Student Experiences

Netherlands Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in Netherlands
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Kamran Ali
Anthropology, Asian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies
Kamran Ali's research centers on issues of health, gender, and urban issues in Egypt, and on ethnicity, class politics, urban space, cinema, sexuality and popular culture in Pakistan.
Dean Almy
Dean Almy's research is focused upon the relationship between cities, landscapes, and the integration of urban systems in response to climate change.
Owen Anderson
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Samy Ayoub
Middle Eastern Studies, Law
Samy Ayoub specializes in Islamic law, modern Middle East law, and law and religion in contemporary Muslim societies. He focuses on issues concerning law, its interaction with religion, and the role of religion in contemporary legal and socio-political systems within a global comparative perspective.
Benjamin Baird
Benjamin Baird's research spans several areas in human cognition, including metacognition, sleep and public health. He uses a range of methods, including behavioral testing and multimodal neuroimaging techniques to study the brain basis of human cognitive processes.
Janine Barchas
Janine Barchas' interests include 18th-century literature and culture, digital humanities, the British novel, book history, textual studies, and Jane Austen.
Jean Barrera
Musicology & Ethnomusicology
Jean Barrera is a working musician who also teaches the music and history of Conjunto music. He has performed around the world and is the innovator of the first National Reso-phonic Bajo Sexto.
David Beaver
Linguistics, Philosophy
David Beaver's research and teaching concerns linguistic meaning, an area traditionally subdivided into two subfields, semantics and pragmatics. He also has interests in temporal and event semantics, in the automatic extraction of psychological and social features in text and dialogue, and in broader philosophical, psychological and computational themes from cognitive science.
Amit Bhasin
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Amit Bhasin’s research focuses on developing models that relate material properties to performance of asphalt binders and mixtures, including evaluating the impact of chemical modifiers, additives, and other agents, developing comprehensive models for undamaged behavior and damage evolution in asphalt binders and mixtures, and characterizing physical and chemical properties of asphalt binders and aggregates.
David Birdsong
French and Italian
David Birdsong specializes in second-language acquisition, bilingualism, psycholinguistics, and French linguistics. Birdsong is particularly interested in the measurement and predictive power of dominance in bilingualism, and in the neurocognitive and experiential factors that influence ultimate attainment in a second language.
Pascale Bos
Germanic Studies
Pascale Bos' research focuses on Holocaust and Genocide Studies with a special emphasis on gender and memory, sexual violence and war, and the after effects of trauma and wartime violence. Bos is also interested in the study of autobiography as well as modern Dutch and Jewish literature & culture.
Nathaniel Brickens
Music Performance, Music Education
Nathaniel Brickens is an internationally acclaimed trombone player and educator. He has traveled and performed both national and internationally as a free-lance trombonist, as conductor of the UT Trombone Choir, and as a music educator.
Elena Cáceres
Elena Cáceres is a theoretical physicist working in string theory and gravity. She has worked in different aspects of gauge/gravity duality, supergravity solutions and holography. Her work is focused on the relationship between quantum information theory, gravity, and spacetime.
John Clarke
Art and Art History
John Clarke's research focuses on ancient Roman art, art-historical methodology, and contemporary art. Since 2005, he has directed the Oplontis Project, based in Torre Annunziata, Italy, whose goal is to complete excavation and study of two large ancient Roman villas buried by Vesuvius in A.D. 79.
Adam Clulow
Adam Clulow is a historian of early modern Asia. His work is concerned broadly with the transnational circulation of ideas, people, practices and commodities across East and Southeast Asia.
Stephen Courter
Stephen Courter's areas of interest include corporate diversification, mergers, acquisitions & divestitures, and venture capital.
Edward Coyle
Kinesiology and Health Education
Edward Coyle's research focuses on the metabolic and cardiovascular factors that limit exercise performance. He has investigated the cardio-metabolic effects of prolonged sitting and the amount of exercise needed to counteract the negative health consequences of daily sedentary behavior.
Megan Crowhurst
Linguistics, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Megan Crowhurst's research interests include psycholinguistics (speech perception) and linguistic rhythm.
Daniele Cuneo
Asian Studies
Daniele Cuneo's research interests include Sanskrit intellectual and literary cultures, with a particular focus on poetry and aesthetics, although he branches out into epistemology, linguistic philosophy, debates among Brahmins, Buddhists and Jains, and conversation between traditions and (post-)modernity. Further research topics are the history of Indian Philosophy as a whole, the classical juridical tradition and the tantric studies.
John Daly
Management, Communication Studies
John Daly's interests focus on practical ways of improving the communication and relationship skills of individuals. He examines topics such as influencing skills, interpersonal relations, leadership and network, change management, and has a burgeoning interest in the politics of standardization.
Paul Damien
Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Statistics and Data Sciences
Paul Damien researchres Bayesian methods, knowledge management, option pricing, and risk management in industries such energy, financial services, and pharmaceuticals.
Warn Farnsworth
Philosophy, Law
Ward Farnsworth teaches on torts, contracts, civil procedure, admiralty, and rhetoric.
Stephen Finn
Stephen Finn specializes in collaborative/therapeutic assessment, personality assessment, and other topics in clinical psychology like gender identity.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima
Psychology, Medicine, Pharmacy
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Samuel Gosling
Psychology, American Studies
Samuel Gosling’s main areas of research are connections between people and the physical spaces in which they live, personality in nonhuman animals, and new methods for obtaining data useful for research in the social sciences.
Benjamin Gregg
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
Kathryn Paige Harden
Kathryn Paige Harden’s research areas include genetic influences on complex human behavior, including child cognitive development, academic achievement, risk-taking, mental health, sexual activity, and childbearing. Her research uses twin studies and big genetic datasets to understand why people’s lives turn out differently.
Florian Hemmes
Kinesiology and Health Education
Florian Hemme's research focuses on organizational change, sport entrepreneurship, and the intersection of public and private sport enterprise.
Warren Hunt
Computer Science
Warren Hunt's research involves the use of formal mathematics to write specifications for computer hardware and software and to use proof techniques to determine properties of such specifications. Hunt is also interested in computer architecture, low-power computing, garbage collection, and parallel computing. Hunt actively works on modeling rapid, single-flux, quantum computing logic.
Mbemba Jabbi
Mbemba Jabbi’s research applies behavioral phenotyping and multimodal imaging genetics to understand the neurogenetic basis for normal and dysregulated affective functioning. He seeks to contribute to the characterization of how genes affect brain circuitry mediation of basic and higher-order adaptive affective functions with the goal to guide novel strategic identification of neurogenetic biomarkers for maladaptive affective dysfunctions.
Junfeng Jiao
Junfeng Jiao focuses on smart city/urban informatics and understanding cities through AI and big data. Jiao has investigated 311 calls' spatial distribution, Uber's price surge, Airbnb's spatial clustering, E-scooters' origins, destinations, and routings, and bike sharing system planning. He coined term transit deserts and explored how urban environments affect people's access to grocery stores, transit facilities, and bicycle infrastructures.
Theresa Jones
Theresa Jones’s research focuses on the plasticity of neural structure and synaptic connectivity in adult animals following brain damage and during skill learning. Additional research focuses on motor skill learning-induced plasticity of motor cortex and cerebellum and on the intercoordination of glial, vascular and neuronal plasticity.
Robert Josephs
Robert Josephs’s primary research objective is to gain a better understanding of the etiology of mood and anxiety disorders. This is accomplished through borrowing techniques from behavioral neuroendocrinology, molecular genetics, and social-personality psychology.
Luc Lavier
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Luc Lavier's research focuses on the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts. He has developed techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales, using geophysical and geological data to constrain and quantify tectonic processes. These different studies led to the development of parametrizations to understand phenomena like localization of deformation and the initiation of subduction.
William Lewis
Music Performance
William Lewis enjoys a highly regarded reputation as a tenor whose versatility spans the operatic repertoire from Mozart to Schoenberg. He has performed one hundred thirty major operatic roles in ten languages around the world.
Cha Li
Cha Li's research interests include behavioral strategy, innovation, and industry-government relationships. Her works examine how innovation may be hindered by the behavioral constraints of individuals, and how such constraints can be alleviated through organization design or government interventions.
Nathaniel Lynd
Chemical Engineering
Nathaniel Lynd focuses on fundamental and applied research in polymer science guided by the principles of simplicity, sustainability, and relevance to key technological challenges in chemical engineering for the 21st-century in energy, environment, security, and materials for healthcare. His work is built on a foundation of novel techniques for advanced copolymer structure determination and detailed mechanistic understanding.
Vijay Mahajan
Vijay Mahajan's areas of expertise include marketing strategy, product diffusion, research methodology and the Global South.
Lance Manuel
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Lance Manuel's research is related to uncertainty quantification associated with the safety of civil engineering, energy-generation and ocean systems. His work is being used to improve the design of wind turbines for complex inflow turbulence conditions and in enhanced the long-term reliability of deepwater floating structures. His work is also examining climate impacts on infrastructure systems and related hazard, risk, and resilience studies.
Risto Miikkulainen
Computer Science, Neuroscience
Risto Miikkulainen’s research focuses on biologically-inspired computation such as neural networks and evolutionary computation. His goal is to understand biological information processing and to develop intelligent artificial systems that learn and adapt by observing and interacting with the environment.
José del R. Millán
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology
José del R. Millán is an expert in the field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI), especially based on electroencephalogram signals. In addition to his work on the fundamentals of BMI and design of neuroprosthetics, Millán is prioritizing the translation of BMI to end-users who live with motor and cognitive disabilities. In parallel, he is designing BMI technology to offer new interaction modalities for people without disabilities.
David Mohrig
Earth and Planetary Sciences
David Mohrig's research focuses on the application of sedimentary deposits and transport processes to unraveling the evolutions of terrestrial and submarine landscapes. He studies the behavior of topography generated at the interface between a granular material and a moving fluid from very short to very long time and space scales, with particular emphasis on processes controlling channel formation, both on land and in the deep ocean.
Douglas Morrice
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Douglas Morrice's research areas include computer simulation, operations management, healthcare management, and supply chain management.
Luisa Nardini
Musicology & Ethnomusicology
Luisa Nardini specializes in digital humanities, pre- and early-modern women, global studies, and sacred music. Her studies on medieval and early-modern women are focused on women's access to music education, spaces of music creativity, and interactions with male counterparts. She also writes on global early musics.
Anton Nel
Music Performance
Anton Nel is a pianist and continues to tour internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician and teacher. He has performed with some of the world's finest instrumentalists at festivals on four continents.
Quoc Nguyen
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Quoc Nguyen’s research covers advanced gas and chemical enhanced hydrocarbon recovery methods in hydrocarbon formations, thermal and solvent-based recovery of oils, improved production of unconventional resources, fluids design for controlling unwanted fluid production, improving the conformance of injected fluids, removal and preventative treatment of scale deposits and hydrates, and research of heat and mass transfer phenomena and geochemistry.
Steven Pedigo
Public Affairs
Steven Pedigo is an expert in urban economic development, regional cooperation and placemaking. Pedigo has developed strategies for more than 50 cities and regions in the United States and other countries.
Nicholas Peppas
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine
Nikolaos Peppas' research blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate next-generation systems and devices, including bio-microelectromechanical systems with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality and longevity.
Robert Peroni
Robert Peroni specializes in corporate tax, federal income taxation, international tax, natural resource taxation, and professional responsibility/legal ethics. He is an expert in international taxation and in energy taxation.
David Ring
David Ring's interests include trauma and post-traumatic reconstruction in the arm, quality and patient safety, common arm illnesses and psychosocial aspects of arm illness. He has influenced the treatment of upper extremity trauma and its sequellae, nonunions, and common hand illnesses.
David Schnyer
David Schnyer's research is focused on the cognitive neuroscience of mental processes, particularly, the neural structures and computational algorithms that contribute to non-declarative memory, associative memory, metamemory and attention/cognitive control.
William Schwartz
William Schwartz has conducted research on biological clocks and especially on the "master" brain clock in the mammalian hypothalamus. At the Dell Medical School, he is working on the development of interdisciplinary courses at the intersection of biology and medicine for UT Austin undergraduates and the approach to patients with neurological disease for Dell Med students and residents.
Mrinal Sen
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mrinal Sen is a specialist on seismic wave propagation, including anisotropy, geophysical inverse problems, and methods for constructing synthetic seismograms in heterogeneous media. His areas of research include classical whole earth seismology, applied seismology and inverse theory.
Sandro Sessarego
Spanish & Portuguese, African and African Diaspora Studies, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sandro Sessarego works in contact linguistics, sociolinguistics and syntax. He studies Afro-Latino Vernaculars of the Americas (ALVA), languages in Latin America developed from contact of African languages, Spanish and Portuguese in colonial times. His research aims at examining the status of unofficial languages to understand how language policy impact minority groups, with a focus on speakers of ALVA, creoles, indigenous languages, etc.
Sarah Seulki Oh
Sarah Seulki Oh's expertise includes production, producing, narrative film making, documentary film making, television, and screenwriting.
Jason Shumake
Jason Shumake’s primary research interest is building models from longitudinal data sets to classify and predict behavior and responses to interventions. He is particularly interested in using statistical and machine learning algorithms to search for novel combinations of genetic, neural, and behavioral features that predict treatment response.
Jeffrey Smith
Art and Art History
Jeffrey Smith specializes in the art and architecture of Northern Europe, especially Germany and the Netherlands, between 1400-1700. He has written on Albrecht Dürer, German sculpture, goldsmith work, Jesuits, Northern Renaissance art and issues of historiography, among other topics.
Jürgen Streeck
Communication Studies
Jürgen Streeck conducts video-based research on human interaction in everyday life. Streeck is particularly interested in language and the body as media of interaction and cognition, and in the cultural and experiential foundations of language and meaning.
Deepa Thomas
Deepa Thomas studies quantum chromodynamics, which is the theory of interactions in particle physics. Unlike in ordinary matter, quarks and gluons are not confined within short distances but can roam freely over distances larger than the hadronic scale in the state of quork-gluon plasma. Understanding this novel state of matter offers a new way to learn how quarks and gluons bind to form stable particles like the proton.
Elliot Tucker-Drob
Elliot Tucker-Drob’s research addresses the questions of how and why different people progress along different life trajectories. His research on infant, child, and adolescent development primarily focuses on how social and educational experiences combine with genetic variation to impact cognitive development, and mental health over time.
Eric van Oort
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Eric van Oort’s research includes hydraulic fracturing optimization and associated water management, drilling automation, well abandonment and decommissioning, shale-fluid interaction, borehole instability and strengthening, along with quantum computing and big data analytics.
Vincent Vanderheijden
Germanic Studies
Vincent Vanderheijden is interested in foreign language pedagogy, inter- and trans-cultural communicative competence, instructional design, curricular development, and language teacher professional development.
Huiliang Wang
Biomedical Engineering
Huiliang Wang’s research focuses on the development of new tools to modulate and record neural activity from targeted neuronal populations using minimally-invasive methods. Wang’s goal is to develop clinical neural interfacing therapies with the power and specificity afforded by optogenetics methods, using materials and electronic devices that are clinically translatable.
- Delft University of Technology
- Leiden University
- Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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