chyi specializes in media economics and her work focuses on user demand for multi-platform newspapers. She has examined the viability of digital subscriptions and revealed the strong attachment to the print product among newspaper readers.
Adam Clulow is a historian of early modern Asia. His work is concerned broadly with the transnational circulation of ideas, people, practices and commodities across East and Southeast Asia.
North Cooc's research focuses on three main areas: 1) the role of schools and social institutions in reducing racial and ethnic disparities in academic and social outcomes; 2) the unequal opportunities of children with disabilities in navigating the special education system; and 3) the preparation of a diverse and culturally sustaining teacher workforce.
Kathryn Dawson uses the arts to increase equity and access in educational contexts. Dawson's interests focus on arts-based educational research, community-engagement, teaching artist pedagogy and practice, qualitative research methods, curriculum design, and program evaluation.
Mechanical Engineering, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Ofodike Ezekoye is an expert in combustion and heat transfer in high temperature and reacting systems, such as combustion engines, furnaces, and structural fires. His research covers a range of applications from fundamentals of combustion systems to scientific support of the fire service in developing fire fighting tactics.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Jonathan Gunn is a versatile artist with a varied career as educator, soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral performer as a clarinetist. He has performed international as a soloist and recitalist and has given masterclasses around the world.
Hao-yuan Hsiao studies the biomechanical and neuromuscular control mechanisms of human movement and translates this knowledge into practical -solutions that reduce walking-related disability.
Daniel Jaffe's research interests include infrared spectroscopy of young stars, protostars, young planetary systems, and star forming clouds. Additionally, his interests include physics of the dense interstellar medium, observations of young brown dwarfs, and instrumentation for infrared spectroscopy.
Robert Jansen studies plant molecular systematics and evolution with a primary focus on comparative genomics of plastids, their utility for understanding genome evolution and phylogenetic relationships of angiosperms, and coevolution between plastid, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.
Jerry Junkin is an enthusiastic advocate of public-school music education, having conducted All-State bands and festivals in 48 states and on five continents. Junkin spends his summers in residence at the Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan and appearing at music festivals around the world.
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
John Kuo is an internationally known neurosurgeon-scientist who specializes in brain tumors. His work has been instrumental to advance the care of brain and spine patients, partnering with clinical and research colleagues in neuroscience, cancer and other areas to leverage technology and bioscience advances on campus.
Chiu-Mi Lai's research focuses on classical Chinese poetry and poetics, classical Chinese and medieval Chinese literature, literary theory, history of the Chinese writing system, pre-modern Chinese history, translation practices, history of food, medicine, and healing.
Harvey Lederman is a scholar of contemporary philosophy and the history of philosophy. He has written on common knowledge, incomplete preferences, and the philosophy of the great Ming dynasty philosopher, Wang Yangming.
Elaine Li's research focuses on using laser spectroscopy methods to investigate new materials on the nanoscale or individual nanoparticles, quasiparticles, and collective excitations.
Elaine Li's research focuses on using laser spectroscopy methods to investigate new materials on the nanoscale or individual nanoparticles, quasiparticles, and collective excitations.
Jung-Fu Lin's research focuses on understanding the nature of the Earth and planetary interiors as well as material sciences through direct examination of the properties of materials under high-pressure and high/low-temperature conditions. His research group often by conducts high pressure experiments using high-pressure diamond anvil cell techniques combined with in-house and synchrotron-based facilities.
Tse-Min Lin's teaching and research interests cover methodology, formal theory, American and comparative political behavior, mathematical methods, dynamics of the gender gap, congressional tenure, and Taiwanese politics.
Yi-Chih Lin studies spectroscopy, photophysics, biophysics, and microscopy. His research aims to understand the structure-function correlation of the critical biomolecules involving different diseases.
Cheng-Wei Lin’s research focuses on the acquisition of Arabic as a second language using experimental methods and corpus-based analyses. Lin is particularly interested in developing computer-assisted curriculum for the students as well as development tools for the instructors.
Ken-Hou Lin's primary research examines how the economic and demographic transformations shape the distribution of resources. He also explores how the internet emerges as both a space and a tool to help understand contemporary societies.
Li-Chen Lin's research interests include nurses' work environments, resilience, disaster preparedness, role transitions, as well as quality and safety in healthcare. She has completed a research study aimed to examine resilience among nurses working in long-term care or rehabilitation settings and to investigate whether demographics, professional quality of life, and sleep quality are significant predictors of nurses' resilience.
Amy Liu's research interests focuses on ethnic politics, language policies, and migration politics, with a regional focus on Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.
Hung-Wen Liu's research focuses on the crossroads of chemistry and biology. His group researches three general areas with the focus aimed at the elucidation of the mechanisms of novel enzymatic reactions and the design of methods to control and/or regulate their functions.
Beili Liu is a visual artist who creates material-and-process driven, site-responsive installations. Liu’s sculptural environments resonate with the experience of migration and cultural memory and negotiate personal, cultural, and environmental concerns.
Patrick McDonald researches and teaches on international relations theory, international political economy, and international security, with a particular focus on the economic causes of war and peace.
Linda Noble’s research focuses on translational research in the field of neurotrauma. This research relies on cellular, molecular, and behavioral tools to identify key mechanisms underlying early cell injury that impair recovery processes in preclinical models of neurotrauma.
James Patton's areas of activity include transition assessment and planning, differentiating instruction for students with special needs, study skills instruction, needs of college students with learning-related challenges, and issues associated with individual with disabilities who encounter the criminal justice system.
David Paydarfar's research seeks to understand mechanisms underlying disease states associated with abnormal behavior of neural oscillators such as apnea, circadian dysrhythmias and epilepsy, as well as the coordination of pacemakers with other physiological and behavioral functions.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Ellen Rathje's research is focused on evaluating seismic hazards related to earthquake ground shaking and earthquake-induced ground failure due to slope failures and liquefaction. Rathje's group uses a wide range of approaches and tools, including computational simulation, statistical analysis, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Chih-Kang Shih's research interests include nanoscale electronic materials, quantum engineering of metallic nanostructures, fundamental electronic processes in semiconductor quantum dots, and nanoscale mechanical properties of soft matters.
Marie-Anne Suizzo studies variations in parent-child relationships across cultures and ethnic groups. She examines how parent-child interactions and parenting practices shape adolescents' academic and social-emotional development. The outcomes she investigates include achievement motivation, school engagement, cultural beliefs and values, and social-emotional well-being.
Richard Tsai's research focus is on developing machine learning approaches that complement the classical techniques for challenging scientific computing tasks, including time-parallelizable multiscale coupling algorithms for initial value problems, nonlinear interface dynamics, partial differential equations on surfaces, multiscale modeling, wave propagation, image processing, sensor networks, and robotic path planning problems.
Richard Tsai's research focus is on developing machine learning approaches that complement the classical techniques for challenging scientific computing tasks, including time-parallelizable multiscale coupling algorithms for initial value problems, nonlinear interface dynamics, partial differential equations on surfaces, multiscale modeling, wave propagation, image processing, sensor networks, and robotic path planning problems.
Christopher Wlezien's research looks at the "thermostatic" model of public opinion and policy and examines the dynamic relationships between preferences for spending and budgetary policy in various domains. Other research considers the broader relationship between news and the public. He also investigates the evolution of voter preferences expressed in pre-election polls over the course of an election cycle.
Scott Wolford's work focuses on the role of leadership change and military coalitions in international conflict, international institutions, and the stability of peace settlements.
Li Yang's research interests include Chinese language instruction, contemporary Chinese cinema and the Chinese film industry, East Asian cinema, and Chinese popular culture.
Hsin-Chih Yeh's research is focused on creating and studying new nanomaterials that have the potential to be used as future molecular probes (i.e. nanobiosensors) with unprecedented sensing capabilities, and developing new imaging tools for fundamental biomedical research at the single-molecule, single-cell level.
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