Turkey Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in Turkey
Michelle Addington
Michelle Addington's teaching, research, and professional work span across the disciplines of engineering and architecture with the overarching objective of determining strategic intersections between the optimal domains of physical phenomena with the practical domains of spatial, geo-political, economic, and cultural systems. Her primary areas of research are in sustainable buildings, energy systems, and advanced materials.
Ari Adut
Ari Adut’s research interests include political violence, the public sphere, commodification, and censorship. In addition, his interests include political sociology, theory, crime, law, and deviance.
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Samy Ayoub
Middle Eastern Studies, Law
Samy Ayoub specializes in Islamic law, modern Middle East law, and law and religion in contemporary Muslim societies. He focuses on issues concerning law, its interaction with religion, and the role of religion in contemporary legal and socio-political systems within a global comparative perspective.
Oguzhan Bayrak
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Oguzhan Bayrak's research and technical interests focus on the behavior, analysis, and design of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures, bridge engineering, evaluation of structures in distress, structural repair, fiber reinforced polymers, and earthquake engineering.
Timothy Beach
Geography and the Environment, Environmental Science Institute, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Tim Beach's research interests include geoarchaeology, soils, climate change, wetlands, climate history, geomorphology, and paleoenvironments of the Maya world and Mediterranean. He has conducted field research in the Corn Belt of the U.S., Belize, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Syria, and Turkey.
Elizabeth Catlos
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Elizabeth Catlos focuses on developing and applying petrochemical and geochemical techniques to the study of lithosphere dynamics and models for heat, mass, and fluid flow along major fault systems. She is interested in applying new approaches in mineral equilibria to estimate environmental conditions during dynamic recrystallization. She specializes in accessory mineral geochronology and developing techniques for isotopic microanalysis.
Elif Cenik
Molecular Biosciences
Elif Cenik's research provides an unbiased systematic analysis of how translational output is connected with gene regulatory pathways to ensure the tight coupling between organismal development and key cellular decisions.
John Doggett
John Doggett's work focuses on global competition, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and energy.
Michael Domjan
Michael Domjan's research interests include basic behavioral mechanisms of learning, Pavlovian conditioning, evolutionary constraints on learning, and learning and other psychological processes in music.
Berkin Dortdivanlioglu
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Berkin Dortdivanlioglu's research group develops advanced computational models and physics-based simulation techniques for understanding of dynamic shape, topology, and functional changes in soft materials, elucidating the complete interplay between multi-physics materials and their physical/(bio)chemical stimuli, and capturing lower-dimensional energetics linked to surfaces, interfaces, and fibers across multiple time and length scales.
Steven Friesen
Religious Studies
Steven Friesen's specializes in early Christianity, with particular interests in the book of Revelation, poverty in the Roman Empire, and archaeology of religion in the eastern Mediterranean.
Benjamin Gregg
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
John Kappelman
Anthropology, Geological Sciences
John Kappelman's research focuses on hominoid evolution and human origins and evolution, with particular emphasis in paleoecology and functional morphology, and stratigraphy and geochronology. He conducts field and laboratory research in paleontology, stratigraphy, and paleomagnetism, and laboratory research in functional morphology and computer imaging.
Tony Keddie
Religious Studies
Tony Keddie is a social historian whose interdisciplinary research focuses broadly on the literary and material remains of Jews and Christians from the Hellenistic period through late antiquity as well as the modern politics of biblical interpretation.
Can Kilic
Can Kilic's research is focused on extensions of the standard model of particle physics with an emphasis on experimental signatures; more specifically, he works on model-building, collider physics, and dark matter searches.
Brian Korgel
Chemical Engineering, Energy Institute
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
Erhan Kutanoglu
Mechanical Engineering
Erhan Kutanoglu's research focuses on integrated humanitarian logistics for hurricane and other extreme weather event mitigation, preparedness and recovery decision making and optimization. His goal is to combine predictive science-based models with prescriptive stochastic optimization models to develop an end-to-end understanding of uncertainty and optimized decision making in disaster resilience, particularly for critical infrastructure.
Sheryl Luzzader-Beach
Geography and the Environment, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sheryl Luzzader-Beach specializes in physical geography, hydrology and geomorphology, water chemistry, geoarchaeology, geostatistics, and gender, science and human rights.
Vijay Mahajan
Vijay Mahajan's areas of expertise include marketing strategy, product diffusion, research methodology and the Global South.
Stephennie Mulder
Middle Eastern Studies, Art and Art History
Stephennie Mulder is a specialist in Islamic art, architectural history, and archaeology. Her research interests include the art and architecture of Shi’ism, the intersections between art, spatiality, and sectarian relationships in Islam, anthropological theories of art, material culture studies, theories of ornament and mimesis, and place and landscape studies.
Jeannette Okur
Middle Eastern Studies
Jeannette Okur's research interests lie in the fields of comparative literature, literary translation, and film studies. Her research explores the relationships between perpetrators and victims of political violence in transnational novels by Turkish and Iraqi-Kurdish writers in exile.
Nicholas Peppas
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine
Nikolaos Peppas' research blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate next-generation systems and devices, including bio-microelectromechanical systems with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality and longevity.
Sonia Seeman
Musicology & Ethnomusicology, Middle Eastern Studies, Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies, South Asia Institute
Sonia Seeman's ethnomusicology research focuses on the Middle East, Turkey and the former Ottoman Empire, Southeastern Europe, and Romani communities.
Sarah Seulki Oh
Sarah Seulki Oh's expertise includes production, producing, narrative film making, documentary film making, television, and screenwriting.
Zeynep Somer-Topcu
Government, European Studies, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
Zeyneb Somer-Topcu's research and teaching interests include party politics, voter behavior and perceptions, election results, and representation. She examines how parties' position-taking strategies and their election campaign strategies affect voters' perceptions of party policies. Her focus is on Western Europe, though her research often extends to other advanced industrial democracies.
Denise Spellberg
History, Middles Eastern Studies, Religious Studies
Denise Spellberg's research centers on intellectual, religious, and gender history, focusing on the medieval Islamic world from Iran to North Africa. She also looks at Islam and Muslims in early modern and contemporary Europe and the U.S.
Huseyin Tanriverdi
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Huseyin Tanriverdi's research interests include corporate diversification mergers acquisitions and divestitures, information systems, and knowledge management.
Stephen White
Classics, Philosophy
Stephen White's research focuses on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and science, especially Aristotle, Plato, Parmenides, and Stoicism.
Ali Yilmaz
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ali Yilmaz's research interests include computational electromagnetics, with emphasis on fast frequency- and time-domain integral equation solvers, parallel algorithms, antenna and scattering analysis, microwave circuits, electromagnetic interference/compatibility, bioelectromagnetics, geoelectromagnetics, and electronic packaging.
- Bogazici Universitesi
- Koc University
- Middle East Technical University