Munib (right) and Angela Masri (middle) signing a graduate fellowship endowment agreement with University of Texas at Austin Jackson School.

Endowment Funds Geoscience Researchers from Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon

  • Jan 29, 2020
  • Global Engagement and Strategy

The Munib and Angela Masri Foundation pledged $10.5 million to the Jackson School of Geosciences to establish and fund graduate fellowships from Palestinian, Jordanian and Lebanese universities. 

The endowment will be used to support research on pressing environmental issues facing the planet, including sustainable water and energy sources, the impact of climate change and geohazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis. 

The research objectives complement UT’s Planet Texas 2050 initiative and the Jackson School of Geosciences’ Earth in 2100: Water, Energy, Land Use, and Climate initiative. 

With this endowment, the philanthropic foundation aims to bridge the gap between Middle Eastern universities and UT while helping discover ways to diminish some of the world’s most difficult challenges over the next 100 years. 

Read the full story on UT News