Research and Creative Activity in Mexico and Central America

500+ students at UT Austin

325+ UT Austin students studying, researching and interning

2,000+ alumni

225 faculty research and creative endeavors
Our faculty, students, and alumni are connected, engaged in research, education, and service throughout the world. For more information about activity in Mexico and Central America, view our Global Explorer interactive map.
Grants Awarded
With support from the numerous Texas Global funding opportunities available, UT Austin faculty have collaborated with their counterparts at universities and organizations across Central America. These partnerships cultivate faculty teaching and research, offer students international cultural learning opportunities, and strengthen the university's regional and global connections.
As of 2024, sixteen professors from ten colleges and schools have received Texas Global grants to support collaborations with peers throughout Mexico and Central America:
Faculty Research Seed Grants:
- Sergio Castellanos, Cockrell School of Engineering, in partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Jonathan Yan Chen, School of Human Ecology, in partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
- David DeMatthews, Ph.D., College of Education, in partnership with Enseña por Mexico IAP, Mexico
- Kenneth Greene, College of Liberal Arts, in partnership with Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Robin Moore, Ph.D., College of Fine Arts, in partnership with University of Guadalajara, Mexico
- Fernando Llanos Lucas, Ph.D., College of Liberal Arts, in partnership with Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico
- Stephanie Grasso, Ph.D., Moody College of Communication, in partnership with Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Mexico
- Benjamin Ibarra-Sevilla, School of Architecture, in partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Global Virtual Exchange:
- Marilyn Felkner, School of Human Ecology, in partnership with Asociación Nuestros Ahijados in Guatemala
- Octavio Kano-Galván, B.F.A., Moody College of Communications, in partnership with Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO), Mexico
- Octavio Kano-Galván, B.F.A., Moody College of Communications, in partnership with Anahuac University in Mexico and De Montfort University in the United Kingdom
- Stephanie Grasso, Moody College of Communication, in partnership with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico
Global Career Launch:
- Marilyn Felkner, Ph.D., College of Natural Sciences, in partnership with Asociación Nuestros Ahijados, Guatemala
- Zachary Elkins, Ph.D., College of Liberal Arts, in partnership with International IDEA, Panama
- David Eaton, Ph.D., LBJ School of Public Affairs, in partnership with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Mexico
- Richard Amato, M.B.A., McCombs School of Business, in partnership with Tejiendo Alianzas, Mexico
Internationalization Event Fund:
- Matthew Butler, Ph.D., College of Liberal Arts, to support the XVI International Meeting of Historians of Mexico