Get Involved with International Visitors
Opportunities to get involved with hosting international visitors include serving as a hospitality host, a short-term professional placement host, and as a mentor. In addition, businesses and nonprofits in the Austin area can host site visits.
Hospitality Hosts
When you host an international visitor, you can connect with university students, emerging leaders, or professionals who come to Austin to participate as Fellows in our customized programs.
Some programs include an opportunity for the Fellows to spend an entire day with local hosts in Austin. Through these individualized experiences, both hosts and visitors have the chance to share their culture with one another and broaden their personal networks.
- More Information
What you decide to do as a host is up to you! You can take your guests to a museum, the park, a sports game, etc. Inviting a visitor to your home is optional and not a requirement. Fellows do not stay with hosts overnight, and hosts do not need to be affiliated with The University of Texas at Austin.
We offer hosting opportunities throughout the year and typically place a minimum of
two visitors per host. Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of upcoming opportunities. - Hospitality Host Guidelines
To serve as a host, you should:
- Be able to pass a background check (*note background checks are valid for up
to two years once cleared) - Live in the greater Austin area
- Have an interest in learning about a new culture and in sharing your own
- Participate in required events as outlined in the host application
- Participate in optional program events (If available, details will be provided)
- Be willing to host at least two Fellows on Hospitality Host Day
- Be prepared to provide Fellow(s) with transportation to and from the program housing, including pickup after 10 a.m. and drop-off no later than 8 p.m., as determined between the host and Fellow
- Provide meals during the visit or communicate meal expectations with your guest(s) in advance if you are unable to provide meals
- Communicate with Texas Global staff if any issues or concerns arise
- Be able to pass a background check (*note background checks are valid for up
- Mandela Washington Fellows for Young African Leaders (MWF-YAL)
Fellows are aged 25-35 and are citizens of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Hospitality Host Day: Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
(Attendance required. Time is flexible as determined between host and Fellow.)Welcome Reception: Friday, June 23, 5-7 p.m.
(Attendance optional)More Information: Visit the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders (MWF-YAL) website. Additional hospitality host dates for 2023 will be added once confirmed.
- Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP)
Fellows are aged 18-25 and are citizens of Iraq.
Hospitality Host Day: Saturday, July 22
(Attendance required. More details to come.)More Information: Visit the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange (IYLEP) website. Additional hospitality host dates for 2023 will be added once confirmed.
- Hospitality Host Application
Sign up for our mailing list to be notified when available.
Each summer, the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders recruits 25 innovative professionals to volunteer as Focus Project Coaches for our 25 Fellows. This is a unique opportunity to mentor young entrepreneurs at varying stages of business development and comes with a commitment of three total hours per Fellow. For 2023, coaches will work with Fellows between June 21-July 29. Learn more by reviewing the Focus Project Coaching Overview.
Interested in becoming a Focus Project Coach? Please fill out the Focus Project Coach Interest Survey by May 25. Questions may be directed to Caroline Hoffman at yali@austin.utexas.edu.
Professional Placements
Some of our programs have the opportunity for international participants to gain professional and cultural immersion experience through placements at businesses and nonprofits local to Austin. These participants will already have had years of experience in their home countries, which gives professional placement hosts the opportunity to engage with new global perspectives. Some programs also have a reciprocal exchange component where professional placement hosts may have the opportunity to visit the international participants’ home country.
If you’re interested in serving as a professional placement host, please email gpi@austin.utexas.edu.
Site Visits
Each of our programs has a site visit component in which local businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies host the group for 1-2 hours. During this time, program participants can learn about each organization's mission, vision, and impact, taking with them key insights that they can apply to their own endeavors. Site visits are arranged according to the focus area of the program.
If you’re interested in hosting site visits, please email gpi@austin.utexas.edu.
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