Making Art Across Borders: Asmarina Film Screening
Making Art Across Borders brings to UT Austin the Italian filmmaker, photographer, musician, and activist Medhin Paolos to discuss the perils and possibilities of making art in contexts of border crossing.
“Border crossing” has many meanings for Paolos: the violent colonial histories behind her own multiple identities, and paradoxical new possibilities open to her in European contexts.
Paolos’ film "Asmarina" (2015) will be screened on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 (6:30 pm) in Mezes Hall (MEZ B0.306). It bridges the present life of the Habesha (Eritrean and Ethiopian) community in Milan with the historical legacies of Italian colonialism in the Horn of Africa.
A conversation with the director will take place on November 17, 2022 (3:45-5:30 pm) at the Julius Glickman Conference Room in the Robert L. Patton Building (RLP 1.302B).