Arts and Culture
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Research and Creative Activity

Chile Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in Chile
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Doris Baker
Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education
Doris Baker's research interest is to develop and test interventions that improve the outcomes of English learners using evidence-based practices and technology. She is also interested in the development of formative assessments that can measure student academic growth, the examination of the effect of parental support on their children’s academic outcomes, and the enhancement of teacher pedagogical practices and content knowledge.
Miriam Barquero-Molina
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Miriam Barquero Molina is a field geologist, who, although trained as a more traditional structural geologist, describes herself as a generalist with interests spanning structural geology, tectonics, and hard-rock geology. She has taught field courses across the western U.S., Chile, and Spain.
Thorsten Becker
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Thorsten Becker's research interests are in geodynamics and seismology, focusing on how planets' interior and surface systems have co-evolved. His team integrates field, laboratory, analog, and numerical approaches into geodynamical models, focusing on the physics of plate tectonics, from grain-scale deformation to earthquakes and global mantle flow.
Magdalena Bennett
Information, Risk, and Operations Management
Magdalena Bennett's research interests relate to developing and improving statistical methods for causal inference in observational and experimental studies. She also focuses on relevant policy questions in education, such as socioeconomic segregation and school choice.
Daniel Brinks
Government, Law
Daniel Brinks' research is on the role of the law and courts in supporting democratic rights. Over the years, he has addressed the use of courts and law to enforce social and economic rights in the developing world, the development of the rule of law and new constitutional orders in Latin America, the judicial response to police violence in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, judicial independence, and the role of informal norms in the legal order.
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra's research demonstrates the deep formative role of "Latin America" to the colonial history of the U.S. and to the history of "Western" modernity as a whole, not just slavery, globalization, and capitalism but also science, abolitionism, and democracy.
Luis Cárcamo-Huechante
Spanish & Portuguese
Luis Cárcamo-Huechante specializes in indigenous media and cultures in the Americas, with a focus on indigeneity, sound poetics and land politics; contemporary Mapuche culture and politics; and revitalization of indigenous languages and cultures; indigenous social movements; and environmental studies. He is also interested in the intersections between economics, literature, and cultural imagination in modern and contemporary Latin America.
Julia Clarke
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Julia Clarke's research focuses on using phylogenetic methods and diverse data types to gain insight into the evolution of birds, avian flight and the co-option of the flight stroke for underwater diving. She is particularly interested in understanding shared patterns and potential causal factors in the evolution of living bird lineages.
Isabella Cunningham
Advertising & Public Relations, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Isabella Cunningham's research is in the area of legal and ethical aspects of advertising and promotional communications. In addition, she is particularly interested in the management of the communications effort, which includes media effectiveness and message appeals.
Ian Dalziel
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Ian Dalziel's research is focused on understanding global tectonic processes and to mapping out the geography of ancient times on a dynamic Earth. His 60 years of field experience have been devoted to work in the British Caledonides, the Canadian Shield, the Andes, and Antarctica.
Ariel Dulitzky
Law, Human Rights and Justice, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, Jewish Studies
Ariel Dulitzky is a leading expert in human rights, particularly in Latin America and the United Nations and regional (particularly the inter-American) human rights system and enforced disappearances. Dulitzky has published extensively on human rights, the inter-American human rights system, racial discrimination, indigenous rights, the rule of law in Latin America, enforced disappearances, and sports and human rights.
Raissa Fabregas
Public Affairs, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Raissa Fabregas is an applied microeconomist with research interests in development and labor economics. Her work is primarily related to understanding constraints on learning and the accumulation of human capital in developing countries and evaluating interventions and policies that could mitigate those barriers.
George Flaherty
Art and Art History, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
George Flaherty’s research and teaching focuses primarily on modern and contemporary art, architecture, and film, focusing on Mexico, the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, and their diasporas in the United States. He is also interested in Afro-Latin American and Afro-Latinx studies, postcolonial and subaltern studies, and the urban humanities.
Joshua Frens-String
Joshua Frens-String is a historian of modern Latin America. His research interests include revolution in modern Latin America, popular politics, labor history, global agricultural history, food politics, and U.S.-Latin American relations.
Daniel Fridman
Sociology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Daniel Fridman is interested in the intersections of economy and culture, neoliberalism and financialization, economic policy in Latin America, consumer culture, gift-giving, the sociology of money, and the construction of economic subjects.
Edgar Gómez-Cruz
Information, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Edgar Gómez-Cruz has published widely on several topics relating to digital and algorithmic culture in top journals, particularly in the areas of material visual practices, digital ethnography, and critical approaches to digital technologies. His research focuses on the datafication and automation of everyday life in the Latin America, using a decolonizing approach.
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima
Psychology, Medicine, Pharmacy
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima's lab focuses on the mission to prevent neurocognitive and emotional disorders, understand the underlying brain mechanisms, and advance innovative non-invasive treatments. Areas of research interest include transcranial infrared brain stimulation, near infrared spectroscopy, neurocognitive enhancement, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, dementia, bipolar disorder and neurotherapeutics.
Kenneth Greene
Government, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Kenneth Greene's research focuses on authoritarian regimes and political competition in new democracies, with a particular emphasis on Mexico.
Sean Gulick
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Institute for Geophysics
Sean Gulick focuses on geophysical imaging at nested resolutions and scientific drilling to examine impact cratering, tectonic processes, climate interactions, catastrophism in the geologic record, and planetary habitability. Current foci are the Chicxulub K-Pg impact and terrestrial craters, impact hydrothermal systems and planetary habitability, Lunar/Martian geophysics, tectonic hazards, and hi-res imaging for sedimentary climate records.
Dean Hendrickson
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Dean Hendrickson's research focuses on the evolution, conservation and ecology of freshwater ecosystems, particularly those of North American deserts and generally with emphasis on fishes and Mexico.
Stephanie Holmsten
Stephanie Holmsten's research focuses on the election of women, ethnic minorities and minority women around the world and explores how institutions that promote the election of women and ethnic minorities impact minority women.
Brian Horton
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Institute for Geophysics, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Brian Horton's research focuses on sedimentary basin development and mountain building processes. He utilizes sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, structural geology, and geochemistry to understand modern and ancient sedimentation, river drainage patterns, sediment provenance, and orogenesis.
Alex Huang
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alex Huang is an expert of power semiconductor devices, power electronics, smart grid and renewable energy system.
Daniel Jaffe
Daniel Jaffe's research interests include infrared spectroscopy of young stars, protostars, young planetary systems, and star forming clouds. Additionally, his interests include physics of the dense interstellar medium, observations of young brown dwarfs, and instrumentation for infrared spectroscopy.
Ross Jennings
Ross Jennings' research focuses on a wide range of topics in financial accounting, including the usefulness to investors of accounting information related to employee stock options, inventory, goodwill, depreciation, research and development, inflation accounting in Latin America, and alternative computations of earnings per share.
Shardha Jogee
Shardha Jogee's research seeks to address central questions on the evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic epoch, mass, and environment. These include how galaxies grow their stars, black holes, and dark matter halos across cosmic time and vastly different environments, the role played by theoretically predicted growth modes, and how galaxy clusters, some of the largest bound structures in the Universe, form.
Joel Johnson
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Joel Johnson's research focuses on quantifying active surface processes on hillslopes and in fluvial channels, in order to relate active surface processes to the evolution of topography over both short and long timescales.
Alex Karner
Alex Karner's research engages with the practice of transportation planning with the goal of achieving progress towards equity and sustainability. Karner has developed innovative methods for analyzing the performance of integrated transportation-land use systems in the areas of civil rights, environmental justice, public health, and climate change. This work is supported by his training in civil engineering, transportation planning, and history.
Orlando Kelm
Spanish & Portuguese, Marketing, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Orlando Kelm is a linguistics professional whose interests center on the use of language and culture for professional purposes, such as Business Spanish & Portuguese. Kelm's research focuses on the creation of instructional materials, including the use of innovative technologies in foreign language instruction.
Bradley Love
Bradley Love’s research centers around human learning and decision making. His work involves behavioral experiments and formal modeling approaches.
Raul Madrid
Government, Latin American Studies
Raul Madrid specializes in Latin American politics, democracy studies, comparative ethnic politics, and comparative social policy.
Vijay Mahajan
Vijay Mahajan's areas of expertise include marketing strategy, product diffusion, research methodology and the Global South.
Matthew Malkowski
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Matthew Malkowski's research focuses on using sediment and the sedimentary record to study how mountain belts and ocean basins evolve in responses to external forces, such as climate, tectonics, sea level changes, and human impacts.
Peter Mueller
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Sciences
Peter Mueller's research interests are broadly in nonparametric Bayesian inference (BNP), Bayesian adaptive clinical trial design, Bayesian bioinformatics, optimal design and decision problems, and computational methods for Bayesian inference.
Molly Polk
Geography and the Environment, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Molly Polk specializes in land change science in the tropical mountains of Latin America. In Peru, her works uses the Andean wetlands to investigate the relationships between glacial recession, landscape change, and human activity. In Chile, she is looking at the connections among the expansion of non-native forest plantations, internal migration, and the transformation of rural space.
Lorenzo Sadun
Lorenzo Sadun's research spans a number of areas: the topology and dynamics of aperiodic tilings, focusing on how the topology of tiling spaces is related to geometric and combinatorial properties of individual tilings; statistical mechanics and phase structure of ensembles of large, dense random graphs; mathematical questions related to Covid-19 modeling; and mathematical questions in neurobiology, especially how "grid cells" work.
Hugh Smyth
Hugh Smyth's research focuses on the development of novel methods for drug delivery, including inhalation, nasal, transdermal, ophthalmic, and oral delivery systems for a variety of diseases.
Maxim Tsoi
Maxim Tsoi's research is focused on the field of "spintronics," which refers to studying the role played by an electron spin in solid state physics and aims at developing a revolutionary new class of electronic devices based on the spin degree of freedom of the electron. The focus of his research is on experimental investigations of various spintronic phenomena (e.g. spin-transfer torque) in magnetic nanostructures.
Kurt Weyland
Kurt Weyland's research focuses on the democratization and waves of regime change in Latin America and Europe, along with market reform, social policy, policy diffusion, and populism in Latin America. Weyland draws on a range of theoretical and methodological approaches, including insights from cognitive psychology, and has done extensive field research in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, and Venezuela.
Robert Williams
Robert O. Williams III's research focuses on the design of complex drug delivery systems and their optimization, focusing on the delivery of small organic compounds, peptides, and proteins by a variety of technologies. These include depot drug delivery, oral drug delivery, and pulmonary/nasal drug delivery. He also investigates aerosol device technology and novel analytical methods to quantitate and characterize these technologies.
Robert O. Williams III
Robert O. Williams III’s research focuses on formulation development; design of complex drug delivery systems; optimization; and delivery of small organic compounds, peptides, and proteins by a variety of technologies, including depot drug delivery, oral drug delivery and pulmonary/nasal drug delivery. Additionally, his research has focused on aerosol device technology, and novel analytical methods to quantitate and characterize these
David Yeager
David Yeager’s research sits at the intersection of developmental, social, personality and educational psychology. He is interested in understanding the processes shaping adolescent development, especially how differences in adolescents’ social cognitions–their interpretations of social events and the beliefs that underlie these–can contribute to positive or negative trajectories for youth.
Pilar Zazueta
Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Pilar Zazueta is a historian. Her research focuses on how food and nutrition became a public policy issue in Mexico during the 20th-century.
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile