Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Doris Baker's research interest is to develop and test interventions that improve the outcomes of English learners using evidence-based practices and technology. She is also interested in the development of formative assessments that can measure student academic growth, the examination of the effect of parental support on their children’s academic outcomes, and the enhancement of teacher pedagogical practices and content knowledge.
Geography and the Environment, Environmental Science Institute, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Tim Beach's research interests include geoarchaeology, soils, climate change, wetlands, climate history, geomorphology, and paleoenvironments of the Maya world and Mediterranean. He has conducted field research in the Corn Belt of the U.S., Belize, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Syria, and Turkey.
Thorsten Becker's research interests are in geodynamics and seismology, focusing on how planets' interior and surface systems have co-evolved. His team integrates field, laboratory, analog, and numerical approaches into geodynamical models, focusing on the physics of plate tectonics, from grain-scale deformation to earthquakes and global mantle flow.
Magdalena Bennett's research interests relate to developing and improving statistical methods for causal inference in observational and experimental studies. She also focuses on relevant policy questions in education, such as socioeconomic segregation and school choice.
Daniel Brinks' research is on the role of the law and courts in supporting democratic rights. Over the years, he has addressed the use of courts and law to enforce social and economic rights in the developing world, the development of the rule of law and new constitutional orders in Latin America, the judicial response to police violence in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, judicial independence, and the role of informal norms in the legal order.
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Matthew Butler researches and writes about the history of modern Mexico, the history of Catholicism in Mexico and the U.S. Southwest, the history of indigenous people, and Mexican agrarian history. More specifically, he is interested in the relationship between Catholicism, modernity, and forms of political liberty in Mexico. He is also developing a new project on the history of the Mexican bullfight.
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra's research demonstrates the deep formative role of "Latin America" to the colonial history of the U.S. and to the history of "Western" modernity as a whole, not just slavery, globalization, and capitalism but also science, abolitionism, and democracy.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Sergio Castellanos' technical interests include analyzing pathways for decarbonizing the electrical grid and evaluating how equitable are the policies and deployment strategies for technologies that can get society to net-zero-emissions economies.
Maria De-Arteaga's research is focused on algorithmic fairness and human-artificial intelligence complementarity. As part of her work, she characterizes how societal biases encoded in historical data may be reproduced and amplified by machine learning models, and develops algorithms to mitigate these risks.
Lina del Castillo's research focuses on the intersections between 19th-century republicanism, scientific thinking, the public sphere, and visual culture. Her books have highlighted how an array of 19th-century Spanish Americans marshaled in new ways of understanding the past, and examined how a transnational and transatlantic cosmopolitan community came to invent, print, embrace, and finally disown a continental Colombian vision.
JR DeShazo is a scholar focusing on clean technology policies, policy design to enhance environmental equity, methods for valuing changes in environmental quality, and the performance of public agencies.
Anthony Di Fiore conducts long-term behavioral and ecological field research on several species in the primate community of Amazonian Ecuador. He investigates the ways in which ecological conditions (such as the abundance and distribution of food resources) and the strategies of conspecifics together shape primate behavior and social relationships and ultimately determine the various kinds of primate societies.
Michael Domjan's research interests include basic behavioral mechanisms of learning, Pavlovian conditioning, evolutionary constraints on learning, and learning and other psychological processes in music.
Law, Human Rights and Justice, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, Jewish Studies
Ariel Dulitzky is a leading expert in human rights, particularly in Latin America and the United Nations and regional (particularly the inter-American) human rights system and enforced disappearances. Dulitzky has published extensively on human rights, the inter-American human rights system, racial discrimination, indigenous rights, the rule of law in Latin America, enforced disappearances, and sports and human rights.
María Luisa Echavarría's research focuses on international business, language and culture, heritage language learners, and Spanish for healthcare providers.
Zachary Elkins’ research focuses on issues of democracy, institutional reform, research methods, and national identity, with an emphasis on cases in Latin America. Much of his research is on the origins and consequences of national constitutions.
Karen Engle writes on the interaction between social movements and law, particularly in the fields of international human rights law, international criminal law, and Latin American law.
Government, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Michael Findley's research addresses civil wars, terrorism, and development. Findley uses field experiments, statistical and computational models, and interviews.
Information, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Edgar Gómez-Cruz has published widely on several topics relating to digital and algorithmic culture in top journals, particularly in the areas of material visual practices, digital ethnography, and critical approaches to digital technologies. His research focuses on the datafication and automation of everyday life in the Latin America, using a decolonizing approach.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Anthropology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
John Hartigan is an anthropologist seeking to theorize sociality across species lines by contemplating multispecies perspectives in the field. He has investigated multispecies ethnography with wild horses, looked at the anthropology of science via botany and plant genomics, considered bullfighting in, and examined ethnography of race (theories, methods, and practice, with an attention to cultural articulations of whiteness).
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Dean Hendrickson's research focuses on the evolution, conservation and ecology of freshwater ecosystems, particularly those of North American deserts and generally with emphasis on fishes and Mexico.
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Institute for Geophysics, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Brian Horton's research focuses on sedimentary basin development and mountain building processes. He utilizes sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, structural geology, and geochemistry to understand modern and ancient sedimentation, river drainage patterns, sediment provenance, and orogenesis.
Theresa Jones’s research focuses on the plasticity of neural structure and synaptic connectivity in adult animals following brain damage and during skill learning. Additional research focuses on motor skill learning-induced plasticity of motor cortex and cerebellum and on the intercoordination of glial, vascular and neuronal plasticity.
Timothy Keitt's lab focuses on computational and quantitative ecology with an emphasis on ecological self-organization, macroecology/biogeography, and habitat connectivity. His research program uses modeling to scale-up microecological mechanisms related to individual traits and physical processes to predict macroecological outcomes, such as population persistence, community organization, ecosystem function, and climate change impacts.
Spanish & Portuguese, Marketing, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Orlando Kelm is a linguistics professional whose interests center on the use of language and culture for professional purposes, such as Business Spanish & Portuguese. Kelm's research focuses on the creation of instructional materials, including the use of innovative technologies in foreign language instruction.
Richard Ketcham's research has two primary directions. One is concerns low-temperature thermochronology (fission-track, (U-Th)/He), from the theory underlying system kinetics to developing tools to derive geological thermal histories. The other is developing and applying 3D data processing methods for X-ray computed tomography across a wide range of fields, including petrology, planetary geology, paleontology, anthropology, and economic geology.
Harold Kohl's research focuses on the area of physical activity and health, including conducting research, developing and evaluating intervention programs for adults and children, and developing and advising on policy issues.
Economics, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Leigh Linden is an economist. In his research, he explores the role of education in the microeconomic foundations of poverty. He focuses on understanding both the education production process and the family decision problems that determine the allocation of educational opportunities within the household. Methodologically, he specializes in the use of large-scale randomized controlled trials.
Social Work, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sandy Magaña's research focus is on the cultural context of families who care for persons with disabilities across the life course. Her research includes investigating racial and ethnic disparities among children with autism and developmental disabilities, and developing culturally relevant interventions to address this. Magaña has worked on cultural adaptation of an intervention for families of children with autism in Colombia and Paraguay.
Santiago Muñoz Arbeláez's research and teaching focus on the interactions between Indigenous peoples and European empires in the early modern Atlantic world, combining material culture, agrarian history, and the history of books and maps. He also has a keen interest in visual and public history and digital humanities, having published on the history of Colombia's map.
Mark O'Reilly's research focuses on the functional assessment and treatment of severe challenging behavior and interventions to promote generalization and maintenance of skills with children with autism and developmental disabilities. He has a strong interest in working with culturally diverse populations and examining how behavioral interventions must adapt to be respectful and supportive of diversity.
Spanish & Portuguese, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Gabriela Polit's research interest is the exploration of fantasy in contemporary women's literary and film production. She analyzes how drive and grief operate in the creation of art.
Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Psychology, Public Affairs
Pedro Reyes is passionate about teaching and research on student success. He is an expert on higher education organization, leadership, and management. His research is focused on the intersection of policy and leadership that facilitate student success, including culturally and linguistically diverse, and often marginalized students, such as urban students, language learners, migrant students, and border students, among others.
Juana Salcedo is an architectural designer and scholar working at the intersection of architecture and urbanism. Her research draws concepts and methods from environmental history, urban political ecology, decolonial studies, and science and technology studies to reconnect architecture and cities with the larger environmental and socio-economic processes that shape them, focusing on Latin America.
Spanish & Portuguese, African and African Diaspora Studies, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Sandro Sessarego works in contact linguistics, sociolinguistics and syntax. He studies Afro-Latino Vernaculars of the Americas (ALVA), languages in Latin America developed from contact of African languages, Spanish and Portuguese in colonial times. His research aims at examining the status of unofficial languages to understand how language policy impact minority groups, with a focus on speakers of ALVA, creoles, indigenous languages, etc.
Timothy Shanahan’s research group uses a combination of geochemical and stable isotopic proxy reconstructions of past climate along with climate model simulations to understand past and future climate change. The focus is the use of organic geochemical and stable isotopic techniques applied to marine, lacustrine and terrestrial sediment records to understand changes on time scales ranging from interannual to millennial, and orbital to tectonic.
Architecture, Geography and the Environment, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Bjorn Sletto's research focuses on indigenous resource management, sustainable development, and environmental planning in Latin America. He is particularly interested in the dichotomies and tensions between local knowledge and traditional environmental management systems, and formal planning and management approaches.
History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Cristina Soriano’s research focuses on the analysis of dynamics of circulation of information, social networks, political mobilization, and public sphere in the Spanish Caribbean during the Age of Revolutions.
Sharon Strover's research examines local and statewide networks and broadband services, such as the relationship between economic outcomes and investments in digital media programs in higher education and with social media. She also investigates the digital divide in terms of rural broadband and telecommunications infrastructure deployment related to economic development in these regions. She also works on issues with artificial intelligence.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Bureau of Economic Geology
Scott Tinker’s academic training and professional work experience are in carbonate stratigraphy and reservoir characterization. More recently, his research efforts are centered on the interface between global energy supply and demand, environmental impacts of energy, and economic drivers and scale of energy.
Julie Zuniga's area of research is self-management of chronic illnesses for underserved populations, with a focus on the impact of the social determinants of health.