River bridge and cityscape in Lyon, France lit up in the evening

Summer in Lyon, France - Info Session







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Attend this information session to learn more about studying abroad with the Lyon Summer Program during its first summer session, May 26–July 8, 2022.

The Lyon Summer Program is a 7-week program that takes place during the first summer session. Students earn credit for 6 hours of French coursework at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 while living in homestays with local families. 

Located in the Rhone-Alpes region, Lyon is the third-largest city in France and is known as the gastronomic capital of the world.

Courses offered:
FR 317C  or  FR 322E
All students take FC 340M

⏰ Applications open November 1, 2021- February 1, 2022. ⏰

Students are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible, as admissions are awarded on a rolling basis. Generous scholarships are available.

Learn more at bit.ly/utfrance.