Texas Exes Mexico City Chapter Event
Hook em Horns! Mexican Industry leaders will participate in a round table discussion on the subject of Women in Decision Making. It’s an opportunity for alumni to network and listen to notable CEOs and moderated by Luis Tellez, President of the Club.
We hope to see you there. Buy your tickets in advance.
For more information, contact Arturo Parra at arturoiparra@utexas.edu.
Hook em Horns! Grandes lideres de la Industria Mexican en una discusión round table sobre el tema de Mujeres en la Toma de Decisiones. Gran oportunidad para hacer networking y escuchar notables CEOs moderado por Luis Tellez, Presidente del Club.
Esperamos verte ahi. Compra tu boleto en avance.
Para mayor información, contactar a Arturo Parra en arturoiparra@utexas.edu.