Headshot of Valerie

Valerie Cárdenas Dugal

Director, Mexico Global Gateway

Contact: valerie.cardenas@austin.utexas.edu

Valerie Cárdenas Dugal is the director of the Mexico global gateway. Valerie has a distinguished career advocating for and facilitating academic mobility between the United States and Mexico. She served as deputy director of bilateral relations at the Ministry of Public Education (SEP); director for interinstitutional partnerships at the National Association of Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES); and most recently served as the University of New Mexico’s Director of Mexico Office where she strengthened and expanded institutional and academic relations with key universities and organizations across Mexico and Colombia. Valerie holds a B.A in international relations from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and is a native speaker of Spanish, and is fluent in English and French.