Paul Adams' research focuses on physical and virtual aspects of sense of place, attention-capture and surveillance by digital media, people’s responses to attention-capture and surveillance, discourses on environmental risk and change, representations of climate adaptation and mitigation, and critical cartography.
Ari Adut’s research interests include political violence, the public sphere, commodification, and censorship. In addition, his interests include political sociology, theory, crime, law, and deviance.
Educational Psychology, Medicine, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Ricardo Ainslie’s research focuses on communities in the U.S. and Mexico distressed by violence, ethnic/racial tension, and social transformation. Ainslie also explores the relationship between social fabric and community resilience, and the psychology of immigration both at an individual and at a collective level.
Maruthi Akella’s research encompasses control theoretic investigations and experimental validation of engineered dynamical systems, including autonomous space vehicles and mobile robots, flow-control systems for high-speed and hypersonic vehicles, miniature robots navigating inside GPS denied environments, uncertainty quantification, and cooperative control and collaborative sensing problems in swarm robots.
Deji Akinwande's research focuses on 2D materials and nanotechnology, pioneering device innovations from lab towards applications. This manifests as translational nanotechnology from materials to devices to circuits, blurring the boundaries between chemistry, electronics, physics, materials science and mechanics.
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
English, Radio-Television-Film, Latin American Studies, LGBTQ Studies, Mexican American and Latina/o Studies
Frederick Aldama is an award-winning author of fiction, comics, and scholarly books. He uses insights from narrative theory, cognitive science, and Latinx critical cultural studies to enrich understanding of the creation, distribution, and consumption of U.S. Latinx, Latin American, and European persons of color comics, TV, film, and video games.
Marina Alexandrova's research interests include international modernism and avant-garde (1870s-1920s), Russian radical and revolutionary movements, spirituality in Imperial Russia, and, most recently, cultural and spiritual ties between Russia and the U.S.
Timothy Andeen is a particle physicist. In Geneva he uses the ATLAS detector at the world’s highest energy particle collider. Perhaps the biggest question in particle physics today is “Where are all the new particles?” Discovering these minuscule motes of matter could have a tremendous impact on our understanding of the universe. Andeen searches for new particles and improves the apparatus that observes the ephemeral particles of our universe.
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Edoardo Baldini's research interest is the study of emergent phenomena in quantum materials. His research group develops sensitive spectroscopic techniques to uncover new quantum phases of matter in and out of equilibrium. They also engineer tailored laser pulses in a wide spectral range to control materials properties on ultrashort timescales and achieve exotic functionalities for future quantum technology.
Jean Barrera is a working musician who also teaches the music and history of Conjunto music. He has performed around the world and is the innovator of the first National Reso-phonic Bajo Sexto.
Thomas Bay is an author and syndicated columnist, professor, developmental aid advocate, radio commentator, retired reserve soldier, war game designer, consultant in organizational planning and training simulations.
Miroslava Benes' specialized scholarship is on the art, architecture, urban development, gardens, and vernacular landscapes of Rome and Paris. She studies the processes of design in creating villas and gardens, social uses and emotional experience of landscapes, relationships between vernacular and elite cultures, and between garden design and landscape painting.
Douglas Biow specializes in Renaissance Italy and the history of the individual from antiquity to the modern world. Biow is also interested in translating Italian Renaissance masterpieces into English.
David Birdsong specializes in second-language acquisition, bilingualism, psycholinguistics, and French linguistics. Birdsong is particularly interested in the measurement and predictive power of dominance in bilingualism, and in the neurocognitive and experiential factors that influence ultimate attainment in a second language.
Daniel Birkholz's work looks at Middle English, Anglo-Norman and Viking literature with an emphasis on geography, travel writing, and the history of cartography. In addition, he is also interested in digital humanities.
Patrick Bixler's research focuses on climate and environmental governance, urban sustainability and resilience, hazard preparedness and response, and network science. He is particularly interested in how public, private and nonprofit institutions collaborate to solve complex social and environmental problems and promote social innovation.
Marc Bizer's research focuses on classical reception from a perspective of early modern French identities, including national, social, religious, authorial, and gendered. His research interests involve analyzing the place of tragedy and the tragic within a history of emotions.
Donald Blankenship investigates dynamics of large ice sheets and subglacial geology, using both airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques, including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction, and potential fields methods. Much of his research is focused on understanding the West Antarctic rift system (including the flanking Transantarctic Mountains) and the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Carl Blyth is an applied linguist with a background in interactional sociolinguistics, pragmatics and technology. His research lies at the intersection of language, culture and interaction, with a focal interest in L2 pragmatics.
Roger Bonnecaze focuses on the discovery and understanding of fundamental phenomena in the behavior of complex fluid and materials processing flows and applying this knowledge to modeling, design and use of industrial and natural processes.
Pascale Bos' research focuses on Holocaust and Genocide Studies with a special emphasis on gender and memory, sexual violence and war, and the after effects of trauma and wartime violence. Bos is also interested in the study of autobiography as well as modern Dutch and Jewish literature & culture.
Nathaniel Brickens is an internationally acclaimed trombone player and educator. He has traveled and performed both national and internationally as a free-lance trombonist, as conductor of the UT Trombone Choir, and as a music educator.
Benjamin Brower specializes in modern France and its colonies with a focus on nineteenth-century Algeria. Brower's research examines the colonial situation, and its impact on the societies of the colonized and colonizers. His broader research interests include violence; French colonialism, Islam, and secularism; colonization and language, and colonial-era pilgrimage to Mecca.
Douglas Bruster is an American literary critic and a scholar of Shakespeare. His research centers on Shakespeare and his contemporaries, drama, and literary history.
Mark Budolfson integrates data and methods from multi-disciplines including population-level bioethics, public health, welfare economics, and empirical sciences. This work often involves quantitative policy analyses that represent socioeconomic and health inequalities, weigh competing values and objectives for society, and assess synergies and tradeoffs between goals related to health, equity, and sustainable development.
Barbara Bullock is a linguist with a specialization in the effects of bilingualism and language contact on linguistic structure. She is exploring the power of corpus linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) as effective tools in research on bilingual speech forms. Her research is working to quantify and visualize language mixing and its intermittency to enable corpus comparison.
Carlos Capra's expertise includes interpretation and performance of the various styles of operatic recitative from the 17th-century through the operas of the 20th-century, operatic Italian linguistics, and Italian, German and French operatic text in relationship to music from the phonetic, semiotic, linguistic and dramatic points of view.
Jordan Casey's work focuses on a molecular approach to measuring marine biodiversity and tracing trophic interactions. Casey elucidates cryptic trophic pathways, examines fine-scale niche partitioning, and investigates the resilience of food webs under global change.
Michael Charlesworth is an authority 19th-century European art, particularly on the topics of landscape and the history of gardens, photography until 1918, and landscape drawing and painting. He has also written extensively on the works of Derek Jarman, film-maker, painter and writer.
Mounira M. Charrad has focused on state formation, colonialism, law, citizenship, women's rights and social movements. She has considered strategies of state building in kin-based societies and how struggles over state power shaped the expansion or curtailment of women's rights. Her current research centers on the secular feminist movement in Tunisia, women’s activism, women's associations, secularism, and civil society.
John Chisholm observes how galaxies grow and influence their surroundings over time. Chisholm is interested in the first galaxies in the universe and how they shaped the universe by reionizing the entire cosmos. To do this, he studies the gas and stars of closer galaxies to develop a roadmap to interpret the first galaxies.
Gail Chovan specializes in conceptual design, artisanal techniques, and the history of costume. Chovan focuses on the genesis of ideas and exploration of inspiration while instilling strong technical skills in her students that continue on into their senior year and the development of their own collections.
George Christian specializes in the 19th-century English novel. He has published numerous articles on Victorian novels by Carlyle, Dickens, Trollope, Hardy, and Gissing. Other research interests include: the relationship of law and literature in the 19th-century English novel and the history of Scotland during the French Revolution.
John Clarke's research focuses on ancient Roman art, art-historical methodology, and contemporary art. Since 2005, he has directed the Oplontis Project, based in Torre Annunziata, Italy, whose goal is to complete excavation and study of two large ancient Roman villas buried by Vesuvius in A.D. 79.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Christian Claudel's research focuses specifically on control and estimation of distributed parameter systems, cyberphysical systems monitoring, and the use of wireless sensor networks for environmental applications.
Judith Coffin is a historian primarily interested in European social and cultural history, especially 20th-century France. Her work examines gender, sexuality and history of feminism, and the "sexual revolution" in post-war France along with the division between private and public and the history of radio.
Eric Colleary specializes in American and British theater from the 17th- to the 21st-century , dramaturgy, queer performance, LGBT archives, and American food history.
Elizabeth Cullingford's works spans Irish literature, politics, and culture; modern poetry; women's studies; drama and film; Shakespeare; and the relation between high and popular culture. She takes on an interdisciplinary feminist/environmentalist approach to analyzing literary depictions of the only child in the contexts provided by religion, folklore, history, demography, and sociology.
Daniele Cuneo's research interests include Sanskrit intellectual and literary cultures, with a particular focus on poetry and aesthetics, although he branches out into epistemology, linguistic philosophy, debates among Brahmins, Buddhists and Jains, and conversation between traditions and (post-)modernity. Further research topics are the history of Indian Philosophy as a whole, the classical juridical tradition and the tantric studies.
Charles Di Piazza is an architect and has been responsible for all phases of design and has consistently endeavored to integrate design with nature. Another of Di Piazza's interests is sustainability, and toward this goal, he strives to contribute toward projects in terms of reduced footprints, recycled materials and minimal energy solutions.
Public Affairs, Middle Eastern Studies, Geography and the Environment, Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies, South Asia Institute, Jewish Studies, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, IC2 Institute
David Eaton's research focuses on sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, and prevention of pollution.
Janet Ellzey's research focuses on combustion of biomass and on the development of environmental technologies such as low emissions combustors. Her interests also focuses on using additive manufacturing to design novel reactors. Ellzey leads efforts for engineering students to apply their skills to solve challenges in low-income or marginalized communities.
Nicolas Espinoza’s research interests include mechanics and physics of natural porous solids, methane recovery from microporous organic rocks, methane hydrate-bearing sediments, and geological carbon sequestration. His methodology combines laboratory techniques and advanced imaging tools to understand and model diverse geomaterials for petroleum engineering applications.
Brian Evans' research and teaching interests are in the processing of signals to increase connection speeds and reliability in communication systems and improve visual quality of video and still images. His research group develops signal processing theory and algorithms with implementation constraints in mind, and translates algorithms into design methods and embedded prototypes.
Juliana Felkner's research interests include the role of the built environment in addressing some of society's greatest challenges through the efficient use of land, construction materials and energy. The tall building serves as an application for her research on integrating design and technology to improve urban conditions, building performance, and human comfort.
William Forbath's research concerns the role of law in the creation of the modern American state, social and economic rights in the courts, and social movements of South Africa. His interests also include constitutional law, civil procedure, the intersection of social and constitutional theory, the history of the American labor law and of the New Deal, populist movements in American history, and legal and constitutional history.
Leorah Freeman's research focuses on the application of advanced imaging techniques to determine the mechanisms driving disability progression in multiple sclerosis.
Benny Freeman's research explores the relationship between polymer structure, processing and properties, specifically the effect of polymer structure on the solubility, diffusivity, and permeability of small molecules in polymers and polymer-based materials.
James Galbraith is an expert on macroeconomic policy, monetary policy, economic development policies, comparative economic policy and economic inequality.
Irene Gamba's research group focuses on modeling of non-linear, coupled systems arising in the physical and biological sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Using classical and statistical analysis, the group addresses model formulation, interpretation, approximation, and assessment along with multiple dimensional spatial and temporal scales, direct and inverse problems, and accurate and efficient approximation algorithms.
James Gardner's research focuses on the physical and chemical aspects of volcanic eruptions and magmatic processes. One side involves studying active centers and their deposits, including understanding the dynamics of caldera-forming eruptions. A second area utilizes experiments to determine the contents of volatiles in magmas, the degassing of those volatiles from magmas, and the control of such behavior on eruptions and formation of ore bodies.
Bertram Gawronski’s research aims to understand social judgments and social behavior by identifying their underlying mental processes. His interests include moral judgment and decision-making, attitude formation and change, and effects of misinformation. In addition to these major themes, he is interested in basic questions of psychological measurement and meta-theoretical issues in the construction and evaluation of psychological theories.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Shadi Goodarzi's research interests are sustainable operations management, renewable energy, environmental policy, and energy economics, where she applies a combination of mathematical modeling, statistical and analytical techniques such as game theory, optimization, data analysis, and forecasting.
Samuel Gosling’s main areas of research are connections between people and the physical spaces in which they live, personality in nonhuman animals, and new methods for obtaining data useful for research in the social sciences.
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
Sean Gurd's research interests primarily include the areas of ancient theatre (especially tragedy), ancient music, and any part of intellectual culture that interfaced with the concept of art (or techne). He has a secondary but related interest in 20th-century avant-gardes, particularly in the Americas.
Michael Haberman's research interests are centered on elastic and acoustic wave propagation in complex media, acoustic metamaterials, new acoustic transduction materials, ultrasonic nondestructive testing, and vibro-acoustic transducers. He has worked extensively on the modeling and characterization of composite materials and the multi-objective design of acoustical materials.
Patrick Heimbach is a computational oceanographer, climate scientist, and hobby glaciologist. His main research interest is understanding the general circulation of the ocean, the dynamics of the marine (and marine-terminating) cryosphere, and their role in the global climate system.
Timothy High specializes in printmaking and serigraphy. His artwork concentrates on the foibles of human nature as manifested in the individual and throughout society as a whole. High’s prints can be found in the public collections of major museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Blanton Museum of Art.
Neville Hoad's research focuses on Victorian feminism, psychoanalysis (particularly Freud and Klein), contemporary feminist theory in French and English, lesbian and gay studies, queer theory, international human rights law pertaining to sexual orientations, and sexuality and gender issues in Southern Africa. His writings have focused on the literary and cultural representations of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Stephanie Holmsten's research focuses on the election of women, ethnic minorities and minority women around the world and explores how institutions that promote the election of women and ethnic minorities impact minority women.
James Howison examines the impact of information technology, especially software, on the organization of work. His work focuses on the organization of scientific software production.
Wayne Hoyer's research interests include consumer information processing and decision making, customer relationship management and new product development, and advertising information processing (including miscomprehension, humor, and brand personality).
Simon Humphrey's research involves organometallic chemistry, focusing on nanoparticles as catalysts; phosphine coordination materials for gas storage, separation, and catalysis; noble metal nanoparticles; and composite catalyst materials.
Warren Hunt's research involves the use of formal mathematics to write specifications for computer hardware and software and to use proof techniques to determine properties of such specifications. Hunt is also interested in computer architecture, low-power computing, garbage collection, and parallel computing. Hunt actively works on modeling rapid, single-flux, quantum computing logic.
Daniel Jaffe's research interests include infrared spectroscopy of young stars, protostars, young planetary systems, and star forming clouds. Additionally, his interests include physics of the dense interstellar medium, observations of young brown dwarfs, and instrumentation for infrared spectroscopy.
Junfeng Jiao focuses on smart city/urban informatics and understanding cities through AI and big data. Jiao has investigated 311 calls' spatial distribution, Uber's price surge, Airbnb's spatial clustering, E-scooters' origins, destinations, and routings, and bike sharing system planning. He coined term transit deserts and explored how urban environments affect people's access to grocery stores, transit facilities, and bicycle infrastructures.
Shardha Jogee's research seeks to address central questions on the evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic epoch, mass, and environment. These include how galaxies grow their stars, black holes, and dark matter halos across cosmic time and vastly different environments, the role played by theoretically predicted growth modes, and how galaxy clusters, some of the largest bound structures in the Universe, form.
Joel Johnson's research focuses on quantifying active surface processes on hillslopes and in fluvial channels, in order to relate active surface processes to the evolution of topography over both short and long timescales.
Jerry Junkin is an enthusiastic advocate of public-school music education, having conducted All-State bands and festivals in 48 states and on five continents. Junkin spends his summers in residence at the Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan and appearing at music festivals around the world.
Neil Kamil's research focuses on Atlantic refugee artisans and their experiences with working materials from the early modern to the early industrial period.
Richard Ketcham's research has two primary directions. One is concerns low-temperature thermochronology (fission-track, (U-Th)/He), from the theory underlying system kinetics to developing tools to derive geological thermal histories. The other is developing and applying 3D data processing methods for X-ray computed tomography across a wide range of fields, including petrology, planetary geology, paleontology, anthropology, and economic geology.
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
English, French and Italian, Comparative Literature, Theatre and Dance
David Kornhaber's research areas include modern and contemporary drama, intersections of theatre and philosophy, critical theory, and modernism and the avant-garde.
Desiderio Kovar's research interests lie at the interface between materials science and engineering and additive manufacturing. His research projects involve additive manufacturing (3D printing) of patterned films and bulk parts. He is studying Micro-Cold Spray manufacturing, which allows metallic, ceramic, and composite films to be directly written at room temperature onto almost any substrate material.
Michael Krische's research lies at the interface of enantioselective catalysis, natural product total synthesis and chemical biology. His laboratory has developed a broad, new family of stereo- and site-selective C-C couplings that merge the characteristics of catalytic hydrogenation and carbonyl addition.
Pawan Kumar is an astronomist whose expertise lies in the fields of gamma-ray bursts; helioseismology; binary stars; tidal interaction; accretion disks; and cosmology.
Chemical Engineering, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Manish Kumar's research group is interested in mimicking biological processes and materials at the molecular scale, particularly cell membrane components, to develop materials and processes that bring the specificity and functionality of biological molecules and processes to engineering scales.
Alan Kuperman's research focuses on ethnic conflict, peaceful conflict management, military intervention, national security, and nuclear nonproliferation.
Patricia Kyle has taught French language and linguistics, second language acquisition, and language teaching methodology at the graduate and undergraduate levels and specializes in the design, implementation, management, and staffing of online language courses.
Melanie Lamotte is a historian of race, colonialism, and slavery in the early modern period. Her work focuses on the French colonial world, with an emphasis on Guadeloupe in the Caribbean, French Louisiana, Senegal, India and Isle Bourbon, in the South-West Indian Ocean.
Karol Lang is an experimental particle physicist, whose research focuses on studies of neutrinos. Lang typically conducts research and development on particle detectors, such as those for large water Cherenkov detectors.
Elon Lang is interested in the intersection between the study of manuscripts and book production and the study of medieval reading and performance practices.
John Lassiter's research focuses on the application of isotope and trace element geochemistry to questions involving the evolution of the mantle and crust, origin of mantle plumes, generation and segregation of magma, evolution of the lithosphere, fluxes in tectonic environments, generation of mantle chemical heterogeneity, distribution of water and other elements in the Earth's interior, and evolution of the Earth's core and core/mantle boundary
Luc Lavier's research focuses on the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts. He has developed techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales, using geophysical and geological data to constrain and quantify tectonic processes. These different studies led to the development of parametrizations to understand phenomena like localization of deformation and the initiation of subduction.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Fernanda Leite is an expert in construction engineering and project management. Her built environment research program sits at the interface of engineering and computing. Most of her work has been in building and infrastructure systems information modeling, collaboration and coordination technologies, sustainable systems, and circular economy in the built environment.
Hannah Lewis' research areas include film music, music and visual media, 20th-century avant-garde and experimental music and musical theater. She has examined music during the transition from silent to synchronized sound film, examining the ways directors, producers and composers responded to technological change during those early years.
William Lewis enjoys a highly regarded reputation as a tenor whose versatility spans the operatic repertoire from Mozart to Schoenberg. He has performed one hundred thirty major operatic roles in ten languages around the world.
Ken-Hou Lin's primary research examines how the economic and demographic transformations shape the distribution of resources. He also explores how the internet emerges as both a space and a tool to help understand contemporary societies.
Beili Liu is a visual artist who creates material-and-process driven, site-responsive installations. Liu’s sculptural environments resonate with the experience of migration and cultural memory and negotiate personal, cultural, and environmental concerns.
Geography and the Environment, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sheryl Luzzader-Beach specializes in physical geography, hydrology and geomorphology, water chemistry, geoarchaeology, geostatistics, and gender, science and human rights.
Filippo Mangolini's overarching research goal is to develop a physically-based understanding of the structural transformations and chemical reactions occurring on material surfaces and at solid/solid, solid/liquid interfaces under extreme environments and conditions far from equilibrium.
Diana Marculescu's research interests include energy- and reliability-aware computing, hardware aware machine learning applications, and computing for sustainability and life science applications.
Michela Marinelli's main research focuses on understanding the biological bases of addiction. Marinelli uses a combination of models that are associated with increased addiction liability, such as that associated with age (i.e. adolescence), naturally-occurring within outbred populations (i.e. inter-individual differences), or induced by exposure to drugs and to stress.
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Alberto Martínez's research interests include the history of physics (especially Einstein's special theory of relativity), the history of mathematics, and historical myths in science. He also researches the history of notions of race, myths in political news media, and episodes in the history of money and corruption.
English, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Comparative Literature
Lisa L. Moore researches gender and sexuality in literature and art history, with particular attention to literary forms such as the novel and the sonnet, and visual culture such as garden history and botanical illustration. A specialist in the 18th-century, she also writes about feminism and queer theory, and poetry and poetics. She also publishes poetry and creative non-fiction.
Philip Morrison is a mathematical and theoretical physicist, who studies basic nonlinear plasma dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-freedom systems, computational algorithms that preserve geometric structure, and fluid mechanics.
Michael Mosser’s research focuses on conceptualizing the European Union as a catalyst in European security. He has written in the fields of military art and science and military sociology, and he teaches courses in European and international security, European environmental policy, comparative and European politics, international organizations, and foreign policy analysis.
Luisa Nardini specializes in digital humanities, pre- and early-modern women, global studies, and sacred music. Her studies on medieval and early-modern women are focused on women's access to music education, spaces of music creativity, and interactions with male counterparts. She also writes on global early musics.
Martha Newman is a scholar of medieval European history who explores the ways religious practices and ideas intersect with social change. Her research focuses on Christian monasticism, especially monastic miracle collections, monastic attitudes toward women and the poor, and religious conceptions of labor.
Guido Olivieri's research is focused on the developments of string sonata in the 18th-century, investigating aspects of performance practice, musical patronage, and reconstructing the cultural relationships between Naples and other European capitals. His research - conducted mainly on unknown archival sources and overlooked repertory - has significantly contributed to the revival of interest on Neapolitan instrumental music and musicians.
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine
Nikolaos Peppas' research blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate next-generation systems and devices, including bio-microelectromechanical systems with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality and longevity.
Hervé Picherit's research interests are about individual and shared strategies of aesthetic self-fashioning, in particular those that individuals or groups adopt in the face of traumatic upheavals. In pursuit of these questions, he has explored the fields of 20th-century French literature, the novel, film, and the avant-garde.
Francisco Polidoro's research interests include knowledge management, social networks, strategic alliances, strategic management, technology and innovation management, and venture capital.
Laxminarayan Raja's research focuses on low-temperature glow discharge plasmas. He employs both computational modeling and experimental approaches for fundamental studies of plasmas and their applications.
D'Arcy Randall’s research interests include engineering communication, engineering ethics, rhetoric, poetry and poetics, Australian literature, feminist literature, and North American women's poetry.
Lorinc Redei is an expert on European politics, European Union, especially its foreign and security policy, the role of the European Parliament, and in parliamentary diplomacy.
Pengyu Ren's research is focused on understanding and engineering biomolecular systems for applications using computational modeling. Ren is interested in understanding the processes in chemistry and biology, such as molecular recognition and biomolecular structure-function relationship. The group is developing methods to simulate and predict molecular behavior, and to engineer novel molecules from small-molecule drugs to nanomaterials.
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza writes on Oscar Wilde, theatre, the gothic, detective stories, and literary theory. She teaches strategic thinking, team building, and diversity/inclusivity through literature and the fine arts and works actively in eight world languages.
Nestor Rodriguez’s research focuses on Guatemalan migration, U.S. deportations to Mexico and Central America, the unauthorized migration of unaccompanied minors, evolving relations between Latinos and African Americans/Asian Americans, and ethical and human rights issues of border enforcement.
Lorenzo Sadun's research spans a number of areas: the topology and dynamics of aperiodic tilings, focusing on how the topology of tiling spaces is related to geometric and combinatorial properties of individual tilings; statistical mechanics and phase structure of ensembles of large, dense random graphs; mathematical questions related to Covid-19 modeling; and mathematical questions in neurobiology, especially how "grid cells" work.
Gabriel Sanoja Lopez is interested in designing polymer networks tagged with damage-activated probes to fundamentally understand changes in network structure upon deformation. The goals of the research are to illustrate a comprehensive multi-scale picture of the fracture mechanisms of soft and tough materials (e.g., elastomers and hydrogels) by quantifying global and local stress, strain, and damage fields.
Elizabeth Scala works at the intersection of medieval and post-medieval studies. She is broadly interested in the ways medieval texts survive as materials objects in the modern world, seeking to understand the ways such texts become disguised and altered in new forms and media. In addition, her work has also taken a contemporary turn, looking at the literary significance of Taylor Swift's songwriting.
William Schwartz has conducted research on biological clocks and especially on the "master" brain clock in the mammalian hypothalamus. At the Dell Medical School, he is working on the development of interdisciplinary courses at the intersection of biology and medicine for UT Austin undergraduates and the approach to patients with neurological disease for Dell Med students and residents.
Ben Seeger's research interests include nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations, stochastic homogenization and other asymptotic problems, numerical methods, mean field games, and rough path theory.
Jonathan Sessler's research expertise is focused on organic chemistry, texaphyrin, expanded porphyrins, anion recognition, drug development, anti cancer agents, and the technical analyses of patents.
Ellenor Shoemaker's research interests include psycholinguistics, speech segmentation, spoken word recognition and acquisition of second language phonology with an emphasis on English and French.
Igor Siddiqui's creative scholarship, research, and practice are focused on the relationship between design innovation and public engagement and his scholarly writing has focused on means, methods, and motives that define contemporary design.
Jeffrey Smith specializes in the art and architecture of Northern Europe, especially Germany and the Netherlands, between 1400-1700. He has written on Albrecht Dürer, German sculpture, goldsmith work, Jesuits, Northern Renaissance art and issues of historiography, among other topics.
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Cristina Soriano’s research focuses on the analysis of dynamics of circulation of information, social networks, political mobilization, and public sphere in the Spanish Caribbean during the Age of Revolutions.
History, Middles Eastern Studies, Religious Studies
Denise Spellberg's research centers on intellectual, religious, and gender history, focusing on the medieval Islamic world from Iran to North Africa. She also looks at Islam and Muslims in early modern and contemporary Europe and the U.S.
Marie-Anne Suizzo studies variations in parent-child relationships across cultures and ethnic groups. She examines how parent-child interactions and parenting practices shape adolescents' academic and social-emotional development. The outcomes she investigates include achievement motivation, school engagement, cultural beliefs and values, and social-emotional well-being.
Jeremi Suri's research interests include the formation and spread of nation-states, the emergence of modern international relations, the connections between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.
Thibaud Taillefumier's research focuses on the emerging collective properties and possible design principles of neural networks. His approach combines ideas from optimization theory and stochastic dynamics on questions at the nexus of information theory and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, to better understand the nature of neural computations.
Januibe Tejera's work connects contemporary music with oral music traditions, new technology, and theatrical elements, all with an eye toward music as a multi-sensory experience.
Januibe Tejera de Miranda's work connects contemporary music with oral music traditions, new technology, and theatrical elements, all with an eye toward music as a multi-sensory experience.
Devarajan Thirumalai’s group focuses on various problems in equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, including investigating various aspects of the transition from liquid to amorphous state. Another area of research involves the theoretical study of polymer-colloid interactions. Research is also being carried out to understand the dynamics of protein folding.
Katharine Tillman’s research explores how we acquire abstract concepts that go beyond what we can directly perceive in the world. She is particularly interested in how young children think about time, and how language and other forms of cultural learning shape time concepts during cognitive development.
Maxim Tsoi's research is focused on the field of "spintronics," which refers to studying the role played by an electron spin in solid state physics and aims at developing a revolutionary new class of electronic devices based on the spin degree of freedom of the electron. The focus of his research is on experimental investigations of various spintronic phenomena (e.g. spin-transfer torque) in magnetic nanostructures.
Emanuel Tutuc's research is centered on the electronic properties of quantum confined systems, novel semiconductor materials and devices, and chemical vapor deposition.
Eric van Oort’s research includes hydraulic fracturing optimization and associated water management, drilling automation, well abandonment and decommissioning, shale-fluid interaction, borehole instability and strengthening, along with quantum computing and big data analytics.
Philip Varghese’s research focuses on understanding the basic molecular processes occurring in non-equilibrium flows. Requiring an interdisciplinary synthesis of physics and chemistry with fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, his work is applied to the study of hypersonic and rarefied flows, plasmas, and combustion.
Edward Vizy’s work is focused on understanding regional climate variability over the tropics/sub-tropics including Africa and the Americas. His interests include understanding the relationship between the development of precipitation systems as related to extreme weather, understanding the role of eastern South Atlantic ocean/atmosphere feedback processes and their influence on regional climate variability.
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Public Affairs
Michael Webber trains the next generation of energy leaders through research and education at the convergence of engineering, policy, and commercialization.
Alexandra Wettlaufer focuses on 19th-century literature, visual arts, culture, and gender studies. She seeks to understand the ways in which 19th-century artistic identity, reading, gender, and the novel were constructed in a dialectic conversation between France and Britain.
Marianne Wheeldon's research includes the music of Claude Debussy and its posthumous reception, the analysis of 20th-century French music, and interdisciplinary topics in music analysis, cultural history, and sociology of culture.
Lynn Wilkinson specializes in Scandinavian and comparative literature along with Scandinavian drama and film, focusing on themes of modernism, narrative traditions, gender, and literary and cultural theory.
Jennifer Wilks' research focuses on tracing the evolution of the Carmen figure from its original 19th-century incarnations to contemporary adaptations set in African diasporic contexts. Wilks has also written extensively about the role of gender in African American and Francophone Caribbean modernisms.
Robert O. Williams III's research focuses on the design of complex drug delivery systems and their optimization, focusing on the delivery of small organic compounds, peptides, and proteins by a variety of technologies. These include depot drug delivery, oral drug delivery, and pulmonary/nasal drug delivery. He also investigates aerosol device technology and novel analytical methods to quantitate and characterize these technologies.
Christopher Wlezien's research looks at the "thermostatic" model of public opinion and policy and examines the dynamic relationships between preferences for spending and budgetary policy in various domains. Other research considers the broader relationship between news and the public. He also investigates the evolution of voter preferences expressed in pre-election polls over the course of an election cycle.
English, Comparative Literature, South Asia Institute
Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski is an early modernist and literary theorist who specializes in the history of subjectivity. Her research focuses on the life and writings of Michel Foucault during the late sixties, and on his highly influential theories of power/knowledge, bringing the study of group identity from the early modern world to the post-modern.
Helena Woodard's research interests include 18th-century British Literature, ethnic and third world literature, American literature, critical race theory, and women, gender and literature.
Blerta Xhemalce's research focus is to unravel how gene expression is regulated by epigenetic modifications of chromatin and RNAs. The ultimate goal of her lab is to discover novel enzymes, writers, or erasers of such modifications that are potential targets for therapeutic drugs that could alleviate human diseases including cancer.
Zong-Liang Yang's research focuses on understanding and modeling of land-atmosphere exchanges of energy, mass, and momentum, quantifying land-climate interaction & feedback strengths, and exploring important applications of societal relevance such as prediction of hydrological extremes (floods and droughts).
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Guihua Yu's researches design and synthesis of functional nano-architectured materials, like organic and hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials, understanding of their chemical and physical properties, and development of large-scale assembly and integration methodologies to enable important applications in energy, environment and sustainability, e.g. fast-charging batteries, electrocatalysis, solar water purification, critical mineral recovery.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique
Ecole Centrale Paris (Centralesupelec)
Ecole des Ponts Paristech
Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris
Essec Business School
Hautes Etudes Commerciales
Institut des Amériques
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse
National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)
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