Curt Reese, Ph.D.
English Language Center Faculty
Contact: curtreese@utexas.edu
Curt Reese, Ph.D. obtained his MA in TESOL and Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education from UT, and his BA in Spanish from Abilene Christian University. He has 20 years of teaching experience, and has taught in Costa Rica, South Korea, Mexico and Guatemala. He has been teaching at UT’s Intensive English Program since 1999. In the last few years, he was the lead teacher on joint programs between UT an international universities including Kyung-Pook National in South Korea and Universidad de las Americas in Mexico City. In 2011, he began work on bringing the CELTA, Cambridge University’s teacher-training program, to UT, and in 2012, he ran the first program. He currently serves as a lead tutor (teacher) for the CELTA. He is the author of the ESL textbook for teaching conversation The Conversation Game: A Systematic Approach to Acquiring Discussion Skills. Most recently, he has worked with the Fulbright Commission on teacher training for English Language Fellows and is currently working on a research project with faculty at UT and Sookmyeung University in South Korea on how beginning ESL teachers acquire teaching practices.