Maruthi Akella’s research encompasses control theoretic investigations and experimental validation of engineered dynamical systems, including autonomous space vehicles and mobile robots, flow-control systems for high-speed and hypersonic vehicles, miniature robots navigating inside GPS denied environments, uncertainty quantification, and cooperative control and collaborative sensing problems in swarm robots.
Deji Akinwande's research focuses on 2D materials and nanotechnology, pioneering device innovations from lab towards applications. This manifests as translational nanotechnology from materials to devices to circuits, blurring the boundaries between chemistry, electronics, physics, materials science and mechanics.
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Jorge Almeida’s neuroimaging research focuses on the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to investigate biomarkers of mood disorders, especially bipolar disorder, using standard neuroimaging data analysis along with effective connectivity and pattern recognition analysis. He also works at the Bipolar Disorder Center, which is evidence-based and outcome-driven to achieve higher levels of health care value at the lowest cost.
Andrea Alù's research interests span over a broad range of technical areas, including applied electromagnetics, nano-optics and nanophotonics, microwave, infrared, optical and acoustic metamaterials and metasurfaces, plasmonics, nonlinearities and nonreciprocity, cloaking and scattering, acoustics, optical nanocircuits and nanoantennas.
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Edoardo Baldini's research interest is the study of emergent phenomena in quantum materials. His research group develops sensitive spectroscopic techniques to uncover new quantum phases of matter in and out of equilibrium. They also engineer tailored laser pulses in a wide spectral range to control materials properties on ultrashort timescales and achieve exotic functionalities for future quantum technology.
Thomas Bay is an author and syndicated columnist, professor, developmental aid advocate, radio commentator, retired reserve soldier, war game designer, consultant in organizational planning and training simulations.
Geography and the Environment, Environmental Science Institute, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Tim Beach's research interests include geoarchaeology, soils, climate change, wetlands, climate history, geomorphology, and paleoenvironments of the Maya world and Mediterranean. He has conducted field research in the Corn Belt of the U.S., Belize, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Syria, and Turkey.
Thorsten Becker's research interests are in geodynamics and seismology, focusing on how planets' interior and surface systems have co-evolved. His team integrates field, laboratory, analog, and numerical approaches into geodynamical models, focusing on the physics of plate tectonics, from grain-scale deformation to earthquakes and global mantle flow.
Michael Benedikt is a professor of architecture and teaches design studio and architectural theory. His interests include architectural design, theory, and urbanism.
Miroslava Benes' specialized scholarship is on the art, architecture, urban development, gardens, and vernacular landscapes of Rome and Paris. She studies the processes of design in creating villas and gardens, social uses and emotional experience of landscapes, relationships between vernacular and elite cultures, and between garden design and landscape painting.
Lance Bertelsen's research centers on 18th-century literature and popular culture in Britain, America, and the Pacific. He also has research interests in World War II; he is revisiting the Italian campaign.
Douglas Biow specializes in Renaissance Italy and the history of the individual from antiquity to the modern world. Biow is also interested in translating Italian Renaissance masterpieces into English.
Patrick Bixler's research focuses on climate and environmental governance, urban sustainability and resilience, hazard preparedness and response, and network science. He is particularly interested in how public, private and nonprofit institutions collaborate to solve complex social and environmental problems and promote social innovation.
Donald Blankenship investigates dynamics of large ice sheets and subglacial geology, using both airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques, including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction, and potential fields methods. Much of his research is focused on understanding the West Antarctic rift system (including the flanking Transantarctic Mountains) and the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Paola Bonifazio specializes in Italian cinema, film theory and history, cultural studies, and gender studies. Bonifazio is also interested in media convergence and transmedia storytelling.
Pascale Bos' research focuses on Holocaust and Genocide Studies with a special emphasis on gender and memory, sexual violence and war, and the after effects of trauma and wartime violence. Bos is also interested in the study of autobiography as well as modern Dutch and Jewish literature & culture.
Carlos Capra's expertise includes interpretation and performance of the various styles of operatic recitative from the 17th-century through the operas of the 20th-century, operatic Italian linguistics, and Italian, German and French operatic text in relationship to music from the phonetic, semiotic, linguistic and dramatic points of view.
Kate Catterall’s research focuses on the ethical dilemmas faced by designers as the consequences of the design act and the broader role of the designer in culture are reassessed. Through experimental interventions she frames design as a central form of cultural production and a practice that reaches well beyond commercial application; exploring the potential of designed artifacts as tools capable of transforming actions, lifestyles and opinions.
John Clarke's research focuses on ancient Roman art, art-historical methodology, and contemporary art. Since 2005, he has directed the Oplontis Project, based in Torre Annunziata, Italy, whose goal is to complete excavation and study of two large ancient Roman villas buried by Vesuvius in A.D. 79.
Eric Colleary specializes in American and British theater from the 17th- to the 21st-century , dramaturgy, queer performance, LGBT archives, and American food history.
Daniele Cuneo's research interests include Sanskrit intellectual and literary cultures, with a particular focus on poetry and aesthetics, although he branches out into epistemology, linguistic philosophy, debates among Brahmins, Buddhists and Jains, and conversation between traditions and (post-)modernity. Further research topics are the history of Indian Philosophy as a whole, the classical juridical tradition and the tantric studies.
Penelope Davies specializes in the architectural history of ancient Rome. She has published numerous articles and essays in scholarly publications about Roman art and architecture.
Andrew Dell'Antonio's interests cover musical historiography, reception history, and disability studies. He specializes in musical repertories of early modern Europe, with a focus on 17th-century Italy.
Jennifer Ebbeler is a historian with a focus on the classics, including Greco-Roman epistolography and the literature and cultural history of Late Antiquity. She has written extensively on St. Augustine and Vergil's Eclogues.
María Luisa Echavarría's research focuses on international business, language and culture, heritage language learners, and Spanish for healthcare providers.
Katrin Erk's research focuses on computational linguistics, especially semantics. Her work is on distributed, flexible approaches to describing word meaning, and on integrating them with representations at the sentence or discourse level. She also studies narrative schemas, the ways in which they influence word meaning, and the inferences that they afford.
Rebecca Falkoff's research on Italian and comparative literary and cultural studies focuses on entanglements of psychic and narrative economies. She has published essays on Giorgio Manganelli, Primo Levi, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Elena Ferrante, and on topics in the medical, environmental, and theoretical humanities, and has translated writing by Gadda, Elsa Morante, and Anita Raja.
Linda Ferreira-Buckley's research focuses on rhetorical education (e.g., speech, writing, ethics) of Barbara Jordan, Houston's Fifth Ward, and African Americans in the South. Ferreira-Buckley is also interested in history of rhetoric, especially 18th- and 19th-century rhetoric, and evaluating writing and reading in secondary and college education.
Stephen Finn specializes in collaborative/therapeutic assessment, personality assessment, and other topics in clinical psychology like gender identity.
Alison Frazier is a historian of medieval and Renaissance Europe, especially Italy. Her research interests include medieval saints' lives, biblical exegesis, and manuscripts and print culture.
Jeanne Freeland-Graves focuses on genetic relationships of obesity with cardiovascular risk factors, liver function markers, and insulin resistance. She has explored the nutritional, environmental and psychological and social influences on weight retention in minority, low-income women after childbirth, as well as the biological and behavioral responses of both mothers and their children to nutrition and physical activity interventions.
Steven Friesen's specializes in early Christianity, with particular interests in the book of Revelation, poverty in the Roman Empire, and archaeology of religion in the eastern Mediterranean.
Alex Gabbi's career encompasses over 25 years of experience in various executive management positions with small and large companies in the high-technology, consulting, international business, and software arenas. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he is also currently very active in the Austin start-up and non-profit community.
James Galbraith is an expert on macroeconomic policy, monetary policy, economic development policies, comparative economic policy and economic inequality.
Irene Gamba's research group focuses on modeling of non-linear, coupled systems arising in the physical and biological sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Using classical and statistical analysis, the group addresses model formulation, interpretation, approximation, and assessment along with multiple dimensional spatial and temporal scales, direct and inverse problems, and accurate and efficient approximation algorithms.
Bertram Gawronski’s research aims to understand social judgments and social behavior by identifying their underlying mental processes. His interests include moral judgment and decision-making, attitude formation and change, and effects of misinformation. In addition to these major themes, he is interested in basic questions of psychological measurement and meta-theoretical issues in the construction and evaluation of psychological theories.
Feliciano Giustino's research group is interested in electronic structure theory, high-performance computing, and the atomic-scale design of advanced materials using quantum mechanics. The research sits at the intersection of computational condensed matter theory and materials science.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Benjamin Gregg's research focuses on social and political theory, bioethics of human genetic engineering, politics of artificial intelligence, and human rights.
Maria Gualdani's research interests include nonlinear partial differential equations, existence and qualitative analysis, kinetic theory, and mean field games.
Sean Gurd's research interests primarily include the areas of ancient theatre (especially tragedy), ancient music, and any part of intellectual culture that interfaced with the concept of art (or techne). He has a secondary but related interest in 20th-century avant-gardes, particularly in the Americas.
Andreana Haley’s research seeks to define early indicators of brain vulnerability, uncover the underlying mechanisms, and test the efficacy of interventions to enhance cognitive function before clinically significant impairment develops.
Raymond Hawkins' clinical research interests are in individual differences in behavior, development, and personality, including developing new measures for determining psychotherapy outcome.
Patrick Heimbach is a computational oceanographer, climate scientist, and hobby glaciologist. His main research interest is understanding the general circulation of the ocean, the dynamics of the marine (and marine-terminating) cryosphere, and their role in the global climate system.
David Heymann specializes in the complex relationships of buildings and landscapes, from cultural to environmental; and the relationship of natural landscapes and sustainable construction.
Matteo Ippoliti's research focuses on the theory of quantum matter and the phenomena that emerge when many quantum objects interact with one another. He is interested in the dynamics of information in these systems, such as how correlations are generated and exchanged between many particles. A better understanding of these issues is a big step towards the development of future quantum technologies.
Aleksandra Jaeschke's interests include ecological science and thought; definitions and models for sustainability; environmental, social, and cultural implications of the use of greenhouses in agriculture, horticulture, and conservation; and the use of biogenic materials in architecture.
Shardha Jogee's research seeks to address central questions on the evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic epoch, mass, and environment. These include how galaxies grow their stars, black holes, and dark matter halos across cosmic time and vastly different environments, the role played by theoretically predicted growth modes, and how galaxy clusters, some of the largest bound structures in the Universe, form.
Ann Johns' research focuses on medieval and Renaissance art and architecture of Siena and the role of monasticism in the arts of this period. She also focuses on the subjects of politics and art in Siena as well as the role of Cistercian architecture in late medieval Italy.
Tony Keddie is a social historian whose interdisciplinary research focuses broadly on the literary and material remains of Jews and Christians from the Hellenistic period through late antiquity as well as the modern politics of biblical interpretation.
Brian Korgel's research centers on the development of new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties. The lab group focuses on investigating size-tunable material properties, and the rational self-assembly and fabrication of nanostructures with atomic detail. This research finds applications in microelectronics and photonics, spintronics, coatings, sensors and
Alan Kuperman's research focuses on ethnic conflict, peaceful conflict management, military intervention, national security, and nuclear nonproliferation.
Luc Lavier's research focuses on the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts. He has developed techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales, using geophysical and geological data to constrain and quantify tectonic processes. These different studies led to the development of parametrizations to understand phenomena like localization of deformation and the initiation of subduction.
William Lewis enjoys a highly regarded reputation as a tenor whose versatility spans the operatic repertoire from Mozart to Schoenberg. He has performed one hundred thirty major operatic roles in ten languages around the world.
Randolph Lewis researches aspects of postwar U.S. culture: surveillance, documentary expression, art and politics, film, and urban landscapes. His work explores the ways that visual culture shapes society's sense of the nation, with a focus on people working outside the cultural mainstream.
Phoebe Lickwar is a landscape architect working at the intersection of the garden and the farm to investigate the powerful thread between the vegetal world and human well-being. Her current research and design practice focus on the potential of agroecology to mitigate climate change.
Beili Liu is a visual artist who creates material-and-process driven, site-responsive installations. Liu’s sculptural environments resonate with the experience of migration and cultural memory and negotiate personal, cultural, and environmental concerns.
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nanshu Lu's research pursues and integrates knowledge of mechanics, materials, and electronics to achieve robust and functionally superior bio-integrated/bio-memetic soft electronics. Some works from her group include wearable e-tattoos for mobile sensing cardiovascular health and mental stress, soft e-skins for robots to gain human-skin-like tactile perception, and analytical modeling on the mechanics of stretchable electronics and 2D materials.
Geography and the Environment, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sheryl Luzzader-Beach specializes in physical geography, hydrology and geomorphology, water chemistry, geoarchaeology, geostatistics, and gender, science and human rights.
Filippo Mangolini's overarching research goal is to develop a physically-based understanding of the structural transformations and chemical reactions occurring on material surfaces and at solid/solid, solid/liquid interfaces under extreme environments and conditions far from equilibrium.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Lance Manuel's research is related to uncertainty quantification associated with the safety of civil engineering, energy-generation and ocean systems. His work is being used to improve the design of wind turbines for complex inflow turbulence conditions and in enhanced the long-term reliability of deepwater floating structures. His work is also examining climate impacts on infrastructure systems and related hazard, risk, and resilience studies.
Michela Marinelli's main research focuses on understanding the biological bases of addiction. Marinelli uses a combination of models that are associated with increased addiction liability, such as that associated with age (i.e. adolescence), naturally-occurring within outbred populations (i.e. inter-individual differences), or induced by exposure to drugs and to stress.
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Alberto Martínez's research interests include the history of physics (especially Einstein's special theory of relativity), the history of mathematics, and historical myths in science. He also researches the history of notions of race, myths in political news media, and episodes in the history of money and corruption.
Valerie McGuire's research and teaching interests center on the transnational, colonial, and postcolonial processes that have defined modern Italian culture, both within the peninsula and among its collectivities abroad.
Madeline McMahon's research focuses on intellectual, cultural, and religious history of early modern Europe (1450-1800). She has written on the efforts of post-Tridentine bishops and their employees to produce knowledge and manage information in Italian dioceses, with broader implications across the Catholic world.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology
José del R. Millán is an expert in the field of brain-machine interfaces (BMI), especially based on electroencephalogram signals. In addition to his work on the fundamentals of BMI and design of neuroprosthetics, Millán is prioritizing the translation of BMI to end-users who live with motor and cognitive disabilities. In parallel, he is designing BMI technology to offer new interaction modalities for people without disabilities.
Smilja Milovanovic-Bertram’s writing, research, and teaching focus on the conditions and effects of physical and metaphorical dislocation on spatial imagination.
Philip Morrison is a mathematical and theoretical physicist, who studies basic nonlinear plasma dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-freedom systems, computational algorithms that preserve geometric structure, and fluid mechanics.
Peter Mueller's research interests are broadly in nonparametric Bayesian inference (BNP), Bayesian adaptive clinical trial design, Bayesian bioinformatics, optimal design and decision problems, and computational methods for Bayesian inference.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Zoltan Nagy's research interests are in smart buildings and cities, renewable energy systems, control systems for zero emission building operation, machine learning and artificial intelligence for the built environment, complex fenestration systems, and the influence of building occupants on energy performance.
Luisa Nardini specializes in digital humanities, pre- and early-modern women, global studies, and sacred music. Her studies on medieval and early-modern women are focused on women's access to music education, spaces of music creativity, and interactions with male counterparts. She also writes on global early musics.
Charles Nemeroff's research is focused on the pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders with a focus on the role of child abuse and neglect as a major risk factor. His research also examines the role of mood disorders as a risk factor for major medical disorders including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Martha Newman is a scholar of medieval European history who explores the ways religious practices and ideas intersect with social change. Her research focuses on Christian monasticism, especially monastic miracle collections, monastic attitudes toward women and the poor, and religious conceptions of labor.
Linda Noble’s research focuses on translational research in the field of neurotrauma. This research relies on cellular, molecular, and behavioral tools to identify key mechanisms underlying early cell injury that impair recovery processes in preclinical models of neurotrauma.
Guido Olivieri's research is focused on the developments of string sonata in the 18th-century, investigating aspects of performance practice, musical patronage, and reconstructing the cultural relationships between Naples and other European capitals. His research - conducted mainly on unknown archival sources and overlooked repertory - has significantly contributed to the revival of interest on Neapolitan instrumental music and musicians.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Paola Passalacqua's research interests lie at the intersection of water resources engineering, hydrologic sciences, and geomorphology. Her goal is to advance the understanding of how topographic patterns arise, evolve, and interact with climate and ecosystems, in order to improve predictions of the response of the Earth-surface to disturbance and change, to develop sustainable management solutions.
Robert Peroni specializes in corporate tax, federal income taxation, international tax, natural resource taxation, and professional responsibility/legal ethics. He is an expert in international taxation and in energy taxation.
Franco Pestilli's research spans cognitive and computational neuroscience, vision science, and neuroinformatics, contributing to methods for mapping brain networks, understanding human brain neuroanatomy and connectivity, as well as to clarifying fundamental aspects of human visual perception and cognition.
Adam Rabinowitz's research focuses on Greek colonization, cultural interaction, ancient food and drink, archaeology of daily life, and digital approaches to archaeology. He also concentrates on more historical questions of political organization and competition in the early Greek world.
Mark Raizen is an expert in experimental atomic physics. His research has focused on controlling atomic motion through novel methods of cooling and trapping atoms; he has also focused on the study of short-time Brownian motion of glass microspheres. In medicine, he developed new methods for enriching isotopes which has many applications, including the prevention of mineral deficiency and treatment of cancer.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Ellen Rathje's research is focused on evaluating seismic hazards related to earthquake ground shaking and earthquake-induced ground failure due to slope failures and liquefaction. Rathje's group uses a wide range of approaches and tools, including computational simulation, statistical analysis, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.
French and Italian, European Studies, Linguistic Research Center
Cinzia Russi's research is historical linguistics with a focus on syntax; she is studying the development of Italian discourse markers deriving from verbs from a comparative Romance perspective. Her secondary research interests include the language of contemporary Italian crime fiction, the application of Cognitive Grammar to the teaching of Italian as a foreign/L2 language, metaphor and metonymy across languages and time, and translation.
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Michael Ryan's research focuses on animal behavior. Most of Ryan's work has addressed sexual selection and communication in frogs and fish. Ryan is especially interested in integrating an understanding of the mechanisms of communication involved in mate attraction with the evolutionary consequences of sexual selection.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Salvatore Salamone's research interests are structural health monitoring, non-destructive evaluation, resilience of structural systems subject to earthquakes, ultrasonic sensing methods for smart structures, wave propagation in solids, digital signal processing and pattern recognition, dynamics and vibrations of structural systems, and piezoelectric energy harvesting.
Elizabeth Scala works at the intersection of medieval and post-medieval studies. She is broadly interested in the ways medieval texts survive as materials objects in the modern world, seeking to understand the ways such texts become disguised and altered in new forms and media. In addition, her work has also taken a contemporary turn, looking at the literary significance of Taylor Swift's songwriting.
David Schnyer's research is focused on the cognitive neuroscience of mental processes, particularly, the neural structures and computational algorithms that contribute to non-declarative memory, associative memory, metamemory and attention/cognitive control.
William Schwartz has conducted research on biological clocks and especially on the "master" brain clock in the mammalian hypothalamus. At the Dell Medical School, he is working on the development of interdisciplinary courses at the intersection of biology and medicine for UT Austin undergraduates and the approach to patients with neurological disease for Dell Med students and residents.
Jason Shumake’s primary research interest is building models from longitudinal data sets to classify and predict behavior and responses to interventions. He is particularly interested in using statistical and machine learning algorithms to search for novel combinations of genetic, neural, and behavioral features that predict treatment response.
Peter Stone's research focuses on artificial intelligence with the goal to create autonomous agents that can learn to interact with other agents in a wide range of environments. His research contributions are in the areas of machine learning, autonomous agents and multiagent systems, and robotics. Application domains include robot soccer, autonomous bidding agents, smart traffic management, general-purpose service robots, and autonomous vehicles.
Anthropology, Native American and Indigenous Studies, French and Italian
Circe Sturm's research interests include anthropological studies of race, sovereignty, and citizenship; comparative and settler colonialisms; race, nationalism, and culture; race and indigeneity; identity politics; dominance, resistance and subjectivity; race, class and gender systems; environmental movements and gender within the U.S., Guatemala, and Italy.
Jeremi Suri's research interests include the formation and spread of nation-states, the emergence of modern international relations, the connections between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.
Nicola Tisato researches the determination of anelasticity of rocks and attenuation of seismic waves at low frequencies in rocks and fluids, fluid pressure transients generated by stress, properties of geo-materials, and digital rock physics. He attempts to understand how fluids modify the physical properties of rocks and has also been studying friction coefficient during seismic slip and the genesis of caves and speleothems.
Stefano Tiziani's research revolves around understanding how drug-induced modulation of tumor metabolism and nutrient microenvironment affect treatment outcome. Tiziani is also interested in oxidative stress, energy balance in diet and obesity in cancer risk.
Robert Town is a health economist with nearly 25 years of experience in applied research, focusing on health care industrial organization and applied econometrics. His work concentrates on the intersection of government policy and provider competition in the health care marketplace.
John Turci-Escobar's primary areas of interest include the late Italian madrigal, the music of Astor Piazzolla, and Argentine tango. His interests extend to 19th-century chromaticism, classical form, and broader issues in music and meaning.
Maurizio Viroli's works examine the history of political thought, looking at the relationship between religion and politics, classical republicanism vs. neo-republicanism, political communication, and citizenship and civic education.
Denton Walthall specializes in the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean region, particularly the archaeology of ancient Sicily. Walthall's research has explored issues ranging from the visual language of Hellenistic monarchy and the impact of agricultural taxation on trade and economic performance in the ancient world to the relationship between numismatics and archaeology.
Michael White’s specialty is the religions of the Roman Empire, focusing on the social context of early Jews and Christians in the Greco-Roman world by blending historical, literary, and sociological research, with traditional biblical studies and archeological field work.
Nichole Wiedemann focuses on the essential elements of architecture - program, site, material and representation - as sites for continual investigation rather than simply givens in the architectural equation. She examines site as a cultural construct with Rome as a focus.
Christopher Wlezien's research looks at the "thermostatic" model of public opinion and policy and examines the dynamic relationships between preferences for spending and budgetary policy in various domains. Other research considers the broader relationship between news and the public. He also investigates the evolution of voter preferences expressed in pre-election polls over the course of an election cycle.
Linda Yoder's areas of research have included examining patient care problems, the nursing work environment, career development relationships of nurses, and quality of life in patients with chronic illnesses, such as cancer, cardiovascular, and pulmonary disease as well as burn survivors.
Renato Zanetti's research includes on-board image processing and optical navigation, estimation of non-Gaussian/non-linear systems, simultaneous localization and mapping, and autonomous spacecraft.