Deji Akinwande's research focuses on 2D materials and nanotechnology, pioneering device innovations from lab towards applications. This manifests as translational nanotechnology from materials to devices to circuits, blurring the boundaries between chemistry, electronics, physics, materials science and mechanics.
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Lucy Atkinson's research looks at communication in the context of sustainability and the environment. She focuses on the ways message components (like visual elements, argument frames, source factors) in environmental communication campaigns influence environmental attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
Benjamin Baird's research spans several areas in human cognition, including metacognition, sleep and public health. He uses a range of methods, including behavioral testing and multimodal neuroimaging techniques to study the brain basis of human cognitive processes.
Michael Baker's research focuses on the convergence of real-time technology, mixed reality, and immersive media, which is powering new forms of storytelling, education, and business models.
Donald Blankenship investigates dynamics of large ice sheets and subglacial geology, using both airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques, including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction, and potential fields methods. Much of his research is focused on understanding the West Antarctic rift system (including the flanking Transantarctic Mountains) and the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Matthew Bowers examines the management of systems for athlete development, including how different sport settings influence performance and participation over the life span. He focuses on re-imagining the youth sport experience, with a specific interest in the developmental role that playing in unstructured sports settings like sandlot/pickup sports or sports video games can have on shaping experiences and outcomes.
Social Work, Health Social Work, Human Rights and Justice
Noël Busch-Armendariz's research, teaching, and praxis focus on violent crime, human rights, social justice policy, international social work education, restoration, and peacemaking. Busch-Armendariz has worked collaboratively with others for 30 years who believe everyone deserves to live peacefully and prosperously.
Brian Evans' research and teaching interests are in the processing of signals to increase connection speeds and reliability in communication systems and improve visual quality of video and still images. His research group develops signal processing theory and algorithms with implementation constraints in mind, and translates algorithms into design methods and embedded prototypes.
Toni Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.
Venkat Ganesan's focus is developing a theoretical and computationally-based program aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying the design of novel, self-assembled advanced materials.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Carma Gorman specializes in the history of industrial and graphic design in the U.S. She surveys how the U.S.' laws, regulations, and standards have shaped the national character of American industrial design since 1890.
Human Development and Family Sciences, Human Ecology
Sae Han is interested in examining health consequences of social and productive engagement in middle and later adulthood, with a particular focus on how various forms of helping behaviors (e.g., formal volunteering, informal helping, or caregiving) influence behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms underlying health.
Heather Hindman's research interests include anthropology, gender studies, globalization critical development, expatriate communities, tourism, social theory, global labor and gender issues, bureaucracy, entrepreneurialism, social aspects of economics, mobilities, and transnational financial practice in South Asia.
Chun Huh is an expert on surfactant- and polymer-based enhanced oil recovery methods; he formulated the "Chun Huh equation" and the "Huh-Scriven paradox." Huh has researched use of nanoparticles for a variety of upstream oil industry applications, such as use of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for removal of contaminants from oil field produced water, for improved oil and gas production flow assurance, and for precision conformance control.
Gyeong Hwang's research centers on computational materials discovery and design. Hwang's lab uses computer simulations to investigate the properties and performance of nanostructures and nanomaterials, with an overarching goal of establishing guiding principles and materials design strategies for next-generation energy and electronic applications.
Hyun Hwang's research and teaching interests include financial accounting, financial reporting regulation, and external and internal capital allocation.
Gary Jacobsohn's interests and work lies at the intersection of constitutional theory and comparative constitutionalism. His work is also focused on the question of constitutional change.
Daniel Jaffe's research interests include infrared spectroscopy of young stars, protostars, young planetary systems, and star forming clouds. Additionally, his interests include physics of the dense interstellar medium, observations of young brown dwarfs, and instrumentation for infrared spectroscopy.
Junfeng Jiao focuses on smart city/urban informatics and understanding cities through AI and big data. Jiao has investigated 311 calls' spatial distribution, Uber's price surge, Airbnb's spatial clustering, E-scooters' origins, destinations, and routings, and bike sharing system planning. He coined term transit deserts and explored how urban environments affect people's access to grocery stores, transit facilities, and bicycle infrastructures.
Ari Kang's research interests include applied microeconomics, financial economics, and labor economics. She also studies family economics and has written papers on the outcomes for children of parental choices and maternal and paternal time on the labor market.
Hyeun Ah Kang's research activities focus on evaluating health care resource utilization, costs, and predictors of clinical and economic outcomes using large real-world databases. Her research interests include sickle cell disease, opioid use, and oncology.
Spanish & Portuguese, Marketing, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Orlando Kelm is a linguistics professional whose interests center on the use of language and culture for professional purposes, such as Business Spanish & Portuguese. Kelm's research focuses on the creation of instructional materials, including the use of innovative technologies in foreign language instruction.
Sung Eun Kim's research primarily centers on the genetic etiology of human neural tube defects and birth defects. She is investigating the molecular, genetic, and developmental roles of morphogen signaling genes in neural tube formation and embryonic development, utilizing transgenic mouse and in vitro cell models.
Grace Kim's research focuses on adolescent literacy, new media, and multicultural education within a global context, with particular interests in the intersections of language, identity, and power.
Daehyeok Kim's research interests are in computer networks, operating systems, and distributed systems, focusing on designing new hardware and software systems to make cloud and edge data centers faster, more efficient, and more resilient.
Hyeji Kim is interested in the intersection of information theory and machine learning. Her focus includes information theoretic analysis, development of machine learning algorithms, and the development of codes for communication and compression via machine learning.
Jonghwan Kim is interested in understanding how transcriptional and epigenetic processes contribute to the regulation of global gene expression and cellular characteristics of various stem cells, including pluripotent stem cells and trophoblast stem cells.
Miyong Kim is a translational researcher who has built a research program focused on community-based participatory research as a means of reducing cardiovascular related health disparities among traditionally undeserved ethnic minority populations. Her research examines the effectiveness of self-care strategies for improving health outcomes and overcoming racial, ethnic and social disparities in healthcare.
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
Rajinder Koul's research efforts have primarily focused on understanding the symbol, referent, and instructional variables that influence graphic symbol learning in persons with severe communication impairment as a consequence of developmental or acquired disabilities.
Alan Kuperman's research focuses on ethnic conflict, peaceful conflict management, military intervention, national security, and nuclear nonproliferation.
Yuliya Lanina is a multimedia artist whose works exist at the intersection of visual, performing arts, and technological innovation, and explore social issues like gender perception, sexuality, loss, and motherhood. Her work has been exhibited and performed around the world.
Seongmin Lee's research focuses on evaluating the effects of DNA alkylation, oxidation, halogenation and platination on DNA replication and mutagenesis.
Min Kyung Lee's research investigates the societal implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to design AI to be fairer, participatory, and a tool for social good.
Jihye Lee's research focuses on the intersection of digital technology, class, and equity. She investigates the experience of poverty and its psychological consequences in various communication contexts such as targeted ads, interactions with governments, and digital health services.
Hongjoo Lee uses a multidisciplinary approach to understand amygdala-dopamine systems in learning and memory, and applies this knowledge to better understand the nature of emotional and cognitive problems seen among people with neurological disorders. In particular, she focuses on examining the nature of cognitive functions in which the amygdala central nucleus and substantia nigra circuits are involved.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Jun-Whan Lee's group conducts research utilizing machine learning, numerical modeling, and remote sensing to study extreme hazards in coastal and ocean environments.
Jeehyun Lim’s research interests include Asian American literature and culture, post45 American literature, diasporic Korean literature and culture, and theories of race and ethnicity. Her first book, Bilingual Brokers: Race, Literature, and Language as Human Capital, explores bilingual personhood in Asian American and Latinx literatures. She is working on a book project that revisits the cultural legacy of the Korean War in the U.S.
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nanshu Lu's research pursues and integrates knowledge of mechanics, materials, and electronics to achieve robust and functionally superior bio-integrated/bio-memetic soft electronics. Some works from her group include wearable e-tattoos for mobile sensing cardiovascular health and mental stress, soft e-skins for robots to gain human-skin-like tactile perception, and analytical modeling on the mechanics of stretchable electronics and 2D materials.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Lance Manuel's research is related to uncertainty quantification associated with the safety of civil engineering, energy-generation and ocean systems. His work is being used to improve the design of wind turbines for complex inflow turbulence conditions and in enhanced the long-term reliability of deepwater floating structures. His work is also examining climate impacts on infrastructure systems and related hazard, risk, and resilience studies.
Alice McCoy-Bae is interested in intercultural awareness and perspectives, learning and teaching with technology to promote a collaborative social learning, and metacognitive strategies in language learning.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology
José del R. Millán is an expert in the field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI), especially based on electroencephalogram signals. In addition to his work on the fundamentals of BMI and design of neuroprosthetics, Millán is prioritizing the translation of BMI to end-users who live with motor and cognitive disabilities. In parallel, he is designing BMI technology to offer new interaction modalities for people without disabilities.
Dong-Ha Min's research goals are to better understand physical and biogeochemical processes in the marine environments, and to better delineate the responses of the environment to climate forcing, in various temporal and spatial scales. Min also conducts coastal ocean observation in the South Texas area to better understand various coastal processes.
Luisa Nardini specializes in digital humanities, pre- and early-modern women, global studies, and sacred music. Her studies on medieval and early-modern women are focused on women's access to music education, spaces of music creativity, and interactions with male counterparts. She also writes on global early musics.
Anton Nel is a pianist and continues to tour internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician and teacher. He has performed with some of the world's finest instrumentalists at festivals on four continents.
Jeeyun Oh's research focuses on how new media interfaces, affordances, and algorithms influence users’ cognitive and emotional processing of persuasive messages. Her experimental research has explored the potential of interactive media technologies to enhance user engagement and persuasion, by extending theories in social psychology, media effects, health/environmental communication, and human-computer interaction.
Youjeong Oh's research interests revolve around space, culture, gender, and their dynamics in East Asia. Her research includes stories about her hometown in Jeju province in South Korea, its long histories of de-terrorialization, the current status of special self-governing province, and the will to develop through self-imposed globalization.
Robert Oppenheim's research focuses on Korean anthropology and history, including the role of science and technology in society, heritage, objects, and materiality. He teaches on Korean culture and history, the U.S. and the two Koreas, ritual and religion in Korea, self and culture in Korea and transnational Korea.
Chanhyun Park's research interests are comprised of the assessment of clinical, economic, and humanistic outcomes of healthcare services and products. She has a broad framework, including pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, health economics, meta-analysis, and machine learning, to assess the patterns of treatment, identify potential adverse events of treatment, estimate healthcare utilization and costs, and examine health disparities.
Public Affairs, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Raj Patel is a research professor who studies the world food system and alternatives to it. He has testified about hunger and food sovereignty, and has written about food systems, economics, philosophy, politics, international development, and public health.
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Modern Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine
Nikolaos Peppas' research blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate next-generation systems and devices, including bio-microelectromechanical systems with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality and longevity.
Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Psychology, Public Affairs
Pedro Reyes is passionate about teaching and research on student success. He is an expert on higher education organization, leadership, and management. His research is focused on the intersection of policy and leadership that facilitate student success, including culturally and linguistically diverse, and often marginalized students, such as urban students, language learners, migrant students, and border students, among others.
Soo Young Rieh's research areas include search as learning, human information behavior, information search behavior, human information interaction, and information literacy. She has initiated two distinct research agendas: credibility assessment in information seeking and search as learning. She has examined how people's credibility assessments influence their information seeking strategies.
Jonathan Sessler's research expertise is focused on organic chemistry, texaphyrin, expanded porphyrins, anion recognition, drug development, anti cancer agents, and the technical analyses of patents.
Sibum Sung’s research interests focus on the genetic, molecular and biochemical understandings of plant development through plant-environment interactions. He is particularly interested in the epigenetic regulation of the floral transition by environmental cues, such as temperature.
Devarajan Thirumalai’s group focuses on various problems in equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, including investigating various aspects of the transition from liquid to amorphous state. Another area of research involves the theoretical study of polymer-colloid interactions. Research is also being carried out to understand the dynamics of protein folding.
Maxim Tsoi's research is focused on the field of "spintronics," which refers to studying the role played by an electron spin in solid state physics and aims at developing a revolutionary new class of electronic devices based on the spin degree of freedom of the electron. The focus of his research is on experimental investigations of various spintronic phenomena (e.g. spin-transfer torque) in magnetic nanostructures.
Jamie Warner's research focuses on the next generation of nanostructured materials with unique properties that will impact electronic, opto-electronic, and energy applications. The core foundation of his research is on the atomic level structure and dynamics of nanomaterials realized through state-of-the-art aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy.
Heather Woofter research practice pursues an expanded investigation of architecture, working across disciplinary borders and engaging various scales and diverse modes of practice, from built design projects to theoretical research.
Linda Yoder's areas of research have included examining patient care problems, the nursing work environment, career development relationships of nurses, and quality of life in patients with chronic illnesses, such as cancer, cardiovascular, and pulmonary disease as well as burn survivors.
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Guihua Yu's researches design and synthesis of functional nano-architectured materials, like organic and hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials, understanding of their chemical and physical properties, and development of large-scale assembly and integration methodologies to enable important applications in energy, environment and sustainability, e.g. fast-charging batteries, electrocatalysis, solar water purification, critical mineral recovery.
Hao Zhu's research interests are power grid resilience, machine learning for power systems, renewable integration, cyber-physical systems, and real-time decision making.
Catholic University of Korea
Ewha Womans University
Hanyang University
Korea Aerospace University
Korea University
Seoul National University
Sungkyunkwan University
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology