Research and Creative Activity

Australia Stories
Faculty Research & Creative Activity in Australia
Jennifer Adair
Curriculum and Instruction
Jennifer Adair's work focuses on the connection between agency and discrimination in the learning experiences of young children and how we can engage young children in authentic learning experiences about race, community and their real lives.
Richard Albert
Government, Law
Richard Albert's research interests are constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, with specific focus on constitutional reform, constitution-making, and comparative constitutionalism.
Owen Anderson
Owen Anderson is a scholar whose expertise is in oil and gas, particularly with regards to international petroleum law, transactions, and taxation. He has written extensively on water law and domestic and global petroleum law.
Jean Barrera
Musicology & Ethnomusicology
Jean Barrera is a working musician who also teaches the music and history of Conjunto music. He has performed around the world and is the innovator of the first National Reso-phonic Bajo Sexto.
John Bengson
John Bengson's research ranges over a wide range of topics in theoretical and practical philosophy, including intuition, understanding, skill and know-how, perception, inquiry, moral knowledge, moral action, the foundations of normativity, and philosophical progress.
George Bittner
George Bittner's research interests include cellular/molecular mechanisms of plasmalemmal repair and nerve regeneration. Bittner examines various biophysical, biochemical, or molecular mechanisms by which lesioned neurons repair lesions to their plasmalemma and regenerate axons.
Donald Blankenship
Institute for Geophysics
Donald Blankenship investigates dynamics of large ice sheets and subglacial geology, using both airborne and ground-based geophysical techniques, including laser altimetry, radar sounding, seismic reflection and refraction, and potential fields methods. Much of his research is focused on understanding the West Antarctic rift system (including the flanking Transantarctic Mountains) and the marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
James Bornholt
Computer Science
James Bornholt's research focuses on assisting programmers in creating more reliable software via automated reasoning tools, and applying these findings to solve challenges in systems and architecture.
Simon Brandl
Marine Science
Simon Brandl is primarily interested in the diversity and ecology of coral reef fishes.
Danelle Briscoe
Danelle Briscoe has lectured, researched, and written extensively on the topic of Building Information Modeling for architectural and urban design.
Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown's primary interests include enhancing the evidence base for out-of-hospital emergency care, improving health care services in rural and remote areas, strengthening the links between emergency services and public health (particularly in resource-poor settings), and ensuring the sustainability of health services systems.
Mark Budolfson
Geography and the Environment, Philosophy
Mark Budolfson integrates data and methods from multi-disciplines including population-level bioethics, public health, welfare economics, and empirical sciences. This work often involves quantitative policy analyses that represent socioeconomic and health inequalities, weigh competing values and objectives for society, and assess synergies and tradeoffs between goals related to health, equity, and sustainable development.
Noël Busch-Armendariz
Social Work, Health Social Work, Human Rights and Justice
Noël Busch-Armendariz's research, teaching, and praxis focus on violent crime, human rights, social justice policy, international social work education, restoration, and peacemaking. Busch-Armendariz has worked collaboratively with others for 30 years who believe everyone deserves to live peacefully and prosperously.
Bayani Cardenas
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Bayani Cardenas' research group studies fundamental and applied hydrologic flow and transport phenomena. The group pursues basic knowledge on the role of water in many earth-surface processes, including conventional hydrologic and water quality monitoring, geophysical surveys, remote-sensing, analogue experiments, and mathematical modeling, to design solutions to environmental issues and society's water problems.
Jordan Casey
Marine Science
Jordan Casey's work focuses on a molecular approach to measuring marine biodiversity and tracing trophic interactions. Casey elucidates cryptic trophic pathways, examines fine-scale niche partitioning, and investigates the resilience of food webs under global change.
Stephanie Cawthon
Educational Psychology, Special Education, National Disability Center for Student Success, Drama for Schools
Stephanie Cawthon's specializes in disabled experiences in high school, college, and in the workplace. Her expertise lies not only in access strategies in the classroom, but also in collaborative, disabled-centered models for research and professional development. Stephanie sits on many boards to provide expertise on best practices related to disability research, measurement, accessibility, policies, and community engagement.
Edward Chambers
Art and Art History
Edward Chambers has been involved in organizing and curating a considerable number of artists' exhibitions. In addition to his exhibition work, he has written extensively about the work of artists in the United Kingdom and other countries, including Australia, Jamaica and the U.S.
Jane Champion
Jane Champion is a researcher in the area of health promotion and risk reduction of urban and rural ethnic minority women and adolescents. Her clinical research focuses on STI/HIV, substance use, adolescent and women’s health, pregnancy and interpersonal violence. She conducts multilevel, multi-component primary care-based interventions with rural and urban low-income ethnic minority populations to improve their sexual and general health.
Chih-Hao Chang
Mechanical Engineering
Chih-Hao Chang's research focuses on nanomanufacturing and the design and fabrication of 2D/3D multifunctional nanostructures with novel physical properties. His research group have demonstrated engineered nanostructures such as self-cleaning anti-glare glass, light-weight ultra-stiff nanolattice material with near-unity refractive index, stretchable transparent conductors, and responsive materials with dynamic iridescence.
John Chisholm
John Chisholm observes how galaxies grow and influence their surroundings over time. Chisholm is interested in the first galaxies in the universe and how they shaped the universe by reionizing the entire cosmos. To do this, he studies the gas and stars of closer galaxies to develop a roadmap to interpret the first galaxies.
Adam Clulow
Adam Clulow is a historian of early modern Asia. His work is concerned broadly with the transnational circulation of ideas, people, practices and commodities across East and Southeast Asia.
Jason Cons
Jason Cons works on borders in South Asia, climate and agrarian change, and rural development. He has conducted research in Bangladesh on a range of issues including: climate security, disputed territory along the border, the impacts of shrimp aquaculture in coastal areas, and the politics of development. He is exploring the ways that imaginations of future climate change are shaping the delta and the India-Bangladesh border in the present.
Leah Crocetto
Music Performance
Leah Crocetto is a grammy award winning, internationally acclaimed soprano. She has performed many great opera works in opera houses across the world.
Robert Crosnoe
Sociology, Psychology, Population Research Center
Robert Crosnoe's main research areas are human development, education, family, and health; specifically, the connections among children's, adolescents', and young adults' health, social development, and educational trajectories and how these connections contribute to societal inequalities (e.g., social class, immigration).
Molly Cummings
Integrative Biology
Molly Cumming's research focuses on the external and internal mechanisms that drive biodiversity in animal communication traits. Cumming's research combines environmental measures, behavioral experiments in the lab, and molecular approaches to achieve an integrative understanding of the sources and targets of selection for communication trait evolution.
Ian Dalziel
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Ian Dalziel's research is focused on understanding global tectonic processes and to mapping out the geography of ancient times on a dynamic Earth. His 60 years of field experience have been devoted to work in the British Caledonides, the Canadian Shield, the Andes, and Antarctica.
Kathryn Dawson
Theatre and Dance
Kathryn Dawson uses the arts to increase equity and access in educational contexts. Dawson's interests focus on arts-based educational research, community-engagement, teaching artist pedagogy and practice, qualitative research methods, curriculum design, and program evaluation.
John Deigh
Philosophy, Law
John Deigh's primary areas of research are moral, political, and legal philosophy. He is widely known for his work in moral psychology.
Diana DiNitto
Social Work
Diana DiNitto's research and teaching interests are in social welfare policy, alcohol and drug problems, and violence against women.
Julia Driver
Julia Driver works in normative ethics, moral psychology, and metaethics.
Deana Erdner
Marine Science
Deana Erdner's lab focuses on the genetics of bloom-forming algae, particularly toxic dinoflagellates.
Rhonda Evans
Rhonda Evans studies public law and comparative politics, with an emphasis on Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Her research lies at the intersection of law and politics, paying special attention to issues concerning human rights, discrimination, and asylum seekers.
Charles Fraser
Charles Fraser's research focuses on the surgical care of patients with congenital cardiac disease, particularly with emphasis on complex neonatal repairs of serious cardiac malformations. Fraser developed dedicated pediatric heart and lung transplant and mechanical circulatory support teams to offer every available therapy in the care of critically ill children.
Benny Freeman
Chemical Engineering
Benny Freeman's research explores the relationship between polymer structure, processing and properties, specifically the effect of polymer structure on the solubility, diffusivity, and permeability of small molecules in polymers and polymer-based materials.
Helen Gaebler
Helen Gaebler's work focuses primarily on criminal legal system reform, with particular interests in parole and reentry.
Bertram Gawronski
Bertram Gawronski’s research aims to understand social judgments and social behavior by identifying their underlying mental processes. His interests include moral judgment and decision-making, attitude formation and change, and effects of misinformation. In addition to these major themes, he is interested in basic questions of psychological measurement and meta-theoretical issues in the construction and evaluation of psychological theories.
Edgar Gómez-Cruz
Information, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Edgar Gómez-Cruz has published widely on several topics relating to digital and algorithmic culture in top journals, particularly in the areas of material visual practices, digital ethnography, and critical approaches to digital technologies. His research focuses on the datafication and automation of everyday life in the Latin America, using a decolonizing approach.
Samuel Gosling
Psychology, American Studies
Samuel Gosling’s main areas of research are connections between people and the physical spaces in which they live, personality in nonhuman animals, and new methods for obtaining data useful for research in the social sciences.
Sean Gurd
Sean Gurd's research interests primarily include the areas of ancient theatre (especially tragedy), ancient music, and any part of intellectual culture that interfaced with the concept of art (or techne). He has a secondary but related interest in 20th-century avant-gardes, particularly in the Americas.
Courtney Handman
Courtney Handman focuses on problems of circulation, especially as they structured colonization and decolonization in New Guinea. She has also analyzed the social formations of Protestant Christianity in the context of practice of language use and language ideologies.
Kathryn Paige Harden
Kathryn Paige Harden’s research areas include genetic influences on complex human behavior, including child cognitive development, academic achievement, risk-taking, mental health, sexual activity, and childbearing. Her research uses twin studies and big genetic datasets to understand why people’s lives turn out differently.
Mary Hayhoe
Mary Hayhoe's research focuses on understanding the demands placed on vision and motor systems by natural behavior and the nature of the representations that are required for visually guided tasks.
Dean Hendrickson
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Dean Hendrickson's research focuses on the evolution, conservation and ecology of freshwater ecosystems, particularly those of North American deserts and generally with emphasis on fishes and Mexico.
Kathleen Higgins
Kathleen Higgins's main areas of research are continental philosophy, philosophy of the emotions, aesthetics, and philosophy of music.
Benjamin Hodges
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Benjamin Hodges' research focuses on water flow and transport behavior in lakes, rivers, estuaries, and across the urban landscape. Using advanced 1D, 2D, and 3D models, his research team and collaborators seek to understand these complex systems, where uncertainty and spatial and temporal variability of landscape, rainfall, runoff, wind, and sunshine all play roles in the flow behavior.
Hans Hofmann
Integrative Biology, Pharmacy
Hans Hofmann's research seeks to understand the molecular and hormonal mechanisms that underlie social behavior and its evolution, using African cichlid fishes as the model system to address these questions because of their recent, repeated and rapid radiations that have resulted in hundreds of phenotypically diverse species.
Simon Humphrey
Simon Humphrey's research involves organometallic chemistry, focusing on nanoparticles as catalysts; phosphine coordination materials for gas storage, separation, and catalysis; noble metal nanoparticles; and composite catalyst materials.
Moriba Jah
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Moriba Jah's research interests are in non-gravitational astrodynamics and advanced/non-linear multi-sensor/object tracking, prediction, and information fusion. His expertise is in space object detection, tracking, identification, and characterization, as well as spacecraft navigation.
Shardha Jogee
Shardha Jogee's research seeks to address central questions on the evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic epoch, mass, and environment. These include how galaxies grow their stars, black holes, and dark matter halos across cosmic time and vastly different environments, the role played by theoretically predicted growth modes, and how galaxy clusters, some of the largest bound structures in the Universe, form.
Theresa Jones
Theresa Jones’s research focuses on the plasticity of neural structure and synaptic connectivity in adult animals following brain damage and during skill learning. Additional research focuses on motor skill learning-induced plasticity of motor cortex and cerebellum and on the intercoordination of glial, vascular and neuronal plasticity.
Charles Kerans
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Charles Kerans' areas of focus are carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization, with an emphasis on integrating outcrop analog information for improved understanding of the subsurface.
Kerry Kinney
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Medicine
Kerry Kinney's research examines the relationships between environmental exposures (microorganisms, allergens and chemicals), human health and the built environment, microbiome of the built environment (e.g., schools, homes), development and application of molecular tools for monitoring engineered and natural systems, biological treatment systems for water and wastewater.
Kara Kockelman
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Kara Kockelman's technical interests include integrated models of travel demand, vehicle ownership, land use, crash counts and severities, energy use, emissions, and trade. She also focuses on roadway design and pricing, urban systems simulations, urban planning, regional science and spatial econometrics, and connection between urban form and travel behaviors.
Alan Kuperman
Public Affairs
Alan Kuperman's research focuses on ethnic conflict, peaceful conflict management, military intervention, national security, and nuclear nonproliferation.
Luc Lavier
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Luc Lavier's research focuses on the structural and geodynamical evolution of continental and oceanic rifts. He has developed techniques to model tectonic processes on crustal and lithospheric scales, using geophysical and geological data to constrain and quantify tectonic processes. These different studies led to the development of parametrizations to understand phenomena like localization of deformation and the initiation of subduction.
Min Kyung Lee
Min Kyung Lee's research investigates the societal implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to design AI to be fairer, participatory, and a tool for social good.
Cristine Legare
Cristine Legare's research examines the interplay of the universal human mind and the variations of culture to study cognitive and cultural evolution. Her research takes on an interdisciplinary approach drawing from from cognitive, cultural, developmental, educational, and evolutionary psychology as well as cognitive and evolutionary anthropology and philosophy.
John Lowe
John Lowe developed and studies interventions for the prevention and reduction of substance use and other risk behaviors among Native American and Indigenous youth and young adults globally.
Allan MacDonald
Allan MacDonald’s research interests center on the influence of electron-electron interactions on the electronic properties of metals and semiconductors.
Vijay Mahajan
Vijay Mahajan's areas of expertise include marketing strategy, product diffusion, research methodology and the Global South.
Ashley Matheny
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Ashley Matheny is an ecohydrologist whose research focuses on understanding and simulating the ways vegetation influences the storage and movement of water between the soil and the atmosphere. She uses a wide variety of field measurements and numerical modeling strategies to answer questions regarding the ways droughts, salinity, and other disturbances influence vegetation-climate feedbacks in terms of water, carbon, and energy exchange.
Jennifer Miller
Geography and the Environment
Jennifer Miller's general research interests lie at the confluence of GIScience, spatial analysis, and biogeography, specifically in the application area of species distribution modeling and movement pattern analysis. Previous research has used GIScience to address issues as broad as location privacy, voting patterns, animal movement & interaction, biodiversity, climate change, invasive species, human health, and epizootic disease spread.
Philip Morrison
Philip Morrison is a mathematical and theoretical physicist, who studies basic nonlinear plasma dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-freedom systems, computational algorithms that preserve geometric structure, and fluid mechanics.
Ulrich Mueller
Integrative Biology
Ulrich Mueller studies molecular ecology of organismal interactions. His research focuses currently on two projects: (a) population biology of fungus-growing ants, their cultivated fungi, and associated microbial mutualists; (b) microbiome breeding (artificial selection on microbiomes) to improve health of crop plants and bees.
Dev Niyogi
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Dev Niyogi's research contributes to understanding and developing solutions for climate extremes, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and developing synthesis studies, and capacity building activities internationally.
Linda Noble
Psychology, Medicine
Linda Noble’s research focuses on translational research in the field of neurotrauma. This research relies on cellular, molecular, and behavioral tools to identify key mechanisms underlying early cell injury that impair recovery processes in preclinical models of neurotrauma.
Katherina Payne
Curriculum and Instruction
Katherina Payne researches civic education, early childhood and elementary education, and teacher education to examine the role of relationships, community, and justice to make classrooms democratic and equitable spaces.
Robert Peroni
Robert Peroni specializes in corporate tax, federal income taxation, international tax, natural resource taxation, and professional responsibility/legal ethics. He is an expert in international taxation and in energy taxation.
Jonathan Pratter
Jonathan Pratter teaches Advanced Legal Research and International & Foreign Law.
D'Arcy Randall
Chemical Engineering
D'Arcy Randall’s research interests include engineering communication, engineering ethics, rhetoric, poetry and poetics, Australian literature, feminist literature, and North American women's poetry.
Connie Rosati
Connie Rosati's research interests lie principally in the foundations of ethics and in jurisprudential questions about constitutional interpretation and the objectivity of law.
Michael Ryan
Integrative Biology, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Michael Ryan's research focuses on animal behavior. Most of Ryan's work has addressed sexual selection and communication in frogs and fish. Ryan is especially interested in integrating an understanding of the mechanisms of communication involved in mate attraction with the evolutionary consequences of sexual selection.
Surya Santoso
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Surya Santoso's research lies in the broad area of power systems analysis, electric power quality, distributed energy resource integration, and time-domain modeling and simulation of electrical systems.
Miriam Schoenfield
Miriam Schoenfield's research involves using formal tools from probability theory to address questions about how to rationally form or revise opinions in response to information. She is particularly interested in the extent to which learning facts about society's beliefs' causal history poses a skeptical challenge.
Jonathan Sessler
Jonathan Sessler's research expertise is focused on organic chemistry, texaphyrin, expanded porphyrins, anion recognition, drug development, anti cancer agents, and the technical analyses of patents.
Ruth Shear
Ruth Shear's research areas include analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, physical science, and STEM Education.
Jasper Smits
Jasper Smits's research objective is to improve the treatment of anxiety disorders and related problems. He aims to identify targets for intervention, develop and pilot test novel therapeutic strategies, and examine the efficacy of promising behavioral and integrative treatments in clinical trials.
Peter Stone
Computer Science
Peter Stone's research focuses on artificial intelligence with the goal to create autonomous agents that can learn to interact with other agents in a wide range of environments. His research contributions are in the areas of machine learning, autonomous agents and multiagent systems, and robotics. Application domains include robot soccer, autonomous bidding agents, smart traffic management, general-purpose service robots, and autonomous vehicles.
Pauline Strong
Anthropology, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Human Dimensions of Organization, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, American Studies
Pauline Strong's research concerns the politics of representation, youth cultures and youth organizations, climate justice, and the history of anthropology, with a focus on Native American, First Nations, and other indigenous peoples. Her research spans cultural, feminist, and historical anthropology; Native American and Indigenous Studies; museum studies; health humanities; and dialogic pedagogy.
William Swann
Psychology, Management
William Swann's research examines the relationship between social-cognitive processes and relationships, including both dyadic and group relationships. Much of his research explores the nature and consequences of identity fusion, which occurs when group members experience a sense of union with a group.
Katharine Tillman
Katharine Tillman’s research explores how we acquire abstract concepts that go beyond what we can directly perceive in the world. She is particularly interested in how young children think about time, and how language and other forms of cultural learning shape time concepts during cognitive development.
Elliot Tucker-Drob
Elliot Tucker-Drob’s research addresses the questions of how and why different people progress along different life trajectories. His research on infant, child, and adolescent development primarily focuses on how social and educational experiences combine with genetic variation to impact cognitive development, and mental health over time.
Philip Varghese
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Philip Varghese’s research focuses on understanding the basic molecular processes occurring in non-equilibrium flows. Requiring an interdisciplinary synthesis of physics and chemistry with fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, his work is applied to the study of hypersonic and rarefied flows, plasmas, and combustion.
Sharon Vaughn
Special Education
Sharon Vaughn investigates effective interventions for students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners.
Mauricio Viroli
Maurizio Viroli's works examine the history of political thought, looking at the relationship between religion and politics, classical republicanism vs. neo-republicanism, political communication, and citizenship and civic education.
Jamie Warner
Mechanical Engineering
Jamie Warner's research focuses on the next generation of nanostructured materials with unique properties that will impact electronic, opto-electronic, and energy applications. The core foundation of his research is on the atomic level structure and dynamics of nanomaterials realized through state-of-the-art aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy.
Christopher Wlezien
Christopher Wlezien's research looks at the "thermostatic" model of public opinion and policy and examines the dynamic relationships between preferences for spending and budgetary policy in various domains. Other research considers the broader relationship between news and the public. He also investigates the evolution of voter preferences expressed in pre-election polls over the course of an election cycle.
- Australian Graduate School of Management
- Bond University
- Melbourne Business School
- Monash University
- University of Melbourne
- University of New South Wales
- University of Queensland
- University of Sydney
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of Western Australia
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