Research and Creative Activity

Ireland Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in Ireland
Abigail Aiken
Public Affairs
Abigail R.A. Aiken's research interests are focused on reproductive health and span several disciplines, combining backgrounds in biomedical science, demography, public health, and public policy.
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Samuel Baker
English, British, Irish and Empire Studies, European Studies, Plan II Honors
Samuel Baker's research interests include British Romantic poetry; historical fiction, science fiction, and the gothic novel; media studies, informatics, causal inference, the environmental humanities, and the cultural analysis of the built environment now becoming known as infrastructure studies.
J.K. Barrett
English, British, Irish and Empire Studies
J.K. Barret investigates Renaissance literary constructions of the future, the complex relations between futurity and narrative, and the emergence of novel accounts of Englishness that turn on looking to the future rather than the past in the works of Spenser, Sidney, Shakespeare and Milton.
Lance Bertelsen
Lance Bertelsen's research centers on 18th-century literature and popular culture in Britain, America, and the Pacific. He also has research interests in World War II; he is revisiting the Italian campaign.
Noël Busch-Armendariz
Social Work, Health Social Work, Human Rights and Justice
Noël Busch-Armendariz's research, teaching, and praxis focus on violent crime, human rights, social justice policy, international social work education, restoration, and peacemaking. Busch-Armendariz has worked collaboratively with others for 30 years who believe everyone deserves to live peacefully and prosperously.
Eric Colleary
Theatre and Dance
Eric Colleary specializes in American and British theater from the 17th- to the 21st-century , dramaturgy, queer performance, LGBT archives, and American food history.
Robert Crosnoe
Sociology, Psychology, Population Research Center
Robert Crosnoe's main research areas are human development, education, family, and health; specifically, the connections among children's, adolescents', and young adults' health, social development, and educational trajectories and how these connections contribute to societal inequalities (e.g., social class, immigration).
Elizabeth Cullingford
Elizabeth Cullingford's works spans Irish literature, politics, and culture; modern poetry; women's studies; drama and film; Shakespeare; and the relation between high and popular culture. She takes on an interdisciplinary feminist/environmentalist approach to analyzing literary depictions of the only child in the contexts provided by religion, folklore, history, demography, and sociology.
Ian Dalziel
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Ian Dalziel's research is focused on understanding global tectonic processes and to mapping out the geography of ancient times on a dynamic Earth. His 60 years of field experience have been devoted to work in the British Caledonides, the Canadian Shield, the Andes, and Antarctica.
Penelope Davies
Art and Art History
Penelope Davies specializes in the architectural history of ancient Rome. She has published numerous articles and essays in scholarly publications about Roman art and architecture.
Andrew Dillon
Information, Psychology, Information, Risk and Operations Management
Andrew Dillon studies humans and the emerging information infrastructure, with the goal of shaping information space to serve humans better. His work engages design, human behavior, and social justice.
Linda Ferreira-Buckley
English, Rhetoric and Writing
Linda Ferreira-Buckley's research focuses on rhetorical education (e.g., speech, writing, ethics) of Barbara Jordan, Houston's Fifth Ward, and African Americans in the South. Ferreira-Buckley is also interested in history of rhetoric, especially 18th- and 19th-century rhetoric, and evaluating writing and reading in secondary and college education.
Benjamin Gregg
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
Hillary Hart
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Hillary Hart’s research interests include environmental and risk communication, the social impact of technology, and engineering ethics (especially research ethics). Her objective in pursuing research in environmental risk communication is the development of strategies (rhetorical and otherwise) to ensure productive, interactive communication among engineers, regulators, industry, and the public on environmental issues.
Bruce Hunt
Bruce Hunt's work focuses on the history of physics in 19th-century Britain, particularly the life and work of James Clerk Maxwell. He also has strong interests in the history of electrical technologies, of nuclear weapons, and of evolutionary theory.
Dave Junker
Advertising & Public Relations
Dave Junker's work focuses on journalistic writing and advanced skills in critical thinking with a broad awareness of current events, public opinion, and social relations. His interests include issues of diversity and race relations through popular music and its related social movements and media discourses.
Elizabeth Keating
Elizabeth Keating is a linguistic anthropologist who studies culture and communication. Her research focuses on cultural aspects of communication, cross cultural communication, and narrative. Her research projects include investigations into power sharing, hierarchy, visual language, inter-generational narrative, and the role of technology in language practices. Her books include Words Matter: Communicating Effectively in the New Global Office.
Brian Korgel
Chemical Engineering, Energy Institute
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
Brian Lee
Brian Lee's research focuses on living donation, and he studies the barriers to donation, the outcomes of transplants from living donors and ways to optimize kidney function and longevity following living donor transplantation. He also studies how to desensitize recipients (lower antibody levels) to lower their risk of a rapid, severe rejection of the transplanted organ.
Randolph Lewis
American Studies, Anthropology
Randolph Lewis researches aspects of postwar U.S. culture: surveillance, documentary expression, art and politics, film, and urban landscapes. His work explores the ways that visual culture shapes society's sense of the nation, with a focus on people working outside the cultural mainstream.
William Lewis
Music Performance
William Lewis enjoys a highly regarded reputation as a tenor whose versatility spans the operatic repertoire from Mozart to Schoenberg. He has performed one hundred thirty major operatic roles in ten languages around the world.
Valerie McGuire
French and Italian
Valerie McGuire's research and teaching interests center on the transnational, colonial, and postcolonial processes that have defined modern Italian culture, both within the peninsula and among its collectivities abroad.
Lisa Moore
English, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Comparative Literature
Lisa L. Moore researches gender and sexuality in literature and art history, with particular attention to literary forms such as the novel and the sonnet, and visual culture such as garden history and botanical illustration. A specialist in the 18th-century, she also writes about feminism and queer theory, and poetry and poetics. She also publishes poetry and creative non-fiction.
Douglas Morrice
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Douglas Morrice's research areas include computer simulation, operations management, healthcare management, and supply chain management.
Dev Niyogi
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Dev Niyogi's research contributes to understanding and developing solutions for climate extremes, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and developing synthesis studies, and capacity building activities internationally.
Mark O'Reilly
Special Education
Mark O'Reilly's research focuses on the functional assessment and treatment of severe challenging behavior and interventions to promote generalization and maintenance of skills with children with autism and developmental disabilities. He has a strong interest in working with culturally diverse populations and examining how behavioral interventions must adapt to be respectful and supportive of diversity.
Phillip Owen
Theatre and Dance
Phillip Owen's areas of expertise include composition, arrangement, system design, recording arts, sound editing, and mixing. He has designed sound for theatre for over two decades.
Robert Peroni
Robert Peroni specializes in corporate tax, federal income taxation, international tax, natural resource taxation, and professional responsibility/legal ethics. He is an expert in international taxation and in energy taxation.
Emily Porter
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Emily Porter's research centers on electromagnetic-based solutions with applications in diagnostic, therapeutic, supportive or assistive medical technologies. These include the measurement of dielectric properties of biological tissues, biomedical devices and instrumentation, medical Imaging, and biomedical informatics & health information technologies.
Cory Reed
Spanish & Portuguese
Cory Reed's research focuses on early modern theatrical performance, including the representation of identity in 16th- and 17th-century literature, literary and cultural responses to the emergence of scientific discourse in early modern Spain, and cognitive cultural studies. His teaching includes studying historical moments of cultural contact in Spain, Mexico, and the American southwest.
Josafath Reynoso Calvillo
Theatre and Dance
Josafath Reynoso is an award winning scenic designer. He has designed new productions for various theater companies nationally and internationally.
John Rumrich
John Rumrich focuses on Shakespeare, Milton, early modern English literature, and detective fiction.
Sarah Seulki Oh
Sarah Seulki Oh's expertise includes production, producing, narrative film making, documentary film making, television, and screenwriting.
Bartholomew Sparrow
Bartholomew Sparrow studies American political development, particularly the conjunction between the state and the international system of states. His research focuses on the legacies of the immigration of impoverished Europeans, persons who had to work as unfree laborers upon their arrival in the American colonies.
Ciaran Trace
Ciaran Trace studies the nature of information objects, the history of information institutions and information work, the use and deployment of information in everyday and in professional settings, and the impact of information on the daily lives of individuals and of members of social groups.
Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski
English, Comparative Literature, South Asia Institute
Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski is an early modernist and literary theorist who specializes in the history of subjectivity. Her research focuses on the life and writings of Michel Foucault during the late sixties, and on his highly influential theories of power/knowledge, bringing the study of group identity from the early modern world to the post-modern.
- University College Dublin
- University of Limerick